Kurama Shinjirou[Fallen Angel]

Your dreams of a sweet life were interrupted earlier when your mother woke you up an hour late. That put you in a bad mood.

All of your clothes were dirty except for a single sweatshirt and khakis. It was summer outside, so that put you in an even worse mood.

Your mother said you had to eat school lunch(since she was late for work), but you had forgotten your wallet and the the only thing you could buy at your school for 75 cents was some milk. Promise of no food made your day appear to be a living hell.

But while your morning had started off bad, your day was rather average. Nothing really happened.

Oh wait, never mind. A famous idol would be going to your school tomorrow.


The next day, it was apparent your mother really needed another alarm clock, that you needed to learn how to function the washing machine, and that you needed to get out of the pit of debt you were in.

So now dirty, tired, broke and hungry, you walked to school. Almost like fate wanted to humiliate you, while you walked to school, a black limousine came around the corner and splashed you with a giant wave of water.

Angry, you ran after the limo. You managed to get in front of it. You knocked on the driver's window. The driver(who reminded you of Watari from Death Note) rolled down the window. You growled angrily at him, "Oi, buster. Apologize and be a good gent by letting me hitch a ride."

You moved around to the passenger side and opened the door to the front.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

"Masa High School, and step on it old man."

You searched the front seat and found an array of useful items, on of them being a towel. You dried off and smiled when you saw your school up ahead.

"Thanks Mr. Driver!" you said, bolting out of the car.

No one seemed to bother with you. They were all crowding the back to see if it was their idol. You used this as an opportunity to avoid questions.

You went to your normal class and saw your friend Fuyumi sitting alone. She saw you and asked you why you were messy and wet. You told her the whole spiel.

".....And then this jack ass in his fancy limo splashed me! I told the driver to take me here and I used the asshole's towel to dry off! Then I folded it back and put it away! The driver didn't even notice! Ha! Next time that dicj goes to dry off, he'll have to dry off in muddy sewage water!"

"Well if that's the case then you can keep this," said a voice.

A towel draped over your eyes and you removed it quickly. You glared up at none other than the Fallen Angel of Hell, Japan's current number one idol.

You blanched. You had this awful feeling in your stomach. Something was simply not right with this teenage goth bad boy. You stood up and studied him.

He watched you as you examined him. You grabbed his arm and held it up. Then you walked to his front and squinted at his eyes. You could see he was starting to become uncomfortable.

You saw something in his hair and said, "Crow or Raven....?"

He looked like someone had just slapped him, "Eh?"

You reached up and pulled a feather out of his hair, "Crow or Raven?"

He snatched the feather, "Crow, you idiot."

"I was simply asking a question," you said, raising your hands in defense. You handed him back his towel, which he instinctively took.

"Thanks! I'm bad with laundry! Maybe you could do it when you get home, Bird Boy~!" you winked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Months passed, and Kurama Shinjirou's fans had finally stopped crowding him 24/7. Now they only did it half the time(12/3.5).

For some reason, Kurama displayed zero interest in you from that day on. In fact, sometimes it seemed like he might be avoiding you.

This was why you were so shocked when he asked you out.

It was a few days before Christmas, and he asked you the very afternoon when everyone was let out. He walked with you, just so he could ask you.

So you said you'd think about it(because you just wanted to piss him off) and sent a letter to the address that Fuyumi supplied you with. Fuyumi was one of the girls stalking Kurama(it was in fact profitable work) and she was super jealous that you got a Christmas date with the Fallen Angel of Hell.

Then you realized, it was strange for an Angel of Hell to want to go on a date on one of the holiest days of the year.

This was in fact the first thing you said to him when you met him in the city.

"I guess you could say that. It's more just an appearance, I hope you know."

He grabbed your hand and said, "Let's go."

You followed behind him. He took you to every major attraction in the city. It was quite silly to see him marvel at everything like a tourist. He really was just a normal teenager.

Then he wanted to see the tallest building in the city. You consented, even though it was getting late and the building was about to close.

There were about ten people on the roof, besides you and Kurama.

His eyes were wide and he had pink cheeks. His smile was so joyful you couldn't help but laugh. You leaned over the balcony just as it started to snow on the already icy roof.

