Cool Room Check......

Hi new chapter yay let's start now
"Omg it's so pretty"I said the room had navy blue walls.

With white dressers and night stands a queen size bed with a white comforter gray carpet and a blue blanket with white lamps the room was beautiful.

"So you like it sis"Blasis says from behind me "Like it I LOVE it.

It's beautiful how did you  know I like navy blue"I ask noticing there's two more doors with golden writing on them."I didn't mom did for some wired way same way for everyone else's rooms other then mine"Blaise says.

"What's those rooms" I say pointing towards them "There your bathroom and closet" Blasis says "Go inside and look at them" Blaise says.

"Ok"I say walking towards them.

The bathroom:

"Its pretty I love it" I say "Come look in the closet" Blasie calls from my room

The walk in closet:

"I love it" I say "There's a balcony too" Blasie says

The Balcony:

As me and blasie walk back in to my room my foot hit something "Ow what was that"I say bending down and lifting a door.

"I have a secret room"I sequel as I walk down the swirl stair case with Blasie following me "Not fair I don't have one of these"Blasis says

The room:

"Mia, Blasis. "Max calls "Astoria, Draco, Pansy, and Theo are here"Max calls up the stairs "Coming max" I call climbing back up the stairs with Blasie shutting the hatch and going out of my room "Coming mum" Blaise calls going down stairs I hear the door open and a round of hellos and hi's.

~Mia come down now I am going to yell Mia then you come running down stairs yelling Blasis I swear to God if you are pranking me again I swear I will then stop talking ~ Blasis says through our minds.

~Ok coming down~ I say back.

Before going down I can get into a crop top a little to short and shorts that go up right past my butt to make it even funnier.
"MIA" I hear Blasie scream .


"Mia my friends are here" Blasis says smirking at me ~Good acting Mia~ I hear Blasis think ~thank you~ I think back.
So I don't know if I spelled balcony right or not again got lazy with the editing pictures and there just off Google and Pinterest.

But I promise the siblings with be seen soon again don't now what's going on with the under lines.

484 words



Edited again 12-17-2022

Some Draco and Hermione fanart nothing big just simple.

Its not mine it's from Wattpad but they got it from either Pinterest or Google no sure which one sorry.
