The Hub

(Siberian Prison, Siberia, Russia [Sled's])

Lyra's POV.

[Lyra's Outfit]

After being given the mission of pulling an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Shaw, back into H.Q. from Siberian rebels in a secret underground base in north Siberia. So as Coulson places hmself as bait Shaw, whom is placed as head of the base, interrogates Coulson, Ward and myself follow mlMays instructions to where Coulson is in the base as she tracks his com, and Ward and myself cones across a room with the door open and Ward stands on the left side of the door as I stand on the right side of the door as we wait for Coulsons signal: Agent Shaw's cover being blown.

"You have the intel on you? They know." We hear Coulson's voice echo from out of the room, and both Ward and myself take out our Night-night guns from our left holsters, as our automatic are in our right holsters.

"They know?" Shaw asks him.

"We have three minutes, Agent Shaw." Coulson says.

Ward and myself then step into the room and shoot at the only to guards there in the back of the neck, and the fall to the ground mobilised, and Shaw turns to Ward and myself in surprise as Coulson swiftly brakes out of his handcuffs that were previously bound behind him as he sits on a chair.

[Agent Shaw]

"Time to go, agents." Ward says to Coulson and Shaw.

"Exit?" Coulson asks us as he stands up.

"Follow me." I tell them.

Myself and Ward then lead Coulson and Shaw the way we had sneaked in, and we pass about a dozen mobilised guards on the way that Ward and myself took out earlier.

"I was wondering what you guys had been up to." Coulson says to Ward and myself as he refers to the mobilised guards.

We all then reach a ladder leading up to tunnel gate, and I place my Night-night gun in my left holster before climbing up the ladder, and I unwind the handle before pushing the door up and open, revealing small blizzards of snow before I climb out to see two standing sleds standing across from The B.U.S. which is about a mile away. Coulson, Ward and Shaw ten climb out after after me. Ward then stands on one of the sleds and grips a hold of the handle, and I stand behind Ward where there is another handle, all high I grip onto and Coulson and Shaw mirror Ward and mines actions.

"Um, where are the dogs?" Shaw asks us confused.

"Don't be ridiculous." Coulson states before the sleds are suddenly yanked by two wires that come up from the snow, connected to The B.U.S., and both of the sleds begin to be propelled towards The B.U.S. at an incredible speed.

(Skip to The B.U.S.)

After arriving back at The B.U.S. and May had set a route The Hub, Simmons performs a paranasal extraction on Shaw as he hid the Intel on a chip he gathered from the base in the nasal area in his head on a computer chip, and Coulson is watching the surgery as May, Ward, myself, Fitz and Skye wait in the briefing room, and May holds an electronic tablet with a wallet in her hands.

"Ah. Good. Done with that paranasal extraction nonsense. Do you need me to analyze the data?" Fitz asks as we all lool to the left entrance of the briefing room to see Coulson and Simmons enter the briefing room.

"That won't be necessary." Coulson assures him.

"If it's encrypted, I can mine the chip for him." Skye offers.

"I'm afraid this mission's classified. Clearance level 8." Coulson turns to everybody and nods curtly before he leaves through the right exit of the briefing room, and May, Ward, Fitz and Simmons begin to do their own things.

"Uh... Ah. Wait. What? He can just shut us out of the process like that?" Skye asks them confused.

"Well, he did say the mission is level 8." Fitz states.

"And we're not, so we can't know about it." Simmons adds.

"Yes, myself and Ward are level 7, Fitz and Simmons are level 6. And now, Agent. Johnson, is level 6." May explains and hands me a wallet from which she had placed on her electronic tablet with her right hand, and I take it with my right hand before I look at the wallet closer. And the wallet has a S.H.I.E.L.D logo on it, and I open it to reveal my very own S.H.I.E.L.D. badge.

"Level 6? I had just turned Level 7 when joined Coulson's team." Ward says to May confused.

"Me, too. But we can't complain when she has had the full background check, field experience and the training, just like we had. If Director Fury trusts and believes she will do right by S.H.I.E.L.D., then we have to follow on his commands." She explains before she turns to me "Good job, Agent. Johnson." May explains.

"So, Director Fury is giving Level six clearance of S.H.I.E.L.D. after two months and I haven't even been here two months? Someone tell me that this is a prank, I mean I haven't even met the guy." I say to May.

"You did meet him." May states.

"When?" I ask her confused.

"After we blew a hole in the side of The B.U.S." May says to me, and I think back to when we landed at The Sandbox.

"... Eye patch?" I ask May.

"Director Fury. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." May says to me before she leaves the briefing room.