This was the most perfect night.."All right, I'm freezing, let's head in," you said turning to Kurama.

He smiled at you, "All right, how was-?"

He was cut short when you tumbled over the edge of the balcony.

You didn't remember much about falling, only that it was tremendously loud and you were cold. You think you may have fainted from shock, but you swear you saw crow wings envelope you.

You also thought that when you landed, you saw Kurama's face and felt his hand against your cheek. You thought you heard him say, "Idiot. Don't scare me like that."

You were right.

You were taken to the hospital, found with a mysterious pile of feathers surrounding and on top of your body. While you were in the hospital, recovering from a fractured leg, Kurama came and told you EVERYTHING. At first you didn't believe him, but remembered your weird vision and thought of the feathers. You decided he was telling the truth.

So that was how you and Kurama, a tengu, started dating.

You became famous, no dur. You were called the Black Winged Angel of Christmas in the papers. (Seriously, did the media have some weird angel fetish or something? And the titles kept getting longer.) Everyone wanted to know how you survived and you replied, "A black winged angel saved me."

Suddenly, word got out that the Black Angel was dating the Fallen Angel. In fact, very precise details about your Christmas date got out. At the same time, Fuyumi suddenly bought a very expensive perfume.


That's really what one of the magazines said.

After a long day of being harassed by reporters, your new fanboys(a collection of goth boys/religiously confused students/occult members), and your parents, you found relaxation at Kurama's home. You nuzzled his chest, "Hmmm....."

"Do you want some t-?"

"No. Now quit moving. You're making my headache worse."

You stroked Kurama's beautiful wings. Ha. Never thought you would do(or say) that.

Kurama stroked your hair, "Today's been a long day....."

You sat up and stretched, "I'm going home. My parents said I couldn't spend the night. I think they are worried about me getting knocked up and causing some sort of scandal."

You were about to leave when you heard a rustle behind you. Kurama then said in a low voice, "You've been doing that a lot lately...."


"Where have you been going?"


"You're lying."

"Kurama? Are you getting jealous? Jeez I'm just-"

"Shut up."

You turned to him, "What's your issue?!"

His talons tightened around your throat, "My issue is that you're cheating on me."

"I'm not cheating on you!"

"Who have you been texting then.....? WHO THE FUCK IS JOSHUA?!"

Your hands shot up and grabbed his. His eyes were wide, "Who _________?! WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!"

You tried to explain that Joshua was your cousin. Your gay cousin. However, he kept screaming at you. He shook insanely.

Suddenly he let go. He grabbed his hand and turned away. You grabbed your throat and coughed.

"_________, are you okay?!" asked Kurama concerned.

You stood up and glared at him. You opened the door and left the apartment of the teen idol.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You yawned as your chin rested against your desk. It was after school and you were doing cleaning duties with a few of your fellow students. Everyone but you and one boy left.

"Excuse me?"

You looked up to see one of the occult boys. He was probably doing after school activities. This one was kinda cute, sorta hipster looking almost. You smiled softly(still tired as fuck), "Yeah?"

"I was wondering if I could interview you-"


The boy jumped and moved out of the way like the charismatic voice said. Kurama sat on your desk and put his hand on your head. He brought your head closer to him an glared at the hipster occult boy. The boy scampered off.

"Quit flirting with other guys."

"He asked me a question Kurama," you said, rubbing your temples.


Another guy walked past the desk, carrying a bunch of boxes. The smallest box, on the top, fell and hit your head.

"Sorry! Could you get that?"

You leaned down to pick up the box. When you sat back up, you saw the boy lying on the ground, neck twisted all the way around. Kurama stared boredly at the body.

You stood up and backed away, "What the fuck Kurama....? D-Did you.....?!"

"Yeah," he said looking at his nails. He stood up, "Wanna know why?"

You shook as he appeared in front of you, "Because. If he doesn't have the decency to apologize to my angel, then he shouldn't be breathing the same air as her."


"You're my angel. No one deserves to walk on the earth you have touched," Kurama kissed your hand. You felt like he was taking the goth thing a little extreme.

But he wasn't kidding, Kurama wrapped his arms around you neck and brought you into a suffocating hug.

"No one.....No one deserves my angel....."
