Chapter 19

Alex is 8 months pregnant

Alex's POV
I sat with Thomas who was one in a few days, he was admiring my bump and putting his hands on it "hey baby not too hard" Trouble came running in and nuzzled his head on my bump and Thomas' hand. "Hey trouble" he barked and started chasing his tail causing Thomas to laugh. There was a knock at the door and Alfred was out so I placed Thomas in his play pen and calling Trouble to come with me. Considering I was in the manor alone it was quite frightening. I put the chain across the door and pulled it open "hello who is it?" I asked politely "hi doll" I slammed the door and grabbed Thomas and Trouble trying to run to the study. I heard the window shatter, playing the God awful notes the bookcase opened and I tried to run with Thomas and Trouble to the lift and pulled the lever down. When we arrived in the cave I shushed Thomas down and called Bruce.


A- Bruce don't come to the manor come to the cave. Joker broke in.
B- Alright I'm just gonna tell Alfred okay? Have you got Trouble and Thomas?
A-Yeah Troubles guarding Thomas,Bump and I
B-Alright. Well we are coming into the cave about

The call was cut off by a splash and the car came into view, I ended the call and ran to Bruce engulfing him in a hug. I gave Alfred a hug and handed Thomas to Bruce, Trouble sat obediently next to me I patted his head and stroked his fur "you done good today buddy" I gave him a treat. I sat down in the chair and pain exploded across my stomach "ahh shoot" my hand flew to my stomach in a protective way and Trouble bounded over and sat in front of me, Bruce noticed and ran over looking at me closely "babe what's wrong" I clenched my teeth "baby's coming I think" he froze and went pale. Alfred strapped Thomas into his car seat and placed Trouble in the back of the car, Bruce helped me into the front and Alfred climbed into the back next to Thomas. Bruce started the car and sped to the General.

Upon arrival there was Adrian and Harley on hand with a wheelchair waiting "how did you guys know?" I asked all they done was point at Alfred who smiled sheepishly "thank you Alfred. It's much ahh" I screeched in pain and they helped me into the wheelchair. Wheeling me in the placed me in an extra hospital room "right Harley is going to check how far along you are and if you are ready to push" I nodded "right Doc she is 8 months and she is at 9cm nearly ready" we kept this babies gender a secret.
