1; Mirko

That afternoon I woke up from my phone ringing and I cursed under my breath.
I picked up the phone and was met with a familiar voice, one that stirred both hate and excitement in me.

"Hawks, how'd it go?"

"Hello to you too Endeavor." I replied rubbing my face with my free hand.

"How did it go?" He repeated, sounding like his normal grumpy self but with a slight curiosity and annoyance in his voice.
"I talked and they are willing to give me a chance. They didn't tell me much yet, that much I had expected. Shigaraki Tomura told me I'll have to prove myself to earn their trust and all that shit. That doesn't really sound good honestly,"

"Get their trust, do whatever it takes. I'll take responsibility for your actions. Don't screw up and I still expect you to do your patrols." Endeavor replied not even shaken by the thought of me needing to do something bad.
"I know you don't have to tell me, but i won't make it all the time." I replied, he wasn't my boss, not really so he shouldn't be talking the me like this.

"Obviously but don't miss any meetings, I have send you the meeting schedule ahead."
"Thanks." I said sourly
"You're up for the night patrol tonight by the way."
"Wait what? It's was Mirko her turn! I was supossed to have a day off." I protested but of course Endeavor was stubborn and wouldn't budge,
"She wants you to join her and you will."

I rolled my eyes, she should be able to do it herself, she's the number 5 hero after all. Sometimes i regret being her best friend.
"Fine, fine."
Endeavor said good-bye.
When i was younger I admired this particular hero. He seemed cool and was amazing and strong but once i started working with him that changed. He's grumpy and always angry. He also keeps underestimating me which is highly annoying.

I decided i got enough sleep for the day and pushed the covers to the end of the bed as i got up slowly. My phone buzzed and I had a text from Mirko telling me she was already in my apartment so we could get dinner together.

I scrambled to the livingroom where she was indeed sitting on the couch her feet propped up on the table and starting up the game console.

"I gave you the key for emergencies." I stated matter of factly. She smiled at me, "I wanted to see if my best friend was still alive and up for playing a videogame and to eat dinner."

I plopped down next to her on the couch and grabbed a controller, "How did the mission go?" she asked curiously. Mirko was aside from Endeavor the only person who knew i was doing this mission. That's the safest option, this way theres nearly no chance it will leak and the League figured out about the mission.

"It was okay, they're suspicious of me but despite that they decided they would give me a chance. So don't expect me to hang out often anymore. I'll probably be busy with killing people." I joked, she laughed anxiously, which made me perk up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm just worried about you, it's dangerous Keigo."

"I know, I know, I got this, don't worry." I said with a smile, trying to reassure her. She just nodded and dropped the subject.

We decided to go eat out before our shift started. Mirko left the choice to me, so we went to KFC. We walked there, Mirko refused to let me carry her so we could fly. People called out to us and we waved to our fans. As we arrived at KFC we didn't even have to pay for our food, the worker apparently was someone who I had saved from a burning building recently- Dabi's work probably- and this was a way he wanted to repay me, free chicken, that's always good way to repay someone.

We ate our food in comfortable silence ,but i couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring, not the usual fan stares but a stare like the one this morning. I looked around and saw a hooded figure sitting at a table, drinking from a cup. We locked eyes and he lifted his hood slightly with a smirk, Dabi.

"What's up?" Mirko asked as she was about to follow my stare. "Oh no nothing!" I quickly said, it would raise suspicion with Dabi if I would just let Mirko notice Dabi without any protest, "I just heard a few people gossip about our very romantic and sexual relationship." I said wiggling my eyebrows, she rolled her eyes, seemingly believing the lie i told her.

"I'm so full! I might die!" I groaned as we left KFC. "You shouldn't have eaten that much, it's a miracle your still as slim as you are." Mirko said and I chuckled, waving my hands, "Magic."

It was a quiet night with almost nothing to do and when we finally were done with our shift- which lasted till 4 in the morning- we reported back at the agency, the usual night people were there. "Drinks at my place?" Mirko asked once we were outside again. I still felt the presence of a third person and knew Dabi was still watching him. "Nah imma head to bed, you should too."
"Okay I'll be leaving then." she said and in a blink of an eye she disappeared.

"You can come out now." i said and a shadow appeared, "Having fun following me around?" i asked him, he scoffed, "Shigaraki made me do it."
"Bet you do everything Shiggy asks you to do." I said not wanting to be kind to him, he was still a villain and currently annoying the shit out of me. "Watch it, I could hurt you." Dabi said and he stepped closer to me, I had to slightly look up at him. I felt the heat radiating off of him in waves.

