SHIORIKO: "I'll begin. First of all, please allow me to thank you for accepting my selfish request for a re-election.
I am not criticizing your entire administration of the Student Council. Running a stable student council is worthy of a passing grade."

NANA: "A passing grade?"

AKI: "Ugh, it's like she thinks she's a teacher or something. She's in absolutely no position to lecture Nana!"

KANATA: "Negativity aside, I have to agree with you."

SHIORIKO: "With that in mind, my position is that a school where students can pursue their passions does not support the development of students in its true essence."

It's always development with her. Students should be allowed to develop their skills towards what they want to become.

SHIORIKO: "For example, what would you do for a student who wants to focus on kendo despite their lack of talent? They have no chance of being admitted into a college athletics program."

How can you belittle someone for doing what they love?! Is it because they're not 'perfect' or 'genetically superior'?!

NANA: "I would allow them to put their heart and soul into kendo. I believe that trying your best at what you love leads to confidence."

Damn right it does! Great response from Nana, there.

SHIORIKO: "What kind of confidence is fostered there? Where is it of use? During tough times, will they think back and wish they had worked harder? It does not serve as a solution for times of hardship."

AKI: "Of course there will be times of hardship. But through those times you push harder and harder to overcome it! Not everything can just be a quick road to success, that would build a school of lazy corner-cutters!"

KASUMI: "She can't hear you through the screen, Senpai. But don't worry,  I agree with you!"

SHIORIKO: "Wouldn't it be more efficient for the student's future to polish their unique skills starting from their high school days, rather than focusing on their belived kendo?"

It's always efficiency with her. It's like students aren't people to her, they're just machines. As expected from a Mifune...

NANA: "I-Is it not perhaps a little sad to decide on everything based on efficiency?"

SHIORIKO: "This is not an issue of sadness or happiness. I believe it is more important to show the student their shortest path to success in these three years, for their future."

RIGHT THERE! SHE ADMITTED IT! 'Shortest path to success', right there! That creates a student who cuts corners! Someone who expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. Reminds me of someone...
Someone who wants to create an institution of sloth.
Hit her with a rebuttal Nana!

NANA: "Don't you think that's a little too bleak for the life of a student? One's love for something is more powerful than anything else!"

SHIORIKO: "Well, how about you, then? Are you partaking in your passions to the best of your ability?"

NANA: "What?"

EVERYONE: "What?!"

SHIORIKO: "Have you not become half-hearted with your efforts towards your Student Council President duties and passions? Do you really practice what you preach?"

...Slander. She's resorted to slander?!

NANA: "W-Well..."

SHIORIKO: "Your words lack persuasion unless you, the Student Council President who stands at the head of all students, lead by your actions."

NANA: "..."

Don't let her question you, Nana!

SHIORIKO: "What is the matter? This is a public debate. Do you not have any views of your own towards what I'm saying?"

NANA: "..."

SHIORIKO: "No matter what you may say, your words lack power in your current state."


KARIN: "You think you too, huh? That was completely uncalled for."

AKI: "She just blatantly used Nana's position as a weapon against her! This...silver-tongued snaggletooth... She's demoralising Nana as a person and they're just going to stand by and watch?!"

KASUMI: "It's true, but what can we do if they're accepting it?"

AKI: "...I don't know. If the board accepts it, then it's absolute. Like the rules don't mean anything anymore.
It still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Someone really needs to wipe that smug look off her face.
Where's my phone?"

AYUMU: "Wh-Why?!"

AKI: "I'm calling Yoshiko, I want more details on those curses she said about."


KASUMI: "Yeah, I'm with you!"

AI: "That's a little too far."

KARIN: "Though it could provide us with an advantage, don't you think?"

SHIZUKU: "Not like this!"

EMMA: "Curses are scary, though..."

KANATA: "I've got a bad feeling about this. Just make sure that she doesn't accidentally curse us instead."

AYUMU: "Nobody is getting cursed! We're going to support Nana with everything we've got. That's all we can do."

AKI: "...You're right, Ayu. I'm sorry I lost my cool like that. We just need to strike back ten times as hard."

AYUMU: "Good, just no curses..."