"Congratulations, Lyra." Simmons smiles at me.

"Yeah, welcome to the family." Fitz smiles at me, and I smile back at both him and Simmons.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." Ward says to me stiffly before he walks out of the breifng room.

"He doesn't seem happy." Fitz says.

"He probably thinks the Director is picking favourites." Simmons says to Fitz.

"Look, I've only met the boss once. He isn't the type to pick favourites." I admit to them.

"So, I don't get a badge?" Skye asks us, and Fitz and Simmons look to her Tracking Bracelette on her right wrist.

[Tracking Braclette and Lyra's S.H.I.E.L.D. Badge]

"Right, back to the subject at hand, isn't this normally the part where we all stand around the holocom and we learn about stuff. I mean, aren't we all on the same team?" Skye asks Fitz and Simmons confused.

"No need to get started on one of your socialist riffs, there." Fitz smiles at her.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy and compartmentalization of intelligence." Simmons explains.

"Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. Makes the entire organization vulnerable." I state.

"Okay, fine, but if I just fought my way out of an underground Siberian prison, I'd kind of want to know what for." Skye points out.

"Coulson's got you used to the plane, the way we do missions here. The Hub is different." Simmons states.

"The Hub? What's the Hub?" Skye asks confused.

"Probably the 'Big Brother'." I sigh at her before I head to my bunk.

(Skip to The Hub)

[Lyra's Outfit]

After arriving at The Hub Coulson, May, Ward, myself, Fitz, Simmons and Skye walk through a wide reception flooded with multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"I Didn't realize big brother was this big." Skye looks around in awe, but it honestly doesn't look that different from the New York's Big Brother.

"Oh, this is nothing. Wait until you see the Triskelion, but you don't realls see that until you've been here fore a few years." Simmons explains to Skye.

"Everyone's wearing the same suit. Someone tell me why, please." Skye says to us as we walk over to a table with six lanyards lined up as S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D.'s for Coulson, May, Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons. Coulson, May, Ward, myself, Fitz and Simmons all pick up our lanyards with our right hand and we hook them onto out shirts.

[Lyra's Lanyard]

"Do I get one?" Skye asks Coulson.

"That's your badge, which means you've got a long way to go to even make level 1." Coulson looks at Skye's Tracker Braclette.

"Copy that. Does that also mean no access to any computers here whatsoever? I could run a search on the redacted S.H.I.E.L.D. file on my parents." Skye explains, and I gritt my teeth at the mention of them.

"Skye." Coulson warns her.

"But it just It seems like the place they'd keep them, right?" Skye asks him.

"I'll look into it. But right now, we've got more pressing matters at hand." Coulson says to her as we approach what looks like a metal detector, but we have already passed one on the way into the building, and a bald Honduran man with brown eyes in his late thirties-early forties is waiting in front of the detector.

[Jasper Sitwell]

"Agent Sitwell." Coulson smiles as be shakes the man's right hand with his right hand.

"Agent Coulson. Good to see you feeling better. Agent Hand's waiting for you in the situation room." Sitwell explains to Coulson as they drops their hands.

"And she doesn't like to wait." Coulson sighs.

"So you know her?" Sitwell asks him.

"Only her reputation." Coulson says to him.

"And this must be the rookie." Sitwell looks to me "I've heard a lot about you, Agent Johnson." He holds his right hand out towards me, and I shake it with my right hand, but something almost automatically seems off about him.

"Wish I could say the same, Agent Sitwell." I release his hand.

"Well, we can catch up later. Coulson, after you." Sitwell refers to the detector, and Coulson has his eyes scanned on the right side of the detector before it flashes green, and he walks through, and Sitwell repeats Coulson's actions and Walks through the detector.

"Your level 7s can join us in the briefing." Sitwell tells Coulson, and both May and Ward follow Coulson's and Sitwell's actions as they walk through detector.

"Victoria Hand..." Simmons trails off smiling.

"... Is here." Fitz finishes, also smiling.

Skye then goes to walk through the detector without scanning her eyes, but before she can walk through a machine on the right of detector automatically magnetises with her Tracker Bracelette and she is pulled forcefully towards it.

"Ouch." Fitz says as Simmons cringes in sympathy, and Coulson turns to her from the other side of the detector.

"Is this your subtle way of saying I can't come with?" Skye asks Coulson.

"We'll be back." Coulson tells myself, Fitz, Simmons and Skye before he, Sitwell, May and Ward walks away.

"Wha..." Skye scoffs.

"We should probably head over to the tech corridor." Fitz says to Simmons.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the new chem-kit." Simmons says as they both begin to walk away.