"Nah you're not allowed." I said as i poked his chest with a firm finger. Then i stepped back "Now if you'll excuse me, imma go to bed." I spread my wings nearly hitting him in the face, "Oh and you'd do better with not following me when another hero is around, we're trained to notice suspicious eyes on us." And with a push from the ground i lifted off. I went straight to bed when i arrived home, barely bothering with shrugging off my clothes.

"Wakey, wakey!" A manic voice, which definitely did not belong in my bedroom said. I hurriedly sat up heart beating loudly in my chest and I was met with the weight of someone on top of me. I looked up in the golden maniac eyes of Toga Himiko.

"Keigo, we're gonna go on a little trip!" She said with a wide smile. She was straddling my hips. I pushed her shoulder away, "Oh fuck, you're definitely not my type, you know?" I said as i scrambled off my bed. She was definitely too young, she looked barely 18 and even then I was not into girls. She cocked her head in confusion. "You're too young first off and I'm not into women," I said simply while i grabbed the nearest shirt.

She pouted slightly in disappointment but left the room. I followed her and when i walked into my living room i realized the entire league of villians was in my apartment, well atleast everyone i've met. Shigaraki was leaning against the wall, looking at his hands absentmindly. Twice was laying on my couch humming under his breath and Dabi was looking at the pictures i hung up on the wall. I was suddenly very aware of the fact that i was wearing only a t-shirt and boxers. "For the number two hero i expected a large mansion, not a small apartment." Shigaraki stated.

"I don't like big houses." i simply said, which was true.
"Who's that?" Dabi asked and he pointed at a picture of my middle school best friend and me, our arms around each other.

"My friend Touya Todoroki, he went missing, not that it's any of your business." I said suddenly feeling very protective over my privacy.

"They didn't find him?" Dabi asked andi raised an eyebrow at him, hadn't i just said it didn't concern him?
"No," i said and i frowned at him before Dabi nodded and retreated to the balcony, to apparently have a smoke.

"Get ready Hawks we're going out, your first trust mission," said Shigaraki, "Don't wear your hero costume. We don't want you stand out so much."
I nodded and i disappeared into my room to change. I would probably regret this.

The first mission had been fairly easy, Toga 'just' needed blood for her quirk and i was there to support her and tell them where some of the heroes were so she could gather their blood. I made sure she didn't kill them though and I made a report to Endeavor who was happy to know they were starting to trust me to do this kind of job.

The second mission was probably even easier, we were to rob a place which wasn't really interesting really. The other jobs in the following week were pretty much the same as the first two.

But the job we were doing now was harder then the one i first did two weeks ago. I was paired up with Dabi; the others were there too but on a different floor of the building. We were supposed to get information for the League to be able to attack U-A again, i didn't really understand why Shigaraki had such an obsession with Class 1-A especially that Midoriya kid but that wasn't my biggest concern.

 Shigaraki's orders weren't that specific but i knew what he meant; get information and when given the information kill the person.

We didn't encounter many people but once we did she couldn't give us any information, but that meant we could, no had to kill her. She was whimpering in fear and paid as she lied with a wounded leg on the floor. Dabi surrounded us with blue flames, which were oddly familiar. The woman was full out crying now and pleaded, "Please no, i did nothing wrong." 

"You do it." Dabi said as he passed me his knife, I held the knife up and looked at the woman, my hand was trembling slightly.

 "Hawks, please you're a hero." She whimpered, i swallowed and shifted the knife in my hand. "Do it Hawks." Dabi whispered as he leaned next to my ear touching my shoulder with a strong hand. "I, I--" i tried to form words but couldn't. I couldn't, would never hurt an innocent civillian. 

Then Dabi sighed and crouched down in front of the woman. He held his hand in front of the woman's face. I turned my head away and felt the room heat up even more, the last thing we heard from the woman was a blood-curling scream, before she turned into ash. 

Dabi straightened up and pinned me down with a heavy, unreadable stare, that's when Kurogiri appeared. 

 "The police is here, let's go." he warped us back to the League of villains hide out and i had to fight the urge to fall down on the floor and go straight into a panic attack or something alike, I couldn't get rid of the smell of burned flesh in my nose. 

"Did he do it?" Shigaraki asked immediately, not to me but to Dabi, "Did he kill someone?" My heart sank, now they'll never trust me and there will be doubt forever. I looked over at Dabi with an anxious gaze. Dabi was leaning with his back against the bar, his arms folded over each other, ignoring  my gaze and instead watched Shigaraki. He cleared his throat before answering, "Yes. He killed her." 

