Mikasa Ackerman[Only You]

{A/N: This is Yandere! Mikasa x Male! Reader! Your name will now be switched to your male name~! Enjoy~!}

"It doesn't matter if girls have tits," you sighed into your phone. "Look, dude. You like her right? Then if she's a washboard, it shouldn't matter."

'Dude, it just ticks me off. She's THIS close from being perfect.'

"You're being insensitive man. Just.... I don't know man. Do what you want?"

You flipped your phone closed. You recognized some girls from your class staring at you. You waved. They saw you and hurried away. People thought since you were friends with one of the biggest womanizers on campus, that meant you were also a womanizer.

"Fuck them.... They don't know shit..." you muttered.

Then, as you exited the train, something red flew across your eyes. The wind blew the scarf away.

A girl panted heavily after it. As she passed you, time seemed to slow down.

'She's.... beautiful....'

Her raven black hair whipped around her shoulders like long silky ribbons. Her eyes showed a serious, yet slightly innocent glint. Her skin was like marble, and her hands were delicate.

She hoisted her satchel higher and ran after the scarf. You looked left and right and then chased after her. You managed to pass her and snatch the red scarf right before it disappeared into traffic.

She slowed down next to you, "Thank you...."

"No problem! It's a nice scarf!"

".....What's your name?"

"Oh! _____________! Yours?"

"Mikasa," she said shyly.

You smiled, "Nice to meet you...."


"____________, is the food good?" asked Mikasa.

You nodded and grinned, "Of course! Everything you make is delicious!"

She blushed, "Thank you...."

"Hey Mikasa? Why are you so quiet?"

She looked at you then said slowly, "My older brother was murdered.... The police havent found the killer yet...."

You put down your plate and listened as she told me about her brother.

"His name was Eren.... He was only my adopted brother but.... I loved him.... This scarf was his.... He gave it to me...."

You laced your fingers with hers, "You all right?"

She nodded and smiled, "When I'm with you, I'm always all right...."


The door to your apartment opened. Mikasa stood there, tired. She kicked her shoes off and walked into the kitchen where she saw you and.....

Another girl.

"Who is this?"

You smiled and put your arm around Mikasa, "Diane, this is my girlfriend Mikasa."

"Hi! I'm ___________'s friend from grade school!"


There was an awkward silence. You clapped your hands and said, "So! Who's hungry-?"


You turned your head to Mikasa. Diane looked shocked, "What?"

"___________ is mine. He doesn't need some roadside tramp."

You both gaped. You wanted to say something but Diane reacted first. Diane slapped Mikasa. Mikasa held her cheek. Diane lowered her hand.

Mikasa's beautiful eyes were hidden by her bangs. You just stood there, shocked. You couldn't believe what was happening.


A knife snapped open and Mikasa slashed at Diane's neck. Diane hit the wall, dodging the slice. Mikasa raised the knife in the air and stabbed Diane through the forehead.

You backed against the wall, eyes wide. Mikasa turned towards you.

"___________.... You remember my brother right.....? After he got a girlfriend, he ignored me.... I had to kill him to get him to notice me...."

She stepped forward, swaying slightly.

"That's what I did with all the others.... I killed them because they didn't..... They didn't truly love me....."

Tears slipped down her face. You didn't know whether to coddle her or to fear her.

"I.... I know your different though....." she whispered throwing the knife aside. She put her hands on your chest and said, "Only you.... Only you did things for me..... You were the only one who REALLY love me...."

She rested her head on your chest, "Only you...."
