Boys there so immature.....

Hi new chapter

Hermione/Mia Pov

We walk back to my room and sit back in are spots."So what's it like being friends with 3 boys for me it's hectic" I say.

"For us to annoying there really immature most of the time really hexing each other pranking each other."Pans says.

I remember the one time back in 5th year me and pansy started talking about how bad are cramps where hurting and the boys heard us so we yelled at them to get us chocolate they asked why we started to tell them they ran around are dorm room yelling at us to "shut up" and "they don't want to hear about that stuff" it was really funny really"Rie says.

I start rolling on my bed laughing pansy starts rolling on the floor as Rie just starred at us .

We started to calm down but then Rie broke it feel of the chair laughing so then we started all back up again when I look on the floor Rie is doing that thing.

When you laugh so hard nothing is coming out and clapping like a seal all over the place.

When I sall that I lost all decency and feel of my bed laughing which Rie Sall and started laughing even more which got me and pans laughing even louder.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up"Blasis says storming into my room that set us into another round of laughter.

"What's so funny anyway" Malfoy asks confused. ""Me pans and Rie says in between laughter as we try to calm are selfs down.

"Well the reason we came in here is to ask if you guys are going to swim"Theo asks.

"No"All the girls say at the same time."Where going to keep talking "Pans says why you guys going swimming" Rie says.

"Yea we are"Theo says."Now Blasis make show you don't make Malfoy fall in love with you seeing you shirt less"I say making everyone except Malfoy and Blasis burst out into laughter I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt.

"Shut up Mia I will get you back for that just you whatch Mia"Blasis say his hole face and neck red."Looks pans Theo and Rie Blasis is even blushing he is so not going to wear a shirt now"I say making them and me laugh even harder.

"I said shut up Mia"Blasis said his face and neck getting even redder from blushing I didn't even know someone could get more red then he is right now he reminds me of my old school teacher Ms.wheler when she got mad.

"Whatch out Blasis I haven't even seen Ronald blush that much at once and he's a weasley"I say when I say the Pans Theo Me and Rie all lost it braking out into giggles and full fit of laughter not stopping until Blasis made us stop laughing by hexing us until we stopped.

This chapter is probably my favorite so far it was funny to wright I really enjoyed writing it

Don't know why my Wattpad started messing up with underlining.

Edited again 12-8-2022
Fixed the underlining

Edited again 4-16-2023

Like it I made it.
