The Magical Place

(Los Angeles, California, An Unknown Business Building)

Lyra's POV.

[Lyra's Outfit]

After H.Q. had sent Victoria Hand to lead our team with hers in order to find and retrieve Coulson. After hands team helped us discover a man reportedly linked to Centepede, Vanchqt, and a buyer, whom sells leftover Chitauri technology from The Battle Of New York, right now May, Ward and myself are about infiltrate their buisness deal in a rundown Buissness Building and we have quietly just arrived outside of the room that they are in.

"You can name your price." We hear the woman/buyer say to Vanchat, and Ward sends a Flash Bomb into the room "Is that a Roomba?" She asks confused before the Flash Bomb activates.

[Flash Bomb]

May, Ward and myself then enter the room as the light dies down, and we see a momentarily blinded woman, Vanchat and six bodyguards, so we begin to take on two bodyguards each. I then bend down and sweep my right foot from under one of the bodyguards' legs, making him fall backwards onto the floor before I take the collar of his shirt in my left fist before I right hook him in the face knocking him out. I then right, high kick the other bodyguard in the upper chest, making him stumble backwards three steps before I pick up an empty chair from the near table with both hands and I swing it over the back of his head, making the chair break before he falls to the floor unconcious.

I then look back to the others in the room to see all of the other bodyguards unconcious with the woman in the far left corner of the room terrified as May runs out of the room, whom I'm presuming in Vanchat as he is nowhere to be seen. I then notice Ward momentarily rub his left shoulder as he squint in pain, a gunshot wound that he got from when Coulson was taken.

"Let's go." I tell him before leave. We both then run towards the elevator, but of Fitz and Simmons where successful then Vanchat will be there. We then arrive to the elevator, but just as we do the doors close and we loose him.

"Skye, you're up." Ward tells her over coms before we both begin to head up the near stairwell.

Once we arrive on the roof, myself and Ward exit the stairwell just as Vanchat sprints out of the elevator ahead of us with a gun in his right hand, but he stops when he sees Hand and her team and her teams' guns aimed at Vanchat. Myself and Ward then wall up from behind Vanchat, and Ward takes Vanchat's gum from him with his right hand.

"Mr. Vanchat. We were hoping you could help us find a friend." Hand explains to Vanchat.

[Victoria Hand]

(Skip to The B.U.S.)

After arriving back to The B.U.S. where dozens of Hand's team have decided to take over as we fly to The Fridge, and right now Hand has called meeting with a mere few of her team in the briefing room and May, Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons join the meeting.

"... The burnt remains recovered at the site are believed to be those of Agent trainee Michael Peterson. Other physical evidence has proven scarce. Nothing relating to Mr. Po, his Centipede associates, or their location has been found." Hand explains as I.D.'s of Coulson, Vanchat and Po are shown on the wall computer.

"Any progress with Vanchat?" Ward speaks up.

"Nothing actionable, Agent Ward, but I have my best interrogator in there right now." Hand pulls up the security footage of Vanchat in the interrogation room on the wall computer "Vanchat will talk, and rest assured, when he does, not a single stone will be left unturned until we take down Centipede." She explains.

"And find Agent Coulson." Simmons says as Fitz also says "And get Coulson back." Before an Alarm begins to sound through The B.U.S.

"We have a security breach. Someone's hacking the system." Hand says to us... Skye. I then begin to head to Skye's bunk with everyone following in tow, and Hand steps in front of me before she slides open Skyes bunk door to reveal Skye sitting cross-legged on her laptop, and the alarm stops blaring.

"Just in time. Can you override this?" Skye holds up her Tracking Bracelette on her right wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hand demands from Skye incredulously.

"The money trail's our key to finding Coulson. I just need to gain access to Vanchat's financials, and from there, I should be able to trace Centipede's payments and then hack into their account." Skye explains to her.

"You're the consultant, the one who shot Agent Sitwell." Hand states as she looks over Skye.