"I'll come with." I sigh follow them as we leave Skye behind.

After Fitz and Simmons introduced me to the Technology Department, we arrive back to where we had left Skye to see she had gotten free from the magnetising detector, and right now we are watching Fitz on the far other side of the detector as he begins to retrieve a trolley filled with tech on the other side of the door.

"I found a localized E.M.P., plus a few other party favors." Fitz explains as he pulls the trolley from behind him as he walks through the door, and the door automatically closes on the trolley "Oh, come on." Fitz sighs annoyed "What the... Open. It's stuck! The cart's stuck." He says before he puts his hands on the door and tries to pry it open, and it does so "That's unbelievable." He sighs as he goes back to the trolley to pull it through the door, but it closes on the trolley, again "What the hell?! Who designed this?! In The Hub, of all places." He complains loudly as he now tries to forcefully pull it through.

Fitz then eventually manages to pull it through forecfully, but he ends up falling over on the floor, hardly. The trolley then wheels back through the door as Fitz stands back up, but the door closes after the trolley.

"Oh, that's..." Fitz trails off speechlessly.

(Skip to The B.U.S.)

After arriving back at The B.U.S, Coulson informed us on our new mission that is assigned for Ward, myself and Fitz to go to South Ossetia, and it's mainly for Ward and myself to escort Fitz to disable a weapon called The Overkill Device, which we learned from Shaw's Intel, which is going to be used to declare independence from Russia to Georgia unless we disable it. And right now Ward and myself are fully prepared for the mission ahead as we speak with Coulson and May as we go over the mission as Fitz sits I his bunk still packing as he speaks with Simmons.

"You need to disable The Overkill Device by 0600 tomorrow in order to prevent the separatist attack." May explains as a map is shown on the wall computer with a pin-point location.

"Once you signal S.H.I.E.L.D., the extraction team will get you both out. Take care of them." Coulson gives us our orders as he types on the computer table.

"Of course, sir." Ward answers.

"I meant, Lyra." Coulson looks up at me "Despite Lyra having just joining S.H.I.E.L.D., you've been on more undercover, go and report back, and rescue missions than you or Fitz put together." He explains to Ward.

"I'll do my best, sir." I assure him, and Fitz and Simmons walk into the beefing room as Fitz fixes his watch that is on his right wrist using his left hand.

"More moving, less talking, Agent Ward and Agent Johnson. Time's not on our side." Fitz tell us before he spares one last glance at Simmons before leaving the briefing room, and Ward and myself shortly follow him.

(Skip to Marta's Bar, South Ossetia, Caucasus Mountains)

[Lyra's Outfit]

As Ward drives us to meet his contacts, which he met during The Incursion in 2008, at a snall bar whom can get us over the border from Georgia to Russia without being seen. So as Ward drives The Jeep, I sit in the passenger seat as Fitz sits in the back middle seat as tells us a story about when he and Simmons were both at The S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology, and Ward is rolling his eyes at every word.

"... So Simmons, by this point, does not have a bloody clue. You know, we're in the back, trying to contain our laughter. So Simmons goes into the vacuum chamber wearing-wearing a-a bunny suit. Um, we just call it that because it-it covers your whole body..." Fitz laughs at the memory as Ward parks the Jeep outside Marta's Bar, and Ward and myself begin to climb out of the Jeep "... So she's in the vacuum chamber, but when she takes her mask off to speak to me, she sneezes all over the Faraday cup..." He smiles at us as he climbs out of the Jeep by the passenger side, and I smile back but Ward only gives an unimpressed look as Ward and myself close the car doors. We then all take our sunglasses off with our right hands as we walk towards the Bar "... Which is funny." He tries to get Ward to understand as we place our sunglasses inside my jacket.

"Do you have the beacon?" Ward sighs as we stop walking just just outside the Bar.

"Yeah..." Fitz pulls the Remote Beacon, which will be activated by Ward once we complete the mission and Hand will recieve Beacon, out from his right jaclet pocket with his right hand before continuing with his story as he doesn't pay attention to Ward holding his right hand out for the Remote Beacon "... But it's funny because vacuum chambers are so dry, and this instrument was actually supposed to go into space..." He explains as Ward sighs annoyed before walking over to him and taking the Remote Beacon with his right hand "... It had sensitive chemical components..." He chuckles at the memory as Ward puts the Remote Beacon down on the ground beside the Bar "... Simmons actually tells it a lot better than I do." He sighs as he sees Ward's annoyed look before he makes his way around the front of the Bar.

[The Remote Beacon]

"It's very funny Fitz. Same thing similar happened to my friend on the force who was disabling a bomb." I say to Fitz as we stand outside the front of the Bar.

