Rin Matsuoka[The Same Thing]

"Rin.....I think we need to break up....."

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Rin ♒ ♒ ♒

"_______......." I whined, putting my elbow on her head.

It was in the middle of the day, everyone was having lunch.

She sighed, "What do you want Rin?"

"Please go out with me....."

"Rin, I broke up with you for a reason-"

"Which you never told me."

"Damn it Rin!" she said standing up.


"You have been doing the same thing to me everyday since we broke up three weeks ago! People break up! Get. Over. It."
I stood there, too shocked to say anything. She growled at me and grabbed her books. All of the students watched as she moved out of the room.

She stopped at the door, "Hey Rin? You wanna know the reason I broke up with you?"

I didn't say anything. She turned and looked at me. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes sparkling as the sun hit them just right.

"Because I got tired of you stalking me and threatening my family, my friends, and anyone who even talked to me. You're an over-possessive maniac and, to be honest Rin, you need to see a therapist."

She started to leave before stopping again and saying, "And stop standing outside my window at night, pervert."

She looked away from me and said, "If anyone needs me, I'll be eating lunch in the library."

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You ♒ ♒ ♒

You couldn't believe you had to sit in front of Rin in every single class.

You had to glance behind you to make sure Rin wasn't touching your hair. You had caught him on several occasions trying to smell it.

Everyday, you ran home. You ran. You always made sure to lock your doors and draw your shades. You wouldn't use the lights in the house because you were never sure if Rin was out there. If he saw you were home, he would knock on the door and yell at you. Demanding you let him in.

He'd do that for hours.

Today was Friday and you had just so happened to run out of soup. You practically lived off Progresso soups and when you ran out....It was a big ordeal, let's just say.

You walked to the corner store and grabbed a few cans. You would have to get more tomorrow.

When you went up to pay, you heard a voice behind you, "_______?"

You turned to see Nagisa, standing in the magazine aisle, "Hey! Nagi! What's up?"

"Oh nothing much! I haven't seen you much since you transferred schools to Samezuka!"

"I know! I wish we could hang out more!" you smiled.

"Yeah! Why don't you meet me tomorrow at the café across the street? I have to go right now!"

"Yeah! What time?"

"How about noon?" he called, leaving.

"Okay! Don't forget!"

"I won't!"

You smiled to yourself, excited to get away from all the drama with Rin.

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You yawned and sat up. You turned your head towards your neon alarm clock. It was two in the morning.

You stood up and made your way to the bathroom. You leaned down and splashed water on your face. When you raised your head again, you saw Rin.

You screamed and covered your mouth. You turned around, "What the fuck?!"

"I need you back ______."

"Get out of my house!"

"________! I need-"

"To leave!"

"LISTEN TO ME!" said Rin grabbing your shoulders.

You noticed he was wearing a white shirt underneath his jacket. The color of the shirt didn't really matter, but it helped you see the splatters of blood spread across the garment.

"What.....What did you do.....?"

"We needed to take care of him _______. He was in our way _______....."

"There is no we. We ended three weeks ago! And what are you talking about Rin?!"


Rin stared into your eyes. Your lip quivered. You grit your teeth and forced tears back. Your knees weakened and you slowly sank to the cold, tile floor of the bathroom. Rin glared down at you.

He smirked and squatted down in front of you, "Hey ______. Today, it's not going to be the same. Because this time, you're going to say yes."
