
Yall I am back I got stuff to tell y'all at the end.

Lyras pov

We all walked into lunch together Me,Mia,Draco Blasie,Theo,Ria,and Pans.

Everyone was starring at us I guess it's because where the hottest friend group right know and probably for the rest of the year we will be the hottest.

We all sit down at the lunch table and start pulling food on to are plates and talking about classes.

I see a boy from Hufflepuff table walk up to us and tap Mia on her shoulder. She turns around and look at the boy he cute he has curly black hair probably Hispanic or Latino if I had to guess and he was weaing black sweat pants and a black and white hoodie. (A/n don't have a pic for it because I am basing it off a kid in my school he will come in at the end) "Hey Mia" The boy says.

"Omg hey Chrissy" She says Chrissy interesting, "That's not my name"The boy named or not named Chrissy says.

"I know I know Christian but it's still funny oh I forgot to tell you these are my friends and my brother. That Theo he's Blasie's bf and that Blasie my brother that's Ria or Astoria that's Pans or Pansy that Draco/Malfoy and that Lyra his twin sister" She says pointing at each of us as she says are name.

"Hi guys good to see you again Lyra but I came of here Mia to ask you if where still good for the study group next weekend" He says looking from us back to Mia.

"Of course Chrissy see you then" She says as Christan/Chrissy walks away and we all go back to eating and talking.

Again I know it's short but still just a filler.

But as I told y'all before I have some news it is I think I told y'all I go to a after school program thats where Chrissy/Christian is but thing is my friend thinks I like Chrissy and the worse part is today we had a free day and just went out side to the basket ball thing and the staircase me and my friend mellisa where walking around and she keeps trying to get me to go talk to Chrissy or look at him but I am also in choir and are teacher wasn't her today on a field trip with band all-country so we where in the library with the sub who was the librarian but even worse Chrissy class was in the computer lab which is in the library and my friend noticed on my hand my left hand on my pointer finger and middle finger is 28 guess what she decided to say as Chrissy walks in to get scissors "OMG Lily what is that on your hand" and ganks my hand from my computer and she says "Omg you know how plays on the football team and bumer is twen-" then I cover her mouth and pull her towards me and whisper shut up and nod my head towards where Chrissy is walking to the computer lab and walks a shelf away from us but the shelves aren't tall maybe 3 feet they go up to my rib cage waist area I am some where between 5'0 and 5'8 so he could see over them and he looked at us like "Wtf" then he looked at my hand coverig mellisa's mouth and he looked at my like "wth are you doing" and he almost sall my hand. Ohh and my friend "accidentally" told three teachers 2 in 8th and 2 8th grade girls and a 6th grade teacher and a 7th grade teacher heard I like Chrissy yay for me (A/n jada if your reading this I don't like Chrissy).