"Your co-worker wore a Bunny suit, too?" Fitz smiles at me.

"Something a bit tighter than a Bunny suit, Fitz." I smile back at him, and he looks at me confused.

"Listen. My contact's Yuri Dubrovsky. We'll pay him to get us across the border. We go back, but he doesn't like new people, so keep your mouth shut and your head down." Ward tells us before we follow him into the Bar.

I then glance around the bar to see only about a dozen people here as they all watch a sport game on the small, far right corner Television. Ward then approaches someone halfway down the bar, and Fitz goes to follow Ward by I pat his right shoulder with my right hand, and he glances at me before we stand a few feet away from him with Ward on my left and Fitz on my right.


"Vecher [Evening]." Ward greets him in Russian "Tri vodki, pryamyye. Odin dlya menya. Odin dlya moyey podrugi, a drugoy dlya moyego druga, Yuriya [Three vodkas, straight. One for me. One for my girlfriend, and one for my brother, Yuri]." He says to the bartender as he wraps his left hand around my waist and rests his left on my left hip. Girlfriend?

"Um, can you ask what beers that they have on tap?" Fitz asks Ward, and the man Ward spoke to picks up a shot of liqour in front of him with his right hand and drinks it in one before he puts the glass down and stand to look at Ward clearly.

"Yuri's your friend?" The man asks Ward in a Russian accent.

"Yeah." Ward nods his head towards Fitz, and the man looks directly at Fitz.

"Yuri's dead." The man tells us before he swiftly takes out a gun with his right hand from his belt and he aims it at Fitz, and I immediate stand in front of Fitz as protection "You have no friends here." He tells Ward.

After Ward's contact became a dead end Ward, myself and Fitz are sat on chairs and zip-tied to pipes across from the bar as all the customers continue to watch sports on the television.

"What's happening? Why haven't they killed us yet? I mean, I'm glad that they haven't killed us yet-" Fitz tries to say, but Ward cuts him off.

"-They're waiting for their boss, so before he gets here, we need a plan." Ward explains to us.

"Well, I have a few. How long can you hold your breath underwater?" I ask them.

"Eight minutes, forty." Ward tells me, and we look at Fitz for an answer.

"I don't know." Fitz shakes his head honestly.

"You familiar with the term 'Slam and cram'?" I try another idea.

"Yes." Ward nods.

"No, and I d-I don't think I want to be." Fitz tells me.

"How attached are you to your pinky?" I ask them.

"Very, very attached, and before you ask another terrifyingly vague question, let me be clear. Any plan that involves even one of those scenarios isn't going to work for me. As a matter of fact, I've-" Fitz cuts himself off when the man from the bar, two other men and a woman middle-aged walks in from the back of the bar, and I'm sumising she's the Boss.


"I heard you were looking for your friend Yuri. And Yuri was friends with separatists. Are you separatists?" The woman asks us in a Russian accent.

"No. We're here to stop them." Ward tells her.

"Definitely here to stop them." Fitz chimes in.

"Trust me. If you could just help us get across the border-" I try to say, but I'm cut off when the customers begin to chant 'Rossiya' at the Television.

"Akh, ya propustil igru [Ah, I'm missing the game]!" The woman shouts is Russian to the men beside her before she turns back to us "You're wasting my time, so let me be clear. You've given me no reason to trust you. And trust is everything to me." She says to us, and the man from the bar earlier takes out his gun with his right hand from his belt and aims it at Ward, and all of a sudden the electricity goes out, turning the Televsion off and the customers begin to sulk.

After Fitz had took over and negotiated with the boss, he offered to bring the power back on so they can watch sports on the Televsion, and in return they get us across the border. So right now the man from the bar, whom we learned is called Vladimir, is holding Fitz upside down by the ankles as he works on the fuse box under the bar as the Boss, whom we learned is called Marta, is standing on Vladimir right as she holds a flashlight so Fitz can see the fuse box, and two other men are holding mine and Wards hands behind our backs as they took the zip-ties off.

"Okay! Enough! Okay. A little to the left, Vladimir. Gentle! Gentle. That's it. Okay." Fitz says, and Vladimir moves him to the left a little "Can I get a little more light down here, Marta?" He asks her.

"Of course, Mishka [Little Bear]." Marta says as she moves the light of the torch.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Fitz thanks her.

"Little bear?" Ward asks her incredulously at her nickname for Fitz.

"I like watching him work, that little bear." Marta smiles.

"YA dumayu, chto eto milo [I think it's cute]." I smile at her, and she smiles back. I then look at Ward to see him giving me a 'really' look "Be nice." I warn him.

