Oh Hush, It's Adorable! (Veronica Sawyer x Fem!Reader)

Requested: GayMusicalsandMe
Prompt: 54. "H-How long have you been standing there?"
Info: Veronica x Fem! Reader
The reader is drawing a picture of Veronica and herself, adding romantic things like hearts and stuff, until she realizes that Veronica is silently watching her( this is in the cafeteria btw ) and then Y/n starts freaking out. You can choose the ending!
I quietly sit at my large iPad drawing on it, taking my time and all of my effort on this one drawing. It shows a small stick figure, me, next to a large blown up version of Veronica's upper body.

A portrait if you will.

I finish a bit of shading in the hair and zoom out, looking at the slightly finished piece. I smile to myself and draw a few little hearts around her face, along with one or two roses.

"Oh my god that is so adorable!" A voice squeals from behind me, causing me to jump out of my chair and drop my Apple Pencil. "Oh my god is that me?!"

"Oh- oh my god" I say, my throat closing and scaring the literal hell out me. I cover my mouth and search for my pencil. My heart starts to race even faster as I can't feel my hand brush up against anything.

"Looking for this dweeb?" A jock-ish voice calls out. My face turns white as Veronica's turns red, only difference is different emotions.

"Can I have my-"

"Yo asshat! Give her back her pencil! She wasn't hurting anyone. She was literally sitting here drawing." Veronica screams, making my anxiety drive through the roof and fall back into my shell. I back up, turning my head and rubbing my arms.

Veronica goes on yelling at the two boys until they give my pencil back to me. I quickly but politely grab it and put it away in my pencil pouch.

"T-Thank you.." I cough slightly, my heart still pumping adrenaline. She smiles and kisses my cheek, making me go red and turn away. I make some sort of small noise and she scoffs.

"Oh hush. It's adorable." She smiles and walks off.

I am-

In love to say the least. I was gonna updating twice tonight but a bitch just too tired tbh.

I'll try updating twice on Thursday, but if not, Saturday and/or Sunday.

I love yall๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

