Together Forever

That night in the Tower, Beastboy sleeps as a cat, curled up in his room on his bed. Cyborg sleeps on his metal bed, Raven quietly reads her last few pages of her book before dozing off. Starfire lays in her bed, still wide awake,and Robin lays in his almost asleep. A few minutes later, he gets a knock at his door. He sighs, not wanting to get up because of his painful wound. Getting up anyways wearing his gray sweatpants, no shirt, his hair all down and messed up, along with his mask. Cracking the door open a little he sees Starfire in her pajamas. " Starfire?? " He says yawning. " What are you doing up?? " " I hope I did not wake you? I assumed you would still be awake, usually you are working on cases or something. " She smiles. " I wasn't asleep, yet. " He smiles. " Are you okay? " He asks. " Yes, I'm fine. She answers. Another silent pause. " Hey, uhm, Star? " Robin begins. " Yes Robin? " " I'm no good at this, but, I enjoyed spending time with you, at the park, and I was just wondering. uhm. " Robin stops confused. " Starfire smiles as she opens his door more and removes his mask. " Where that left us. " He finishes. Starfire kisses him lightly. " Robin, Id love to be, just more than friends. " Robin smiles. " Good, cause I'm convinced that I love you Star. " " I love you to, Richard. " She smiles. Robin kisses her passionately. The two end up falling asleep together again in his bed.