"Okay." Fitz sighs before he bangs on the fuse box, and all the power comes back on, including the Television, making everyone cheer aside from Ward and myself. Vladimir then helps Fitz stand up properly as everyone cheers for him.

"It's nothing. Really. I'm just a man." Fitz smiles proudly whilst his forehead is covered in sweat.

"Get this man a drink." Martha says, and Vladimire turns his back to the bar before returning with two shot glasses of liqour, and Marta and Fitz take one each with their right hands.

"Oh, no. Here we go." Fitz says before they clink their shot glasses together, and down the shots "Oh, salty." He looks at the glass before looking at me and Ward, and Ward motions towards Martha, so Fitz turns to her "So, let's talk business." He tells her.

(Russian Border, Marta's Truck and Localised E.M.P Device)

After Fitz made a trade with Marta to trade two million Rubles in exchange for one of her men to sneak us across the Russain Border, and right now Ward, myself and Fitz are I the back of one of Marta's Trucks filled with kegs of liqour as one of Marta's men drives the Truck.

"Two million rubles?" Ward sighs incredulously at Fitz as I sit between them "We need to work on your negotiation skills." He tells Fitz.

"I thought they were like pesos. And anyway, you should be thanking me." Fitz pulls out a small device from his right jacket pocket with his right hand "I shorted the circuit breaker with my Localized E.M.P. when we were tied up." He explains.

"Really?" I ask him surprised.

"Yes, and my plan worked because we're over the border now, aren't we?" Fitz asks us as he puts the E.M.P. back in his right jacket pocket, and he pulls out a black cap from his bag with his right hand and places it on his head. Suddenly, the brakes squeak and the Truck comes to a sudden hault as we hear people shouting in Russian outside of the Truck.

"We're stopping. Why are we stopping?" Fitz asks us confused, and Ward places his right index finger to his lips, indicating for him to be quiet.

"Quiet. Stay here. We'll check it out." Ward refers to himself and me, and we then begin to making our way out of the truck and through the tarp, but gunshots suddenly hit against the truck so we fall back down next to Fitz.

"Okay. Maybe we'll just stay here." I suggest. After a few moments of silence, I take out my gun from the back of my belt, and Ward follows my actions "Shoot the kegs." I tell Ward before I grip onto by gun with my teeth before I push a keg on its side, and he follows my lead before we push the so they roll out of the truck and through the tarp, and we take our guns back into our hands.

We then peak out of the tarp to see four armed men confused with the two kegs before we fire at them, and the kegs explode with liqour, sending the men to the ground as Ward and myself step out of the truck, and we hear more vehicles approaching.

"Shoot the kegs." Ward whispers to me, and he kicks the kegs outside before we both peak out behind the tarp and shoot at the kegs, making them explode alcohol everywhere and the impact forcing the soldiers on the ground.

"Fitz! More border patrol." I call for him.

"Already moving! Hurry up!" Fitz shouts, and Ward and myself turn around to see him already sprinting in the opposite direction of the armed men on the ground, so we run after him.

[Drainage Pipe]

After out running the Border Patrol before they could even see us, dawn begins to fall as we slow our pace and as we approach a large Drainage Pipe that look as if it could be out of use.

"Drainage pipe. We'll wait them out over there." I tell them as we jog over to it.

"We can't wait too long. If they use the overkill device, everyone on the border's in danger." Fitz pants.

"We're aware." Ward assures him.

"And that includes Marta and Vlad." Fitz adds.

"Oh, you're on a first-name basis now?" Ward asks him as Fitz almost slips on some dirt and snow.

"Yeah, well, I'm just saying, their lives are on the line, too, so let's not get too comfortable." Fitz pants as he climbs inside the pipe first before sitting down and taking off his backpack, and Ward then sits down opposite him to his left, and I sit opposite Ward on his right.

After waiting a few hours and night completely falls, I check my watch on my right wrist to see that it's 01:24am, but I dought the Border Patrol is going to stop searching any time in the next few hours.

"Why do you think S.H.I.E.L.D. sent in just the three of us?" Fitz asks us.

"I don't know. They said they needed a guy like you and two guys like us." Ward tells him.

Fitz then begins to search in his backpack before pulling out a plastic, clear zip bag with what looks like a wrapped up sub inside with his left hand, and he opens the bag before he smells it.

[Prosciutto, Buffalo Mozzarella and Pesto Aioli Sub]

"Mmm." Fitz hums in delight before he takes the search out with his right hand to get the sub out.

"Is that a sandwich?" Ward asks him incredulously.

