Damien's Room

From what Dane had ever so cautiously said it sounded like they'd be spending an extra week there, which didn't really bother Drake and he expected that Jade wouldn't find fault in it either. Moving was such a hassle and the train rides could be impossibly long sometimes, but more importantly Jade had finally gotten her small fingers on the key to her room. Drake was still trying to figure out how in the world she'd done it because there were parts of her brain that he still had trouble reading and those memories seemed to be tucked away there. He had too much pride to simply let her know that he was curious though. And at the same time he had his own little secret.

He'd snatched that music box off the king. He'd seen what it had done to Damien. It hadn't been hard to sneak away from Cornelia to watch as she was in a petrified state staring at Castle and Maxi. He slipped it out of his pocket where it lived in secret and smiled at it. He was a bit curious about the name Lyra being delicately etched into its gold, but he soon realized that it was just the last piece to the puzzle. It was why Damien freaked out at its sound like anything that pertained to Lyra his dear mother. Now he had two. He laughed to himself and tucked it away just as he rounded the corner of the hallway to almost run right into Dane.

"Drake!" He exclaimed, staring at him with wide blue eyes through his reading glasses, which he wasn't supposed to transport between worlds, but he couldn't read a thing without them so what was the harm?

"Good morning uncle," Drake smiled at him, not a real smile though as Jade called them. What the hell was a real smile? Was a smile not just a smile? "You're looking . . ." he laughed in a joking sort of way, "actually well rested for once."

"Hmm," he nodded his head, tucking the book he had been holding open beneath his arm.

"Where are you off to?" Drake looked up at him. He seemed to be more serious than normal.

"Library," Dane bit his lip, "want to come?"

Drake frowned, knowing it wasn't really an invitation, "Why? Is Jade going or something?"

"Mhm," he nodded again and then Drake noticed the dark circles beneath his weary eyes. What was keeping him up? "Didn't think that you'd want to stay here all alone that is since Amon is staying with Clara for the rest of the week."

"No," he shrugged. He'd let his uncle have his peace. He really seemed uneasy for some reason, "I'll stay here. It will be nice to have some quiet. The library is a little over a mile away isn't it?"

"About two," Dane responded in a way that told Drake that Dane knew what was going through his head. He wanted him to back off that much was apparent in his eyes, "Want me to pick up anything for you?"

"You realize that Damien practically has that entire library in this house right with all of his books and such?" Drake commented. This was good, he'd have some time away from Jade's thoughts.

"That's true, but I'm going . . . to look at original copies," he replied with a false statement, smiling as Jade walked up to him. She was wearing a pale blue dress. It fit her perfectly and Drake wasn't bothered to think that it looked good on her, but Damien had have to have bought her clothes right? How did he know what fit her? Why bother? It had probably been Dane not Damien.

She smiled at him and stepped up to kiss him on the lips lightly. He'd have immediately jerked back if he hadn't known that she was using it as a distraction to pass the key over to him. She slipped the metal warm from her hand into his and then took a few steps back.

Dane frowned at the kiss and laughed uncomfortably, "You two really do need to practice."

I need you to get your friend to make a copy of that so that when I go into Damien's room later on today I can leave the real one behind.

Drake was irritated that she knew about Castle's power from reading his mind. Fine, dear.

And with that and without Dane's realization the two left Drake, free to run through Damien's past in his room. He made a quick turn and found the stairs that led up to the first floor, rushing to Damien's room. He knew that there was no need to be quick, but he didn't want to take any chances. The thing was. Drake knew for a fact that every single thing in that room was beyond personal to Damien and he could learn a lot about him just by going through it. Damien had a man with a power to teleport things move everything from his room in one world to the next as he moved around. It was odd. Dane explained it that there were a lot of spells and charms in the room to do small things like keep away nightmares to protection. What was he so afraid of or rather who?

Carefully he lifted the heavy golden key to the hole in the knob. He turned leaning into the door, expecting it to open without a second thought, but it didn't making him stand straight and frown, angrily. He kicked the door hard with an irritated growl. Leave it to Jade to screw something up like this, he thought to himself and then tried to jerk the key out of the knob which suddenly decided to turn instead, clicking a smile onto Drake's face as he pressed into the wood and stepped into the room.

An overwhelming smell of perfumes washed over his senses. It wasn't the type that was flowery and airy, but rather the type that was spice-like. They smelled like Damien and made Drake uncomfortable. It was like taking a step into a black hole he couldn't see a thing and then snap the entire room lit up almost automatically which was strange for that world. He was met by the same cluttered scene and found himself almost frightened that he'd be swallowed into it all, but he shook the feeling and strut over to the massive wooden desk that had once been painted an olive green and a pale light blue but was now badly faded and chipped. There was an impossible amount of papers that he gently pushed aside. Then random sprinkles of golden glitter which Drake had no desire to know what on earth it was there for. Necklaces, earrings, nail polish, and mirrors was the next layer he had to shift through, until he could finally open a drawer. Here he found hundreds of letters addressed to Lyra and from Lyra. He didn't waste his time on it though because he knew everything about his mother that he wanted to. So he tried another drawer this one had ointments and bandages in it, ranging from empty jars to full ones as if he were using them regularly. Drake bit on his lip as he remembered why Damien would need these things and then moved to his left, wading through some metal trinkets which gave out rattling and jingling sounds. Now he was beginning to become disappointed the next was simply filled with clothes as well as the one after that, then some more papers. Drake sighed realizing that he had emptied the entire desk onto the floor. It didn't take him long to reassemble it as all of the things had just been shoved into the drawer in the first place and once he was done he sat on the bed.

Maybe it all was just for spells. There didn't seem to be anything to tell Drake anything that he didn't already know about Damien. He laid back into the bed, sinking into the thick sheets and staring up at old dusty chandelier hanging from the ceiling. He growled in frustration and then sat up quickly. Well, I guess I'll leave.

Then just as he stood his eyes fell on the nightstand beside the bed. He glanced at the door and then back at the wooden structure sighing. Why not?

The top drawer was filled with letters from Petra De'Vore. Drake smiled at this, finding himself willing to go through one or two. It seemed that in the first letter Damien had been trying to find Petra. She had answered with a place, telling him to come quick. The next was more about Damien after he had left his father. Drake was bored by them. He already knew all of this.

He threw the papers back into the pile and slammed the drawer and jerked open the middle one. Diplomas from the academy, excellent flyer and inventor, blah, blah, blah! Drake slammed it back too. He halfway wanted to leave without the disappointment from the last drawer, but with a heavy sigh he slid it open. When he looked in he was half glad that he had opened it because inside was yet another key and about a hundred bent up rings.

Drake grabbed the key immediately stowing it in his pocket to make a copy of it with the other and then gently plucked up a single ring, examining it carefully through his grin. It was a chain ring, used to control one's power. They only worked on a handful of powers and Drake knew that Damien's was not one of them, but it seemed that he had been tinkering with them trying different stones and molding them different ways to try to get them to bend his power, but judging on how all of the rings were bent, Drake guessed that his power had bent the rings instead. He laughed shuffling a few of them in the drawer to see a few crumpled balls of metal. He shut it and stood, finding himself face to face with a picture of the king tacked to a board on the wall. Well, face to face with an eye and a half because the rest was covered with daggers, knives and circular cigar burn marks. There were three other people on the board, treated in the same manner, but Drake only recognized Malik, his grandfather. One of the other two was a you man with dark hair, blue eyes and golden rimmed glasses. He looks like Jade, Drake was amused. And the last Drake stared at for a long, long time until he recognized the man as the King's time traveler whom he had caught a glimpse of the other day.
