Text from; Elena Gilbert

Meet me at Lockwood Mansion.

Text to; Elena Gilbert

See you in a bit.

Lockwood Mansion is excessive in every single way. From the perfectly cut grass and shrubbery to the impressively large stairs up to the entrance. You wouldn't think that anyone could live here if they wanted to. When we still used to live in the New York penthouse I liked to wonder where all our stuff was, there was never anything on the floors or on the tables or anywhere else. Everything was white and modern and perfectly symmetrical. I never did find out where my parents stored our things.

I knock on the glass door, Carol Lockwood answers almost immediately.

"Oh Lola, there you are! They are waiting for you in the living room." I smile.

"Thank you Miss Lockwood."

"You can call me Carol, dear." I nod and walk past her and through some big doors, she must be compelled by the way she is behaving.

"Elijah, Elena." They are sitting in the living room, Elijah's legs are crossed.

"Lola, good to see you." I lean against the arm of the couch and look at him.

"You don't seem very surprised by this development." I let out a laugh.

"I know Elena better than she thinks." Elena just nods at me. A nod that means, 'thank you for not telling them where I was.'

"Let's resume this little conversation." He undoes a button on a badly fitting suit, Elijah would never wear such a thing if he had a choice.

"So I assume the Martin witches are no longer with us."

Elena shakes her head, "no. I'm sorry."

"And Katerina? She would have been released from my compulsion when I died."

"Klaus took her. We think that she may be dead-" I interrupt her, "-she isn't dead. That isn't Klaus' style." Elijah laughs and nods at me. "You are quite right Lola. It isn't. death would be too easy for her after what she did."

Elena shakes her head in confusion," I don't understand. You say that you want Klaus dead, but you still made Katherine pay for betraying him."

"I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay. There was a time...I'd have done anything for Klaus."

"From where have you come, ladies?" Katerina giggles beside me and elbows me in the stomach to answer.

"We are new to town my lord." Elijah looks at Klaus with a smile.

"Katerina and Lilyanna are from Bulgaria."

"Zdravei, my ladies." His pronunciation isn't perfect but he makes do. Katerina and I laugh.

"Very good." Her accent isn't perfectly British yet either, her 'r's roll a tad too much. The accent came easier to me.

Klaus looks at Elijah, "Do you mind, brother? I would like to have a moment alone with Katerina."

Elijah takes a step closer to me to keep my attentions and I smile shyly.

"No not at all. Happy birthday, brother."

Klaus smiles and leaves with my sister on his arm.

"Yes. They are brothers. I thought that was pretty obvious by now." Elena looks shocked.

"I heard that. I'm still processing." I sigh.

"Yes, I'm a little behind on the times, but I believe the term you're searching for is "O.M.G." he takes a sip from the cup in his hand.

I pinch the bridge of my nose tightly, "I want you to know I hate everything about this conversation."

Elena rolls her eyes, "I'm processing the thought of you ever actually being nice."

I give her the finger.

"There's a whole family of Originals?" this is the kind of thing that I already knew but I just didn't know I knew. A whole family of Originals. There was a sister even, her name started with an 'r'.

"My father was a wealthy land owner in a village in Eastern Europe. Our mother bore seven children. It's where we first met the lovely Lola here."

"I remember, your parents took me in." He smiles a sad smile.

"So your parents were human?" Elijah nods.

"Our whole family was. Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know...We're the oldest vampires in the world. We are the Original family, and from us all vampires were created." Elena takes deep breath before she continues her interrogation, "Right, but Klaus is your brother. And you want him dead?" Elijah gets up and straighten his pants and jacket.

"I need some air. I'm still feeling a tad...dead. Come."

We don't even think. We follow.

"So as you've seen, nothing can kill an Original. Not Sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree. A tree my family made sure burned."

"That beautiful oak tree in the middle of the village? You burned it down?" He nods. I think of fire.

"You weren't there for that, Lola?" Elena asks as she walk through the Lockwood gardens beside me. I shake my head.

"I don't think so. I don't remember it."

"So that where the white ash for the dagger comes from."

"Yes. The witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance."

"So the Sun can't kill an Original. Why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the Sun and Moon curse?" Elijah seems to laugh about an inside joke.

"Right. The curse of the sun and the moon. It's all so...biblical-sounding, don't you think?" he smiles at me, it is way too big. Elijah never smiles like that anymore.

"What's so funny?" Elena asks.

"Klaus drew the Aztec drawings.." Leaves my mouth without putting any thought into it.

Elijah nods, "Klaus is a very talented artist.."

"I don't understand. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?"

I scrunch my eyebrows, "He drew it all didn't he? Every single part of the curse in every single culture spreading the idea of it all over the world."

"But why?" Elijah stops and looks at us both.

"Easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelgänger or to get your hands on some long, lost moonstone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout."

"So the curse isn't Aztec at all?" I grab her arm, "Elena you don't understand," but Elijah is already on his way to tell her the truth.

"The curse of the Sun and the fake. It doesn't exist." He starts to walk away, he knows he is leaving the very confused doppelgänger behind.

"What?!" she yells and starts to run after him. And I run after her.

We are almost next to the road when Elijah starts to talk again, "Klaus and I faked the sun and moon curse dating back over a thousand years."

Elena shakes her head, "but if there is no curse..."

"There's a curse. Just not that one. The real one's much worse. It's a curse placed on Klaus." I grab his hand and my touch doesn't shock him, I guess that makes sense. He has felt my hand on his before, he has felt much more than just my hand.

"What the hell are you talking about 'Lijah?"

"Klaus has been trying to break it for the last thousand years. And you two are his only hope." A phone keeps vibrating in his pocket. I doubt it's his.

"What is this curse, Elijah?" The phone is still buzzing and Elijah averts his gaze from me onto Elena.

"Your phone will not stop its incessant buzzing. Answer it, please." I can see the photo on Elena's phone, it's Stefan.

"Stefan...what's wrong? No. No, no, no, no. Okay, I'll be right there." She hangs up and looks at me, then she looks at Elijah.

"Klaus went after Jenna. I have to go to her."

Elijah fiddles with his cuff, "I'm afraid that wasn't part of today's arrangement."

"She's her family, Elijah. I'll stay with you and she'll be back."

"I give you my word Elijah, I'll be back. I won't leave Lola alone."

"That doesn't mean anything to me until you live up to it."

She is already running towards her car when she yells out a, "Thank you!" He takes my hand and rubs his finger over it in a circular pattern. It feels so familiar that I can't deny our connection.

"Let's go inside, little Lola, it's getting a bit chilly out here."