"Simmons made it. My favorite. Prosciutto and Buffalo Mozzarella with a hint of Pesto Aioli. Here. You can have a third." Fitz unrolls the sandwich and holds it out to Ward, but Ward suddenly grabs it with his right hand and throws it into a muddy, slush-puddle making Fitz gape at the sandwich in confused and anger.

"What the hell?" Fitz asks Ward incredulously.

"Ward was actually in the right." I point out, and Fitz turns to me speechless.

"There are dogs tracking us, and you bring a prosciutto sandwich." Ward says to him incredulously.

"I can't believe you just did that." Fitz continues to gape.

"This is a mission, not a picnic!" Ward shouts/ whispers.

"Oh, I'm well aware it's not 'a picnic', Mr. Save the Day." Fitz says to him annoyed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ward asks him confused.

"Oh, come on. You obviously get off on it, being the guy who always gets to throw the last punch, who always swoops in to save the girl. And now you've destroyed the world's most dangerous sandwich. Congratulations." Fitz explains and congratulates him before continuing "Well, I'll tell you something. I don't need to be rescued by anyone, Grant Ward-" He is cut off when Ward puts his left hand over Fitz' mouth and puts his right index finger to his own lips, motioning for him to be quiet as we hear shouting and dogs barking about half a mile away, but Fitz pushes his hand away and stays silent until the dog barks and shouting fades "Yeah. Oh, and-" He tries to continue, but Ward cuts him off.

"-listen. Before we left, Coulson told me and Lyra to take care of you. That is what I am doing. Nothing more, nothing less." Ward tells him before he unzips his jacket with his right hand and takes out a wrapped thin bar of what I'm guessing is odorless granola with his right hand"Here." He gives Fitz the bar, and he takes it with his right hand "If you're hungry, eat this. It's odorless." He explains as Fitz opens it, and he looks at it repulsed.

After myself and Ward decided to stay on watch, Fitz is asleep after only eating half of the odorless granola bar as he called it 'A disgrace cereal bars everywhere'.

"Why were you so bothered that I achieved level 6?" I ask Ward, and look over at him as I lean my head back on the pipe wall, but he just continues to look outside "Were you jealous?" I nudge my right foot into his upper right thigh "Were you? Answer my question." I keep nudging him, and he grabs my ankle with his right hand to stop me, but he doesn't look at me.

"... I wasn't jealous." Ward tells me, and he releases my ankle.

"So, all the signs of Jealousy that was radiating from you, everyone around you were imagining it?" I nod curtly as I focus my eyes on him whilst I hide a smile.

"... I just don't get how you made level 6 in just two months, I turned level six nine years into shield. You should barely be level 2." Ward Explains to me, and joking calms down.

"Look, I understand that you worked really hard to get where you are today, but so did I." I say to him, and he looks over at me "As soon as I graduated from school, I went straight to the New York Police Academy for two years and they told me I'd probably be sitting at a desk for the next five, but I didn't listen. I stood my ground. And due to my dedication at my desk for three months, I was then put out on patrol for five months, than multiple undercover, rescue OP's, and you name it, and then when I turned twenty-four, I got my own team, nine month's later my own precinct. I did my best to prove to everyone that I was doing my job to change other peoples lives, protect those who couldn't protect themselves. And of course there was people who said I didn't deserve it, I was too young and that the poor orphan girl gets the sympathy vote. They have no idea what I went through before Foster Care, and nobody knows what drives my true motivation and dedication." I sigh the last bit as I finish explaining, and from the corner of my eye I can see the sun beginning to rise "So please don't be like the people who say I don't deserve it, because I have sacraficed everything to be where I am today." I tell him, and I inhale a sharp breath before I glance at my watch. 4:08am "Come on Fitz, like you said. Time is not on our side." I say to him as he grogily opens his eyes.

[Dirt Road and M.A.G. Pouch]

After Fitz had woke up properly, we all headed to a Dirt Road that leads directly to the Compound where The Overkill Device is located, and right know Ward, myself and Fitz are laying in a M.A.G. Pouch in the middle of the road with the upper part unzipped so we can see when a Truck is coming so we catch a ride to the Compound.

"Good day to be a rat." Fitz speaks up "I mean, there you are, minding your own business, spreading filth and disease, scavenging for grub worms or rotten fruit, When lo and behold, you see it. A Prosciutto and Buffalo Mozzarella sandwich..." He trails off, still angry.

"Fitz." Ward warns him.

"... With just a hint of Pesto Aioli." Fitz finishes.

"Quiet." Ward tells him, and I begin to hear and feel rumbling in the distance.