I had to fight to keep the surprise of my face. Dabi finally looked at me and we locked eyes. I didn't want to turn my eyes away from the cold blue eyes of the scarred villian, but i had to i was scared i would show any kind of sign that he was lying.

"It's official then," Shigaraki stepped into my space, like he did when i met him for the first time.  I turned my face to the crusty man, he looked almost proud, if it was on me or himself I couldn't figure out. "Welcome to League of Villains." he smirked.

I landed on a roof that same day well technically it was the next day, it was hours past midnight. It had been a surprisingly quiet night except for the fire and killing thing earlier then by himself and the villians there hadn't been any other disturbance. 

The reason why i was out this late was because I had a night patrol again but the events of earlier that night were still lingering in my mind, it wasn't really fair that i still had to protect the city while I couldn't protect the woman in the building. I was about to fly away but i noticed a figure sitting  on the edge of the roof. It was a familiar figure and it made me wonder if Dabi was still tasked with following me even though Shiggy said he trusted me.

"Didn't expect you to be here." I said casually as i walked towards him my hands in my pocket.
"Leave." He said clearly angry, or was he upset?
"Awh what's with that tone?" I asked putting my hands on my side, trying to lighten the mood. 

He was still sitting dangerously close to the edge like he couldn't care if he fell off or not. His legs were pulled up against his chest with his arms around them, his face hidden behind his arms and knees. 

"Are you mad of what happened earlier or something? I don't really understand why you lied though." I dropped my hands to the side. 

"I said leave!" He shouted which echoed through the dark, beautiful night. He turned his head at me aggressively, he glared at me. But he didn't get the being angry message completely across, he looked more hurt and sad then angry. He was bleeding where his scar underneath his eyes met his skin, it was kind of smudged across his face from hiding it in his arms but it was still streaming down his face towards his chin. His nose piercing was bleeding too, like it had been scratched at or pulled at too hard. My gaze at him softened. 

He scoffed as if he read my expression and he hid his face back into his knees again. I moved closer to him.

"It's a nice night isn't it?" I said, brushing my shoulder against his as i moved to sit down next to him. I let my legs dangle over the edge, slightly swaying them, "It's pretty weird seeing you like this, honestly." i continued and i dug into my jacket for a handkerchief.

"Keep talking and I'm going to burn you." Dabi mumbled into his knees just clear enough for me to hear. I had to suppress a sigh. 

"If you really wanted that, you'd have already done that. I saw up close what you can do."
I meant the events of that evening.
I held out the handkerchief, "Here." 

Dabi shifted enough so he could see what i was passing him, he scoffed again, "I'm not crying." His eyes were the only thing I could from his face. They were surprisingly blue even in the dark, standing out almost like small lights. 

"You are bleeding, dumbass." I argued.

"I don't need it." He said and he looked away from me again. I sighed but held the handkerchief in my hand.

"I guess even the bad guys have bad days huh?" 

"Shut up." He said and it was quiet between us for a little. I was about to push him again to use the handkerchief but Dabi spoke up again, "Don't you have anything better to do?" he slightly turned his head towards me again. Of course he would say something like that.
"Some hero work or something? People to save?" Dabi continued 

I sighed again. Some 'Hero' work. I wasn't really good at that now was I? I let someone die in front of my eyes.
People to save, maybe i could do that, even if it's just one. 
I shifted closer and wrapped my right wing around him. 

"Yeah probably."

He was clearly surprised with my action because he didn't hug me back. It wasn't really a hug either i had just wrapped my wing around him,as a sign of comfort and understanding.
I passed him the handkerchief again and this time he took it. I heard him sniffle a few times.
"Want a real hug?" I offered him more as a joke than actually expecting one. But he leaned over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. 

I felt my shoulder get wet and warm, was it blood or tears?
"It's okay you'll be fine."

"Shut up." he replied again, his voice slightly shaking.

After like a minute or so he pushed me away and i let him, i wasn't going to risk my face actually being burned off.
"Wanna sleep at my place? I remember seeing your bedroom you shared with Twice, that didn't look really comfortable." The bedroom he shared with Twice had two beds and several posters hanging on the wall, it wasn't that bad but it didn't offer much privacy for a mental breakdown, that's probably why Dabi had chosen to sit on a roof. 
"Don't you have a patrol right now?" Dabi said, his voice was back to being raspy and deep, instead of raspy and shaking. 

"That's fine, it won't be a problem," When Dabi didn't reply Hawks took it as a yes, "You wanna fly?"

