AKI: "That really was a passionate performance, Setsuna!"

Luckily enough, passion isn't enough to create any physical explosions or something like that.

AKI: "Thanks for walking back with me, too. Go get some rest."

SETSUNA: "No problem. Don't forget to lock up, okay?"

AKI: "Will do. See you tomorrow, Setsuna."

KARIN: "Oh, Setsuna isn't staying. The others already got started. *Sigh* Looks like the two of us are in here alone again."

AKI: "Don't worry, tomorrow's the big day we've all been waiting for. The Joint Solo Live Show!"

KARIN: "I thought we had more time. The days just flew by, didn't they?"

AKI: "Chalk it up to every day being full of fun!"

KARIN: *Chuckle* "We are having fun. I love that I'm challenging myself to try so many new things."

AKI: "I'm happy to hear that."

KARIN: "Hey, can I ask you something? This has been bothering me for a while now."

AKI: "What's up?"

KARIN: "Well, you avoided answering me the other day. Why DID you write this song for me? You think sultry music suits me better too, right?"

AKI: "Oh... D-Do I really have to answer that?"

KARIN: "You bet you do. The live show's tomorrow, and I want to clear this up before it starts!"

AKI: "I can't argue that you usually come off as a cool, mature girl. But I guess I wrote it because I think there's more to you than that."

KARIN: "Oh? How so?"

AKI: "Sorry if I'm way off-base with this, but sometimes...I feel like you're forcing yourself."

KARIN: "Huh?"

AKI: "Like when we were talking about what kinds of songs suited everyone best, or raving about the dessert menu at the diner...
Maybe you feel like because you're more mature, you need to prioritize meeting everyone else's expectations instead of doing what you really want.
But I'd think it's exhausting to have to keep that up all the time.
I know you're totally responsible, but it's okay to lean on people sometimes, you know? You can be yourself more. That's what I wanted to tell you through this song."

KARIN: "I see, so that's where that song came from."

AKI: "Yeah. It was my message to you."

KARIN: "I guess now that you bring it up, maybe I'm not so comfortable with relying on other people."

AKI: "I support you 100%, no matter what. Don't ever feel like you have to hold back.
I want you to spread your wings and fly!"

KARIN: "My, that's a bold statement. Does this mean you'll take care if me if I ask?"

AKI: "I-If you think I'm dependable enough!"

KARIN: "Hmm. Interesting. Are you sure we have to go to practice right now? Before I sing this song in front of everybody tomorrow, I want you to hear it first. This song that's so honest and true to me."

AKI: "Sure, we have time. I'd love to hear a song that's truly from your heart!"


The song sounds better than expected! I can't wait for Karin's performance tomorrow. I knew I made the right decision.

I should join the others in practice right now.

AYUMU: "I've finished checking everything. I just had to fix one typo."

AKI: "Oh, sorry Ayu! I really should have checked it sooner."

AYUMU: *Giggle* "It's easy to miss little things when you're doing something alone. Good thing I helped, right?"

AKI: "Definitely. Sorry to bug you with fixing typos the day before your performance."

AYUMU: "Don't worry, I offered to help. It's important that everything is ready for tomorrow's big day."

AKI: "Yeah, but it's not like I'm going to be the one on stage, though."

AYUMU: "Come on, you're in charge of the whole event! You're gonna be running around all day tomorrow, too. You have to get plenty of rest."

AKI: "It'll be fine. I need to make sure that you girls are all prepared for tomorrow."

AYUMU: "Alright. Just...don't overwork yourself, okay?"

AKI: "I'll be fine. Now let's get to practice."