"Feel that?" I ask them, and Fitz turns to me confused.

"A truck. It's coming." Ward says.

"Zip up the M.A.G. Pouch." I tell them, and we throw the pouch over us, and Ward and Fitz zip it up on both sides so we blend into the Dirt Road. And as soon as the truck drives over us, the magnetic attraction pulls M.A.G. Pouch and Truck towards each other and the truck drives us away.

(Skip to The Compound)

After the truck pulls over, we wait a moment as people step out of the truck and walk away from we all climb out of the M.A.G. Pouch and crawling out the right side of the truck, and Ward and myself take our guns out at the ready as I see a metal support beam near a door labelled 'Security Access Only'.

"Okay. Go. Go. Go." I tell Ward and Fitz before we all crouch down as we run behind the support beam, and Ward and myself check the perimeter a bit more.

"Shh, shh, shh. Go, go, go." Ward tells us, and we run over to a door labelled 'Security Access Only'.

"I'll signal extraction." Ward tells us as he steps aside and Fitz takes his bag pack off, opens it and pull out a large cylinder capsule with The Magic Window inside.

[The Magic Window]

"Simmons calls it 'The magic Window'. You'd probably guess, 'is that X-ray technology?'..." Fitz begins to explain as Ward walks back over to us as we look around for any armed men "... There are actually s-band microwave antennae embedded in this sheet. But it's more like a radar system really." He explains as he takes The Magic Window out of the cylinder capsule and stretches it out along the wall, and it sticks "Okay. Let's see. Okay. Okay, we have two guards on the West wall." He focuses on The Magic Window. I then open the door with my left hand before stepping inside to see two armed men, and Ward follows me and closes the door behind us, and we switch our guns with our Night-night Guns before shooting both of the men in the chest, and they fall to the floor momentarily mobilised. Ward then opens the door, and we see Fitz with his back to us.

"Lyra?! Ward?!" Fitz whisper/ shouts.

"Hurry. Inside." Ward tells him, and Fitz turns to us in sudden shock.

"Ah. That makes sense now." Fitz says before he picks up his backpack and follows us inside, and we begin to search for The Overkill Device as we turn multiple corners of rooms that are filled with large construction machines, but we stop in front a larger machine than the others we've come across, and it has large multiple pipes come from the centre of it.

"This must be it." I say to them as we slowly approach it to see it has a small door and handle that needs to be turned to open it.

"Weird." Fitz says before he taps on the door, hearing that it's hollow "Core must be inside here. That's what's important. The piping around it just serves to amplify and direct the sound, to trigger munitions from a distance." He explains as he takes his bag pack off.

"Doesn't look like it could take a jet out of the sky." Ward speaks honestly as Fitz takes out a hand drill from his backpack with his right hand.

"Well, you should know by now, Agent Ward, that looks can be deceiving." Fitz says before he unscrews the four bolts on the door with the hand drill.

"Your ready?" I place my hands on the handle and ask Ward as he also places his hands on the handle.

"Yeah." Ward says before we both begin to twist the handle counter- clockwise, and the door slowly begins to open. Once we manage to open it, we all look inside to see it looks like a small, more complication version of its shell.

"This is gonna take a while." Fitz says to us.

"You have 10 minutes." Ward glances at his watch on his right wrist.

"I thought you'd say five." Fitz sets his timer on his watch on his right wrist before going to work.

After about six minutes with myself and Ward guarding Fitz with our guns at the ready, Fitz is working on The Overkill Device with some flippers to disconnect it from its shell.

"All right. Show me the final steps to disable this thing. I'll get it done." Ward tells Fitz.

"No, we stick to the extraction plan." I tell Ward as I glance towards Fitz as he works.

"I'll be done in a minute." Fitz assures him.

"The extraction plan's a bust." Ward says, and we both look at him confused.

"What?" I ask him confused.

"Exfil team didn't make contact. Once you take that thing apart and I set off the remote beacon, we're on our own. You two should go." Ward explains to us.

"I'm not leaving, Fitz?" I ask him.

"Same, no way." Fitz agrees with me before he goes back to retrieving The Overkill Device.

"Guys, there's no time to argue-" Ward tries to say, but Fitz cuts him off.

"-You don't think I can't handle this?" Fitz stops working and turns to him.

"No, I am trying to protect you-" Ward tries to say, but Fitz cuts him off again.

"-Ah, you think I'm a coward. Is that it?" Fitz asks him.

"What? No." Ward shakes his head confused.

"I am every bit the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that you are." Fitz tells him confidently before going back to retrieving The Overkill Device.