Dabi shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair but i ignored it, i wasn't going to walk all the way back to my apartment.
I looped my arm underneath his legs and one supported his back, it went quite easy, he wasn't really heavy, which made me wonder if he ate well. My first guess was no, I had never seen him eat before. 

Dabi said something butthat was lost in a yelp as i took off with him, I looped his arms tightly around my neck, almost painfully. I looked down at him, his eyes where closed.

"Are you okay?"
"There was reason i shook my head." Dabi snapped, his eyes still closed. 

"Fear of heights?" I guessed with a slight surprise


"What were you doing in a roof then?" I asked confused. 
I hadn't expected an answer like and therefore i didn't ask him anything else, but said instead, "We're almost there."

When we arrived at my apartment, I landed on my balcony gracefully. I put Dabi down on his feet, he looked glad to be on his own feet on steady ground again. I opened the door and let him in. We walked to the livingroom and we both sat on the couch awkwardly.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked softly, Dabi shrugged that didn't answer shit.
"What did you mean with 'feeling'?" i whispered. I was surprised i even asked it.

"Sometimes I think i don't feel anything anymore , so when i sit in a roof i get reminded that i can still feel." said Dabi, not even doubting his answer.

"That's a pretty dark." I replied as i did not know what to respond.

"I think it's time to sleep." Dabi said instead of continuing this conversation or asking me something personal.
"You sleep on the couch." i said and i stood up stretching out.

"What? No! I'm your guest you should at least let me sleep in your bed." Dabi protested folding his arms as he too stood up.
"Hell no I'm already sleeping in it." I protested right back and i mirrored him and also folded my arms. 

"We can share it?" Dabi offered. I was stunned he even dared to ask, he must know my sexuality right, it was not like i hid it and he had to have heard it from Toga whom i told it too. 
I was about to protest but Dabi, with a smirk on his face, challenged "Or are you a chicken?"
"Very funny Dabi, very funny." I said nearly wanting to clap my hands for his unoriginality.

"Fine." I finally said. 

I walked to my room to get some clothes- \\fvvfsweatpants and a tanktop- before disappearing in the bathroom. I closed the door with a bang and locked it. I put the shower on, i started undressing myself and got under the shower.
I let the water fall down on me, on my hair, on my wings, on my skin for longer than probably was necessary, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine all the events of tonight being washed away by the water. That didn't work of course. 

Once i finished showering, i dried myself and put on my boxers, my sweatpants and tanktop
My hair was slightly damp, my wings were still  dripping with water with a towel in my hand i unlocked the bathroom door. 
"You can shower if you want to Dabi." I said.

I walked towards my room. Dabi was already sitting on my bed, staring absentmindly out of the window. 
"Oi Asshole, go shower." I said and i threw the clean towel at his face. 

He stood up not saying anything and he walked to the bathroom. I got him a tshirt that was slightly to big for me, they also didn't have holes for my wings, and a pair of sweat pants. I put them down in front of  the bathroom door.
"I put some clothes for you outside the bathroom." I said. It felt weird being so normal with him, not shouting, bickering or being uncivil to him but just normal.

There was no reply from Dabi so I just assumed he heard me. I walked back to my room keeping the door open. I plopped down on my bed lying on my stomach letting out a soft groan. It had been a tough day, I turned on my side and curled up for a bit. 

After a few minutes, which was quicker than my shower, Dabi walked in. I glanced at him and noted he had found the clothes, his hair was different too. Instead of his hair being all spiked up it was down and framed his face. Some strands were still sticking up but the majority of it was down. I lied my head back down and expected him to lie down in bed.

But there was no movement from someone getting into bed. 
I turned my head again and looked at him. He was awkwardly standing at the side of the bed, looking nearly shy.
"Just lay down you're making me nervous." I said slightly annoyed. It was his idea, the least he could do was suck it up and just lie down. It wasn't like i was planning to something to him, even though even with his scars he was strikingly handsome.

He finally lied down and i dropped my head back onto my pillow. 
"Goodnight." he said and i grunted in response, before i fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning i was disorientated, warm arms were wrapped around me and my head was against something a shoulder or chest. For a second i thought Mirko had snuck into my house and went to sleep into my bed- which for the record only happened twice, she liked to cuddle and was sometimes lonely so she came here- but instead of smelling her vanilla perfume i smelled burned wood combined with my sandalwood soap.

Is he kidding me? How did we even end up like this?

Yes if you read this before you noticed i added a new part and also edited a few parts to fit better:)
