NANA: "Sorry I'm late."

AKI: "We've been waiting for you, Setsuna. Wait... What's the matter?! You look absolutely exhausted."

NANA: "I wanted to campaign more like Mifune, so I spoke to some of the students.
But it seems I didn't give very good advice based on their perplexed looks."

AKI: "By yourself? Like I said let me he- Oh, right... The students of this school don't like me too much, considering all of Ryu's lies."

AYUMU: "You can't expect it to go smoothly since you're not used to this kind of thing. I'm sure it'll go better next time if you learn from your experience today."

NANA: "Yes... You're right. I must give it my all!"

AI: "Oh, Setsu! Have a look at this election poster! Rinari and I are pretty proud of it!"

AKI: "You made posters?"

RINA: "Maybe we should've made it cuter. Rina-chan Board says, 'Doki-Doki'."

AKI: "N-No it's fine. I should have told you that I've got Shiro on poster duty. But the more posters we have, the wider our message is spread."

NANA: "Wow! 'Let's create a school for the people, by the people!' That's exactly the message I want to push. Let's go with this!"

AKI: "Nice! It compiles our message into one catchy slogan. To forge their own path, with their own school."

AI: "All right! Time to start a counterattack with our amazing new poster!"

NANA: *Giggle* "Right! I'll give it my all!"

RINA: "Counterattack, start!"

KASUMI: *Huff* *Pant* "Everyone, listen up!"

SHIZUKU: "Oh, Kasumi! Club's already started. Where have you been? We're supposed to be helping Setsuna with her election campaign."

KASUMI: *Huff* *Huff* "Detective Kasumin has dug up more info on Shioriko Mifune for the election!"

KARIN: "She's an academically-gifted daughter of a distinguished family, right?"

AKI: "Yes..."

KASUMI: "That's not all. There's a lot more to her background story."

AKI: "There is? Let me hear it, just in case there's something I don't know."

KASUMI: "She has the skills to be an instructor of tea ceremonies and flower arrangement."

AKI: "That's it? I expected at least that much from her."

KASUMI: "She's won a debate tournament before! She's a genuinely perfect human!"

AKI: "She's not perfect! Hold up, a debate tournament?!"

EMMA: "It seems like you've just become a fan of hers or something, Kasumi."

KASUMI: "Who are you calling a fan?! I think I am the cutest around, so I don't become a fan of others! Especially of people who disrespect my Senpai...
Oh, that's not what I came to say. *Ahem* Setsuna on the other hand..."

NANA: "Huh, me?!"

KASUMI: "I figured I should put together a conparison of you two."

AKI: "A tale of the tape?"

KASUMI: "Setsuna's hobbies are light novels, manga, anime and video games. School idol activities excluded, she's quite indoorsy so that she can watch her pre-recorded ani-"

NANA: "Please stop! Don't expose me!"

AKI: "Anime and video games are the sources of energy you use to spread your love, after all."

NANA: "Ack... That follow-up just now struck me like an arrow. Even if it was from you."

AKI: "Oh, sorry about that."

KARIN: "Okay, okay, that's enough. Look, no matter how perfect a girl Mifune might be, you won't lose without a fight. Right, Setsuna?"

AKI: "I told you, Shioriko isn't perfect! Waaaay far from it."

KARIN: "You know, Aki. You and Setsuna do have a lot in common. I know how much you both hate losing."

NANA: "Th-That's a given!"

AKI: "Y-Yeah! What she said!"

AYUMU: "Then we'll also do our best to help with the election preparations. Let's build this up one block at a time, Setsuna!"

EMMA: "How far have we gotten with gathering her achievements in Student Council activities?"

KANATA: "Um, up until around spring, maybe? We haven't gathered all of the rest yet."

AKI: "We really need that achievement list. Comparing it to Shiroriko's is a crucial part to the entire campaign..."

SHIZUKU: "We should be able to get it done in a flash if we all work together! Let's pour all of our efforts into gathering the data!"