"Technically, that wasn't me-" Skye tries to say, but Hand cuts her off.

"I want you off this plane immediately." Hand states before she begins to walk away.

"What?" I ask her confused as May, Ward, myself, Fitz, Simmons and Skye follow Hand back into the briefing room.

"Wait. I know I'm not some badass field agent like May, Lyra or Ward, but this is what I do. You can't just kick me off this mission. Listen, I will do whatever you say. All this protocol crap doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me is Coulson." Skye explains to her.

"Well, 'all this protocol crap' matters to me. You're a distraction, and you're gone." Hand tells her.

"Agent Hand, I know Skye's methods are unorthodox, but she's a member of this team. She can help." Ward stands up for Skye.

"Agent May, your professional opinion. Will this girl be of any use to us on this plane?" Hand asks May.

"... No." May states, and we all look to her confused.

"Increase her restriction level. Confiscate her laptop and phone, then have her delivered to debrief." Hand tells her men.

"Yes, Ma'am." The say to her.

"I'll do it. I'm her S.O." Ward says to Hand, and she nods agreeing.

"Agent Johnson, I'm also taking your off this mission. I hear you have a mission from The Director." Hand says to me.

"How do you know about that?" I ask her confused.

"Because Director Fury decided none of my men were good enough for it, meaning none of us having the clearance to know what it is either. Get to work." Hand tells us before she walks away.

(Skip to The Fridge, The B.U.S.)

After Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons had came up with the plan for Skye to go out on her own to find Coulson and for her Tracking Bracelette not to set off another alarm, I make my way down to the open landing bay to see Ward, Fitz, Simmons and Skye, and Skye is carrying a black backpack over her right shoulder and a grey paper bag in her right hand.

"... I'm gonna be spending the next three days in a S.H.I.E.L.D. broom closet getting debriefed." Skye says to them.

"That's right. A few agents are coming here to pick you up for debriefing in exactly 12 minutes..." I explain to her, and I think she is beginning to piece what we're telling her together as realisation crosses her face "... Be careful." I tell her before Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons all walk our separate ways away from her.

As I lay in a sitting position in my closed bunk on my bed whilst we fly to The Mohave Desert where Hand was able to find the location of The Centipede Lab, I re-read my assignment and my bunk door is suddenly slid open, and I close my assignment on my bed as I look up to see Ward enter my bunk before sliding the door closed behind himself.

"Coulson is in The Mohave Dessert, May's flying there now." Ward explains to me as he glances down at my assignment as I stand up.

"Not going to happen." I tell him as I slide my bunk door open with my right hand.

"Wasn't even thinking about it." Ward states before he walks out of my bunk.

After Ward and myself meet up with May, Fitz and Simmons in the lab with three of Hand's Scientists working lab and Fitz and Simmons explain to us that it's possible that we could use a Port on Rainas men whom wield the Centipede so we can use their power to our advantage.

"The Centipede soldiers each have a port on their delivery device to inject refills of serum." Simmons explains as Fitz holds a Night-night Bracelette in his right hand.

[Night-night Bracelette]

"But with this injector cuff, we can use the port to our advantage." Fitz refers to the Night-night Bracelette.

"By injecting a refined dose of dendrotoxin to incapacitate the soldier." Simmons explains as she places the dendrotoxin capsule into the Night-night Bracelette.

"How's it work?" I ask them as Simmons takes the Night-night Bracelette from Fitz with her right hand.

"Oh, just simply lock it around the Centipede soldier's forearm." Simmons takes Wards right wrist with her left hand before strapping it onto his wrist.

"And night-night, superpowers." Fitz states.

"Sounds like riding a bull for eight seconds." Ward comments.

"Yeah, exactly. It's that simple." Fitz states.

"Yeah." Simmons agrees before her cellphone begins to ring, and she takes her cellphone out from her right, blazer pocket with her right hand before answering it and placing it to her right ear.

