AKI: "Everyone ready to order?"

AYUMU: "Hmm... Just a sec."

RINA: "Custard pudding with almonds, or fruit jelly? I can't decide. Rina-chan Board says, 'Hmmm'."

SHIZUKU: "I mustn't eat too much. Exercise restraint... Although, since we're all here together, I should at least have a bite or two."

KASUMI: "Should I get the jumbo parfait or the pancakes? I hate to say no to either of them!"

AI: "Matcha ice cream or roasted green tea ice cream? Is matcha the better match-a, or should I save it for a rematch-a?"

KANATA: "It's taking me so long to pick, I'm getting sleepy... Zzz..."

SETSUNA: "The main character of this novel I'm reading always eats crepes, but my favorite character likes Japanese sweets. Hmm, who do I side with?"

EMMA: "I wanna get a seafood pizza and some dessert after. Sweet and salty go together!"

AKI: "Umm... *Laugh* Do you know what you're getting, Karin?"

KARIN: "Me? I'm..."

KASUMI: "You seem like the type to order on the spot without a second thought."

SETSUNA: "Yeah, you make your decisions quickly."

RINA: "I bet you can resist the temptation to eat sweets even at times like these. You're so disciplined."

KARIN: "U-Uhh... I suppose. Anyway, I know what I'm getting. A café au lait."

AI: "I can't imagine how much willpower it must take to look at this menu and not get any dessert."

SHIZUKU: "Now I'm a little embarrassed about how we've been carrying on about the choices."

AYUMU: "If only we could all be decisive! Err, or maybe it'd be better if we could restrain ourselves around sweets."

EMMA: "It's tough, isn't it? You're the coolest, Karin!"

KARIN: "O-Oh, stop it. This is totally normal. But..."

AKI: "Karin? Are you sure a café au lait is all you want? They have a combo with a small slice of cake, you could at least..."

KARIN: "No thanks, Boss, I'm fine."

Karin's acting kinda weird.

KARIN: "Come on, everyone. Weren't we supposed to talk about the joint solo live show? We'd better hurry up and order or we'll run out of time.".

KASUMI: "Oh, you're right! *Whine* I'll pick as quick as I can!"

EMMA: "Kanata, wake up and order something."

KANATA: *Yawn* "I fell asleep."

AI: "Hahaha! Geez, Kana. You can nod off anywhere!"

KANATA: "It's like my superpower."

KARIN: *Chuckle* "I'm glad we're all having fun, but I'm calling the waitress!"

...Yeah, Karin's definitely acting weird.

Maybe she's just not used to dining in places like this?



UMI: "Stationery, stationery... Ah, here it is.
Hanayo was right. This probably suits me more."

UMI: "A...letter?"

HANAYO: "Yeah. If you're not sure what present to give him, maybe your gift can be your feelings?"

UMI: "A gift of my feelings? B-But would he even be happy to recieve such a thing?"

HANAYO: "Of course he would! Like, I'd be super happy if it were me, so I'm sure he will be, too!
So give it a try, okay?"

UMI: "I'll believe in what Hanayo told me, and... I'll write a letter to him.
'Dear friend, allow me to express my heartfelt thanks for the magnificent help you gift us with'."


UMI: "Urgh... I'm not so sure I can express these feelings.
This may be harder than coming up with lyrics. What a predicament."


UMI: "Still, I will do my best to get this done before tomorrow!"
