Chapter 3

"This looks so boring," Katrina commented as she rolled down her window to better see the sights beyond it.

"Don't worry darling, this funeral's about to become plenty fun," Deckard promised his wife as they watched Dominic Toretto and his crew bury Han, the man they'd killed in Tokyo. Crashed him in his own car, before detonating the bomb in the package Katrina had sent to Toretto's house, the address they'd retrieved from Hobbs' computer.

As they drove past, the only eyes that saw them were Dom's as Katrina winked at him before her window slid up and Dom made his way towards his muscle car.

And so, began their game of cat and mouse as they raced out of the cemetery in a sleek grey Maserati.

"You're right, this is fun," Katrina grinned as her husband turned the wheel with expert precision, foot pressing the accelerator to the floor.

"Almost as fun as Italy?"

Katrina scoffed as Deckard sped into an underground tunnel. "Nothing will ever be as fun as Italy."

As Deckard spun the car around, waiting to face Dom when he followed them in, he turned to Katrina, hands still on the wheel.

"Your stop, Milady."

"Why, thank you, kind sir," she smirked as she kissed him, exiting the Maserati and waiting patiently beside it as Dom drove in, hands in her pockets as she rolled her eyes at the boys revving their engines.

The smell of burning rubber filled the air as smoke rose from the back tires of both cars and the boys raced for each other.

Katrina merely strutted after the cars as if she was walking down a runway, her blue heels clicking against the concrete as her large coat hit the backs of her knees as she walked, black pants and a matching blue blouse underneath the coat as the cars crashed head-on.

Both boys were a bit dazed as they got out of their cars, Dom more than Deckard.

"You never should have messed with a man's family," he said to Toretto, hands in fists at his side.

"I told your brother the same thing," Dom replied as he rotated his shoulder out and looked at the destroyed engine of Deckard's car. "Reinforced your chassis. It's like going into a ring with weighted gloves."

"Your mistake. I'm not here to play games. See you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to. So, has she," he said gesturing with his head to where Katrina was walking towards them, a black strap across her chest, her coat blocking what was attached to it.

"Stick around. It's going to get a lot meaner," Toretto threatened as he hefted the piece of scrap metal he pulled from his car.

"Damn straight it is," Katrina growled as she moved the strap to reveal the machine gun attached to it as she aimed it at Dom, her grip on the gun telling him that she was unlikely to miss.

"You thought this was going to be a street fight?" Deckard asked as he pulled out his own gun but held it limp at his side.

Shots were then fired at the couple as men repelled down through one of the industrial fans that were inlaid in the ceiling every few metres.

The Shaw's fought back, two of the men falling from their ropes as the armour-piercing rounds in Katrina's gun went straight through their helmets, her aim true even under duress.

She covered Deckard and he covered her as they dashed for cover behind a line of parked cars, running at full speed as the men fired at them, Katrina just as fast as Deckard even in her heels.

And the ghosts returned to the shadows as they disappeared. 
