⠀⠀⠀ twenty four

T W E N T Y  F O U R

HOTCHNER RUBBED HIS eyes as he flipped through the new files he was handed.

It wasn't the information that he wanted, not one bit. There were no positives, no bright side, no lesson to be learnt. Someone was shooting at his team, no doubt.

And yet, there was no evidence to be found.

Hotch grabbed the reports and walked out of his personal office. The main area of the BAU was quiet and empty but the conference room was buzzing. Through the small window he could see Morgan tossing around a ward of paper like a ball to Wiley, who happily threw it back and forth. A small smile creeped on his lips but he quickly withdrew when he remembered what was occurring.

As he stepped in the room, his team got quiet out of respect for their leader. Wiley and Morgan sat in their seats, both on opposite sides of Reid.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you in today." He said, standing in front of the monitor where Garcia usually was.

There was a silent lull.

Hotch sighed, "The reports came in and no evidence was found on the sniper. The bullet went clean through Reid's shoulder and can't be found at the site. They assume either someone picked it up or was lost because of the high winds that night. Either way, there's nothing we can use to get on a trail."

"Are you kidding me? That's bullshit, there has to be something, Hotch." Morgan threw his pen on the table.

"I don't get it. They won't help us." JJ leaned forward in her seat.

Hotch shook his head, "The FBI is willing to help but there's nothing to help with. At this current moment, the sniper is a ghost."

"A terrible one at that." Rossi said.

Wiley furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"If this is a trained sniper, why didn't they take the shot? Forgive me, Reid but this is most likely an assassin. Aren't they supposed to aim somewhere else, not your shoulder."

"I've been wondering that too," Reid nodded. "They got me in the shoulder but they didn't do any damage to my organs. They aren't a lousy shot - in fact, they're pretty talented."

"You're not making sense, Reid"

"Look, the shoulder contains the subclavian artery, which feeds the brachial artery which is the main artery of the arm, as well as the brachial plexus, the large nerve bundle that controls arm function. If you get hit in the brachial plexus, you're probably not going to be walking around good as of five minutes later."

Spencer paused and looked to see if the team understood him as fast as he was talking.

"A study of 58 gunshot victims wounded in the brachial plexus found 51 of them needed follow-up surgery to deal with blood vessel damage, severe pain, and loss of motor function. As for the subclavian artery, a study from a New Orleans hospital reported that out of 16 cases of acute injury thereto, four patients died and another lost the arm."

"And you walked away without any damage." Wiley continued.

"Blood loss, but that's it." Reid shrugged.

"So we're working with someone really good." JJ raised her hands in defeat.

Morgan pursed his lips, "Then why? Why go through all the effort for one shot if they aren't going to kill you?"

"Killing wasn't the intention," Hotch muttered under his breath, "They were trying to send a message."

Scout stood in front of the bathroom mirror, face contorted with emotion. She quickly opened the valve of the sink and threw water in her face. It wasn't helping, but she did it anyways.

"What the-"

The phone in her back pocket started to buzz from a notification and she reached to grab it. Xander's name flashed at her face, her gaze hardened at it.

What is it?

they're on to me

Are they really?

no. but they're questioning.

Are you questioning you?

no, but they will be
why aren't you freaking out

Because. They don't have anything to link you there.

they will
they're the fbi

Don't you think I know that?

you're not acting like it

You're covered, don't worry about that.
Don't you trust me?

why should i

Because, if they find out what you're doing, they'll find me. And besides, you're far too valuable to lose.

saving your own skin
i'm just valuable cause you trained me
you can train someone else

I'd rather not put in the work again.

how much longer

Until what?

until i'm done taking orders from you and your boss

When we say you're done.

Scout sighed and closed her phone, this was going no where. Instead of staying in the bathroom and looking suspicious, she regained her composure and walked back outside.

Most people were packing up with the work day coming to a close and the meeting over. But a part of her didn't what to go home.

Spencer was at his desk, putting an ever growing stack of books in his bag. He sent her his famous closed mouth smile and she sent him a wink.

"What are you doing tonight?" She grabbed her backpack from the chair.

