A Different Family

By their fourth travel Drake was more tired than he'd ever been in his life. He could barely walk and his head was pounding with an incurable pain. They had taken a train to End World, which had taken what felt like forever even though it was a mere two hours. However, through it all Jordan had tried his best to keep Drake's spirit up and his temper down, which Drake was more than grateful for. The two of them almost seemed like friends now and everything was much more laid back even though their plan was very vague.

Damien was now back with Malik and Victoria as well as Amon, Dane, and Blair. Drake couldn't believe how different Damien's siblings had treated him as a child, especially Dane.

Even as he was trying to comprehend what could make such a drastic change in Damien's life with his siblings, he watched the living proof denying him the ability to think he had simply misunderstood their actions.

Damien sat at the very end of the table farthest away from Victoria and Malik, next to Amon. He was dressed in black and wore long sleeves even though it was the middle of summer now.

"So," spoke Amon underneath the main conversation drifting around the table, "Damien, how was it living with rich people"

Damien frowned at the young toddler's anger and jealousy, "If Malik allows it, I'll take you with me next time and you can see for yourself."

The child scoffed at that, despite his wide wonder filled eyes, "I wouldn't wanna come any ways."

Damien shrugged, "You don't have to lie to me, little brother. Just tell me you want to come."

"I wanna come," Amon's mouth moved as his voice came out in an abnormally quick pace.

"Don't you dare do that to him, you monster!" Dane barked at him from across the table.

Damien pursed him lips, staring at his older brother evenly. It was pretty obvious to Drake that it had all been an accident, but to Dane it was a malicious vicious act against his family. Drake watched a wave of anger rush into Damien's pale eyes, but as soon as Malik gave a small cough it vanished and Damien spoke softly, "Forgive me, older brother it was my mistake."

"Isn't it always," Blair snapped at him.

Damien raised his eyebrows at that comment and Drake could see how much he wanted to fight them back. There wasn't one ounce of fear inside Damien towards his vicious siblings, only for his father whose eyes were boring into Damien's forehead. So instead of saying another word, Damien returned to eating his food. They all did, eating as if it were their very last meal. Although Drake couldn't say that he'd lay a finger on the food, it looked almost rotten and there wasn't much of whatever it had been left any ways.

Drake eyed Dane again, he was staring at Damien as if he loathed him more than any thing in all of the worlds. It made Drake wonder if Dane and the rest only treated Damien the way they did in his own time because they were afraid of doing otherwise.

"May I leave, now?" Damien asked, glancing up at Malik hesitantly.

Malik nodded, "But I want to talk to you about something first."

Damien tilted his head with a frown, "What would that be father?"

"Alastair told me about your new job," Malik spoke through a mouthful of the gushy greasy slop they were all eating, "he said the king will be paying you a very generous amount weekly," he stopped to swallow, "you are a part of this family are you not?"

Wearing a hideous frown Damien growled, "Yes, I am."

"Well, then it is your obligation to give all of that money to your parents who have raised you and spent their every dime on you."

Damien glanced away as if thinking hard, "All right," he said at long last, "it is yours father. I can't think of any happiness it would bring me."

"There is no reason to act high and mighty about it!" Dane snapped at him.

"I'm not," Damien yelled at him, slamming his fist on the table angrily, "you all should be thanking me for God's sake! All of this time you have hated me for being the grace for having this accursed power and now that it seems to have some use you are stepping in and taking everything! Do you realize that? I am more than happy to give it to you, yes, but . . ."

Dane stared at him even harder than before, but this stare seemed to have less hatred in it and more understanding as he muttered, "The king has given you this job because of your power?"

"I didn't want it!" Damien snapped, running his hands through his hair, "I don't want to be a tool for the king's murders, but Alastair insisted that there was no defying the king!"

Dane's eyes widened to twice their size, "No, there really isn't is there?"

"It doesn't matter what you want," Malik butted in, "you're doing it and handing every penny to me."

"I understand," Damien sighed, looking up at the ceiling in defeat.

"But you're the one who tells him that it is terrible to use his power!" Dane protested, making Drake turn his attention to him. Why the sudden change of attitude?

Damien turned his head towards his older brother as well, wearing look of shock. He smiled to himself and then slouched back into his chair without muttering a word.

"Are you challenging me?" Malik frowned at Dane, who shook his head and returned to his food quietly, "Now, get out Damien."

With a sigh Damien stood up and walked right past Drake, almost into him, and out of the room. Jordan smiled at Drake mouthing that was a close one.

Drake sighed quietly. If Damien had run into him . . . what would have they have done? 
