Guia de Capitulos (En español)

Guía de capítulos (En español):



Escape [Escapatoria]

Great Plan [Gran Plan]

Coward [Cobarde]

Helping Each Other [Ayudándonos unos a otros]

Family [Familia]

Last [Pasado]

They Need Me [Ustedes necesitan de mi]

Lucille is Coming [Lucille esta de vuelta]

Inmunity [Inmune]


The Other Carl [El otro Carl]

Nice [Bien]

Sweetie [Dulce]

Coward [Cobarde]

Maybe [Tal vez]

What Have You Done With Me [Que has echo de mi]

Rescuers, Save [Equipos de rescate, salvan]

The Mystery of Life [El misterio de la vida]

You Will Always be Among the Living [Siempre estarás entre los vivos]

Knot Images [Imagenes del nudo]

To Err is Human [Errar es humano]

End of The Game [Fin del juego]

Victim [Victima]

If only [Si solo...]

Go Back [Regresa]

In The Bottom of my Heart [En lo profundo de mi corazón]

The Key to Hapinness [La clave de ser feliz]


They Fit Perfectly [Encaja perfectamente]

Small Future Leader [Pequeña futura lider]

As Ever Had Hugged my Mother [Como si fuese mi madre]

Instant Camera [Camara instantánea]

Damn Joke [Maldita broma]

The Marks of The Past [Marcas del pasado]

Little Treasure [Pequeña traviesa]

Nothing Can be Worse [Nada puede ser peor]

Power is Want [Poder es querer]

Concepts of Love [Concepto de amor]

Far From Home [Lejos de casa]

Only Barks, Does Not Bite [Solo ladra, no muerde]

Should Show [Debe demostrar]

Changes [Cambios}

Legend Lucille [Lucille, una leyenda]

Until The Last Breath [Hasta el ultimo suspiro]

The Sound of things Falling [El ruido de las cosas al caer]

A Beathin Heart [Un corazón que late]

The Frozen Garden [El jardín de hielo]

The Hardest Goodbye [El mas difícil adiós]

The Sound of Things Falling [El ruido de las cosas al caer]

Magic Poison [Veneno mágico]

Duty and Love [Deber y amor]

Ten Times Seven [Diez veces siete]

The Big Wolf [El gran lobo]

Cloud Torment [Nube de tormenta]

A Fairytale [Un cuento de hadas]

An End, a Beginning [Un fin, un comienzo]

Break the Chains [Rompe las cadenas]

When You Leave [Cuando te vallas]

Ding Dong

The Night is Dark [La noche es oscura]

They Know That my Name is The Lord [Sabran que mi nombre es el señor]

Temptation [Tentación]

The Garden Purposely [El adrede jardín]