He shrugged, "Morgan invited me over for pizza, but I don't know if I should go."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"Don't know, I've been feeling a bit off lately. I'm assuming because of the snow storm coming and Christmas. I'm going to visit my mom and I still haven't gotten her anything." The pair walked in unison towards the elevator.

"Where does she live?"

"Las Vegas."

"W-wow. I didn't know. You're from Las Vegas?"

Spencer nodded.

"And you're going back home to visit. Must be nice, you'll be away from all this cold. I'm guessing since you're from the desert that you don't like the snow."

"I don't mind it. Makes for perfect reading weather."

"Spence, any weather is reading weather for you."

"Oh right."

Scout looked at him, "You okay? You really do seem kinda off."

There was a silence between the two before he shrugged, "I don't really want to go home."

"Why's that?"

"My mom - she has - medical issues. It can be difficult to handle, and sometimes I don't know what to say to her about it."

"Who said you have to talk about it?" Scout sent him a half smile. "I'm sure she appreciates you going and visiting her. You can tell her stories about the bureau and all the criminals we stop. Hey, you can even tell her about me!"

A small blush glazed over his cheeks, "You make it sound like we're superheroes."

"Aren't we?" She noticed how he didn't mention her comment and the small redness to his face.

He shrugged again, "I don't think so. We don't have superpowers."

"Who said you have to have superpowers to be a superhero?"

"Uh, Superman?" He teased.

"Ha, yeah right. Batman is way better. He doesn't need powers."

"But he does need a big bank account?"

"Of course. You think the FBI is gonna fund the Batmobile? I'm sure that thing spends hella gas."

"Hella." His smile widened, mocking her slang.

It was Scout's turn to blush. They had walked all the way outside into the cold and she wasn't sure if the redness on her cheeks were because of the air or something else.

"So," She turned away from him. "When are you leaving for Las Vegas?"

"This week. I still have to get her something, I just haven't figured out what."

"Hm, ironic."

"What is?"

Scout stuck out her tongue, "The resident genius has been stumped, it's a miracle. Or a sign. Could be the end of the world when Spencer Reid doesn't have the answer."

"I don't always have the answer for everything." Spencer tucked a hair back and readjusted the bag on his shoulder. His eyes focusing on the short girl in front of him and nothing else.

Spencer and Scout had reached their destination: both their cars waiting for them, parked right next to each other. It was something they had done for a while now. When it began; neither of them knew.

Scout felt the pounding in her ears turn to a ring, a similar feeling she only ever felt when the doctor looked at her with soft eyes. The only light was the dim street lamp hovering over them as winter solstice had already begun.

"I don't believe that. You always know the answer, doesn't matter what question. It's in your - nature to know everything." The words trailing off to a whisper.

The distance between the two got smaller as Spencer took a step forward. Out of nervousness, she took a step back and bumped into the side of her car. And being a complete foot apart in height, he loomed over her.

His light brown eyes never looked away from her pair of dark chocolate. The blush on his cheeks faded but hers was ever present. Scout took in his smell as their bodies had gotten so close in such a short amount of time.

Coffee and peppermint.

"Do - do you know - everything?" Her voice, just above a whisper.

He stared down at her lips, "I'd like to."

Spencer pressed his hand against the side of the car, leaning into her. But he never let go of his gaze and neither did Scout. When the distance was almost unbearable, he closed his eyes.

But instead of feeling her lips, he felt a freezing drop of water fall on the tip of his nose.

"Winter's first snow." Scout smiled softly.

The doctor looked up and straightened himself up with a single snowflake landing on his cheek. Scout giggles and wiped it off with her thumb.

"I think Mother Nature is trying to tell you to take a shower." She teased.

Spencer smiled shyly, knowing what she meant. "I guess so."

"Hey Spence," Scout unlocked her car and opened the door. "Merry Christmas. And don't forget to tell your mom about me."

She winked.

"I won't." His smiled, more confident and knowing than ever before.

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I know, I know. Please raise your pitchforks at me but can you blame me? Their dynamic is so much fun to write about. And sorry about the short chapter, I needed to establish this scene before I continued and I was having writer's block. This almost kiss was definitely not planned, oh well.

a special thanks to readers who comment:

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