
Hey I am in Myrtle Beach right now and posting this

Hermione/Mia's Pov

Everyone started at us, I rolled my eyes of course they do we are the new and hottest girls here.

When Lyra sat down after hugging us the whole great hall broke out to whispers of "Who are they?" and "There HOT", from the boys and looks of jealously from the girls other then Ria and pans.

"Now everyone wants to know who are newest students are." Headmistress started letting that sink in before finishing. "But they are not new at all. They have been here the whole time under glamour charms and fought in the battle just last year"She finished.

More whispers and shouts of who we could be.

"Now the feast may begin"Headmistress said waving her hands and all the food appears.

I grab Chicken, Pudding, and many other things filling my plate. "So now the whole school is trying to guess who you are Mia and me?" Malfoy questions.

Yeah I still call him Malfoy he may be blasie's friend doesn't mean I have to like him he may be a little hot but that's it.

"Poor Malfoy still can't guess my name." I say smirking at Malfoy.

I see Theo slip Astoria and Pans sickles. "What bet did you lose now Theo" I say checking him off balance.

"Oh just that you can smirk the Malfoy smirk better than Draco and that Draco still can guess who you use to be." Theo says

"For real" I start slapping him on the back of his head.

"Oww Mia"Theo says rubbing his head where I slapped him. "I don't care, and I would have thought by now you would have stopped betting money, you keep losing." I finish.

"No I won't I have money and can get a J-o-b" Theo says spelling job for each letter rolling his eyes.

"Whatever Theo." I say gently nudged his shoulder.

"Say whatever all you want Mia"Theo says nudging my shoulder back.
That's all for this chapter I wrote this in a time spandof two hours because I was doing stuff like cooking dinner on a girl and freezing by but off.

But now I have to text my friend before she starts texting me randomly asking why I haven't told her we got here yet🙄.

But that is all for this chapter for now.

