Eli's dancing is completely flawless! The difference between my ability and her's is the opposite ends of the earth.

Although, she looked like she had something on her mind during practice.

Oh...great I forgot to ask her about contacting Otonokizaka's Chairwoman.

I guess you could say I was having fun... But that was only because of Eli! I would never enjoy dancing or anything... I watch others do that. But me? I don't dance.

UMI: *Sigh*

Hmmm, looks like Eli wasn't the only one with something on her mind.

It seems like Umi still doesn't have the confidence to put on a solo performance. I wish I could find a way to inspire her.

AKI: "Umi, are you okay?"

UMI: "I'm fine... It's just I'm a little stuck, writing lyrics."

AKI: "I see. I wasn't expecting that since you're μ's' lead lyricist and all."

UMI: "I'm sorry I'm not living up to your expectations."

AKI: "D-Don't worry about it! Really. I know the feeling of writers block for both lyrics and composition."

UMI: "I've never had this much trouble writing a song before."

AKI: "I guess writing a song for μ's and a song for yourself are two completely different things."

UMI: "Writing for μ's is writing for others, having to write my own feelings into a song is just too embarrassing."

AKI: "I see... Writing for μ's isn't just writing for the other eight members, you know?"

UMI: "I know, but..."

AKI: "What you need is inspiration."

UMI: "Inspiration?"

AKI: "To explore your own feelings, to experience emotions in order to translate them into song."

UMI: "Wh-What do you mean? What feelings are you talking about?"

AKI: "It could be anything. Happiness, Excitement, Love, Achie-"

UMI: "Wh-What?!"

AKI: "Etc. But just talking about emotion won't help you experience it.
Are you free?"

UMI: "Yes, I am. Why?"

AKI: "Come with me, I know a great crepe place in Harajuku. I just know it'll make you happy."

UMI: "Isn't that the shameless place?!"

AKI: "That's Shinjuku... Harajuku is the fashion district."

UMI: "Oh, if you say so."

AKI: "Yes! Let's go, I'll treat you to one."

UMI: "Wait, aren't crepes just a thing you do on dates?!"


UMI: "We... We actually came to the crepe shop."

AKI: "Yeah! Hmm, to others it looks like we're on a date or something."

UMI: "Huh? Us, on a date? A date?!"

AKI: "What's wrong, Umi?"

UMI: "Er, nothing. We may be calling this a date, but I'm doing this for inspiration."

AKI: "Sure thing, which crepe would you like?"

UMI: "Ah, hold on a moment!"


UMI: "So, there's plenty of different types of crepes. This is good to know."

AKI: "There's so much cream, chocolate and almonds. Nowhere does crepes better than this place!"

UMI: "Yeah! The chocolate isn't too sweet, either, so I could eat this whole thing."

AKI: "Ah!"

There's some cream on Umi's cheek.

AKI: "Hey, um, Umi. Can you hold still for a second?"


AKI: "Wh-Wh-Whoa, calm down! It's okay! People are staring..."

UMI: "Wh-Why did you touch my cheek?! Did... Did you have some kind of reason?!"

AKI: "There was some cream on your cheek. Sorry for wiping it off."

UMI: "That's it? I thought my heart would burst!"

AKI: "I scared you that much? I'm so sorry!"

UMI: "Oh, please, don't apologize. I feel like it was a valuable experience."


UMI: "Thank you for the crepe. I'm very grateful."

AKI: "No problem! Have you felt any inspiration for those lyrics yet?"

UMI: "Only a little. But I don't think it'll be enough for a song."

AKI: "I see. Well, are you free on Wednesday?"

UMI: "Yes I am. Is this to discuss further on what I should do for my solo performance?"

AKI: "I was actually thinking we could take a day off and have some fun at the amusement park. What do you say?"

UMI: "Y-You want to go to an amusement park together?"

AKI: "Only if you want to..."

UMI: "Of course I do! I'll be looking forward to it."

AKI: "Great! I hope this can inspire you further."

UMI: *Sigh* "I actually agreed... I've never been on a date before... What have I done?"

AKI: "Hm? Did you say something?"

UMI: "N-Nothing!"
