Why I haven't updated lately

Hey as you all know I have not been updating this book lately or any of my book really but it's one just been school starting up and being crazy with my math teacher leaving birthdays hiking and dentist and doctor appointments.

But as I said a 2 chapters ago I have been having problems with my knee on news years eve after I got from my grandparents house I was playing with my brother and shot him with a nerf gun he got for Christmas and my knee more like below my knee started hurting under my knee started swelling up and hurting real bad the next day my dad took me to the ER here are house musc hospital they found nothing wrong when they did a x-ray well they found something small in my knee or under in but can't do anything because I am still a minor.

It bit later on the 9 of January I got a really bad pain again where I could not walk and it swelled up to the size of my dad's fist or baseball he took me to a kids doctor in Charlotte and they did a x-ray and found out I have a thing that's been growing for years where part of my bone grow out and carltege grew around it. 2 das later we went to a orthopedic and he said mostly wait it out and come back on the 1st of February and if it's worse we will figure it out from there it got better but also a little worst in that time frame and he said I will have to get surgery but not until I want to or untill it starts messing with everything I want to do.

But that's what has been going on the last 2-3 months and why I haven't been updating as much or probably won't be for the next few weeks.