"Whoa. You don't have anything to prove. What you said about me always needing to swoop in. I know you would have jumped out of the plane to save Simmons, and she knows that, too." Ward explains to him, and Fitz stops working again and turns to him.

"I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. Okay? Before we left, you're not the only one that Coulson talked to, okay? He told me to take care of you both, too. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm not going anywhere. You understand?" Fitz explains to him, and Ward slowly nods so Fitz gets back to retrieving The Overkill Device "And I'm bloody starving." He adds, and I smile at his comment.

"Ah-ah." Ward warns him as Fitz is about to detach the last wire "Last chance, Fitz. Are you sure you don't want a head start? Because the second you pull that final wire-" He tries to say, but is cut off when Fitz pulls the wire, and it's as if the power in the whole building has shut down.

"Your turn." Fitz tells Ward. Ward then takes out the Remote to activate the Beacon from his left jacket pocket with his left hand, and he presses the single button on it to activate it before he puts it back into his left jacket pocket.

"Okay Fitz. Let's go. We need to slip out of here before they notice the device is powered down." I explain to him as Fitz takes out the core.

"Got it." Fitz tells us, and an alarm suddenly blares throughout the building trough a tanoid.

"We need a new plan." Both Ward and Fitz say simutaniously.

After Fitz came up with the idea of modifing The Overkill Device so it will diasvle all automatics within a half a mile radius so myself and Ward can take them on with hand-to-hand combat.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" I ask Fitz unsure as Ward and myself hold the core as Fitz modifies it.

"Yes... Theoretically." Fitz answers me, and we hear doors opening and closing distantly "Okay. Finished." He sighs as he takes the core from us.

Suddenly, there is a loud crash above us, shaking the whole building and a few sparks flaring above making us crouch encase of anything collapsing.

"What was that?" I exhale sharply as we all stand back up properly.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. They've started their attack, which means we don't have much time before they crush the compound." Ward explains as we see four armed men coming down from the upper level of the building "Get up there and take out as many of their weapons as you can with that thing." He orders Fitz, and Fitz takes the core and his back pack before running up a separate set of stairs to the upper level. Two armed men then come at myself and Ward with guns, and I turn to looks up at Fitz.

"Fitz!" I shout of him, and he shoots beams from the core at the soldiers weapons, making them drop them to ground as they explode. Ward the takes on one of the armed men as I take on the other one.

I then pick up a fallen pipe from the ground with my right hand before I swing it as a baseball bat at one of the mens' knees, making groan in pain before I swing it across the back of his head, and details to the ground unconscious.

"Behind you!" I hear Fitz shout, and I turn around to see the man knocked out, but there is another man whom has Ward pinned up against the staircase with his left hand, and he right hooks Ward in the face.

I then walk over to the man and take his left wrist in my left hand and his shoulder in my right hand before I snap his left shoulder out of place, making him release Ward. I then cartwheel to his right side, twisting his arm into an unbearable position, and he lands on his knees before someone right hooks him the face, knocking him out. I then let the man fall to the ground unconscious, and I look up to see Fitz was the person whom knocked him unconscious.

"I just did that." Fitz says as gauks at the unconscious man.

"Yeah." Ward nods a little confused.

"How's your hand?" I ask Fitz warily.

"I think I broke it." Worry completely takes over Fitz' face.

"Okay. Let's go, boys." I show a comforting smile at Fitz before we leave.

Once we arrive outside my jogging, multiple explosions occurs all over The Compound whilst jets fly in the sky, and once we come around to where we arrived into The Compound, there are about three dozen men aiming their guns at us.

"You said they needed a guy like me and two guys like you, right?" Fitz asks Ward.

"Right." Ward nods, and we begin to hear jet engines roaring above us, and we look up to see The B.U.S. flying over The Compound.

"It's the extraction team!" Fitz smiles.

"Better. It's the cavalry." I smile at him.

"Never get tired of seeing that." Ward smiles, and The B.U.S. turns around and the engines face backwards towards the soldiers who have their guns aimed at The B.U.S. and us. The engines then let out huge amounts of wind power, knocking all of the soldiers on the ground most left unconscious.

(Skip to The B.U.S.)

Once we get onto the B.U.S. Coulson is the first person we see coming down the stairs as the landing bay closes, and Simmons and Skye shortly follow.

"Thanks for coming to get us, sir." Ward thanks Coulson as they shake their right hands together, and Coulson shakes my right hand and then Fitz' right hand after.

"We take care of our own." Coulson tells us, and I begin to head upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Simmons asks me confused.

"To tell May to stop at any Fast Food Restuarant, Ward practically starved us." I smile before I leave.