"Hello?" Simmons asks confused before realisation crosses her face "Why, hello... Dr. Nugent... Manscaping? Oh, I shouldn't have said that... Um, I am right as rain. Couldn't be better, old chap." She says over the phone. Skye.

"You three, out." May tells Hand's Scientists to leave, and they do so before May takes Simmons Cellphone with her right hand and places it to her right ear.

"Skye? What have you found?" May asks her.

(The Mohave Desert, The B.U.S.)

After arriving in The Mohave Desert May, Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons talk to Hand about following Skyes lead on where Coulson could potentially be, An Abandoned Nuclear Test Sit here in The Mohave Desert.

"We're about to launch a major assault on a Centipede lab, and you want to take your team to the desert based on a hunch from Skye?" Hand asks us incredulously.

"It's not a hunch." Ward states.

"Skye followed the money from Vanchat back to Centipede." Fitz explains.

"Turns out they recently purchased a small development less than 100 miles from here." Simmons explains to her.

"Well, that's great news for their real-estate portfolio, but we have confirmed activity at the lab. I'm taking a strike team to investigate. End of story." Hand tells us.

"So we split up. You take the strike team and go after Centipede. We'll investigate Skye's lead, see if Coulson's there." May explains to her.

"You backed my decision to kick Skye off the plane." Hand says to May.

"Seems like it worked out." May states.

"Seems like you played me." Hand states.

"Look, this isn't personal, but I am taking my team and we're gonna find Coulson. Send backup if you want." I tell her before I head to a S.H.I.E.L.D. truck and climb into the passenger seat, May, Ward, Fitz and Simmons follow my lead.

(Skip to The Mohave Desert, The Abandoned Nuclear Test Site)

As we arrive at The Abandoned Nuclear Test Site, which is filled with fake hoiseholds and mannequins, with May driving, myself in the passenger seat, Ward behind me, Fitz to Wards' left and Simmons on his left, we see Skye running from a man dressed in army attire, so May steps on the gas and runs the man over before stopping the truck, and we all step out of the truck to see the man unconscious in front of the Truck whialt Skye walks over to us... Dressed as May.

"Coulson's gotta be here somewhere. We need to split up." I tell them.

"Or run." Simmons looks behind us, and we all follow her eyeline to see another man dressed in army attire.

"I'll take care of him." Ward tells us.

"Are you sure?" I ask him, and he takes out the Night-night Bracelette from his right, back trouser pocket with his right hand.

"I got this." Ward assures us before he sprints towards the man.

"Come on, let's move!" May tells us, and we all split off into different directions to find Coulson on the site.

(Skip to The B.U.S.)

After May and Skye had found Coulson in a tortured state with Raina, along with what Fitz and Simmons seem to believe is a Theta Brain-Wave Frequency Machine to look into past memories and forced hallucinations, we contacted Hand, whom managed to take down the Centipede Lab and experiments, and we also managed to bring Raina in. And right now May, Ward, myself, Fitz, Simmons and Skye await in the lab as Hands team leave The B.U.S. and Coulson and Hand are talking on the landing bay out of ear reach, most likely talking about how we disobeyed a mere few of Hand's orders, tricked her and focused more on saving Coulson than taking down Centipede as we were ordered to.

"Nice jacket." May compliments Skyes attire.

"Bet there aren't any flowered dresses where she's going." Simmons comments as we see Hand talking distantly to two of her men whom have Raina in handcuffs before they leave.

"Amen to that, sister." Fitz tells says to her.

We then watch as Coulson and Hand say their farewells before Hand glances at all of us and she walks off of The B.U.S., and Coulson turns to May, Ward, myself, Fitz, Simmons and Skye as we all walk towards him.

"I just want to say... Thank you." Coulson thanks us all with a kind smile, and we all hesitantly smile back "Now get back to work." He tells us, and Ward takes Coulson's right hand in his right and shakes it before he leaves.

"Its good to have you back, sir." I give a curt nod towards Coulson, and he nods back with a smile before I also leave.
