"In the world through which I travel

I am constantly
creating myself."

Text from; Unknown I hope I helped at least a little.

Save number as; Bonnie Bennet

Text to; Bonnie Bennet You helped the most.

Light enters Damon's room, it fills me up, my legs have left the warmth of the duvet and are getting covered in streaks of the sun. The freckles on them look like they connect.

I am wearing the pink nightgown still, my head hurts like hell and I would love to bang it against a wall, that might just get rid of some of the pain.

I slowly pull the nightgown off over my head, underneath I wear white panties and a white lace bralette with pink stitching. I stretch myself out in front of the large window, my hands reaching for the heavens. There are lips on my neck then, hungrily biting at the sensitive skin there.

I moan into the lips, forming my body to fit into the shape behind me.

We both knew this day would come, when Damon and I could no longer ignore the sexual tension that we have been bathing in any longer.

The day of the drowning has arrived, finally.

He puts his large hands on my breasts, kneading them, but he keeps his lips on my neck, I arch my back into him.

"Damon, stop." He doesn't, instead easily lifts me onto his bed and straddles my legs around himself.

"Damon, one second." I moan. He has pulled his shirt off in the meantime and while I have seen him bare-chested before this is a wholly different experience.

I can't ignore the temptation so I stare at his toned chest, let my hands slide over it.

"What is it Lola?" he asks and I love the way he says my name. he kisses me hungrily, his tongue entering my mouth, his soft lips on mine.

I push him off me a little and I remember when Stefan and I were engaged that Damon and I would talk for hours, about the confederacy, about our views on live.

We have always been meant to be friends.

I look at him, deep into his eyes. "You're in love with Elena, Damon." He almost seems to growl and attacks my neck again.

"I could be in love with you."

"You won't be, it will always be her Damon." I gasp out. Damon keeps kissing me, from my bra down to my belly, making me giggle. "Just sex, okay? Meaningless sex."

"Trust me, it will be very good meaningless sex." The older Salvatore smiles at me when he comes back up to my face.

"Close the door you dickhead." When I watch him saunter to the door all I can think is that I can drown a little longer, there is enough oxygen left.

I am dresses in an equally pink bathrobe, my red hair cascades down my back and leaves a damp stain on the pink satin. "It's not polite you know. Leaving a girl naked so early in the morning."

The stair steps creak loudly underneath my bare feet, as if telling me off when I notice that it is Stefan, not Damon standing at the bottom of them.

"Stefan," I want to explain but I stop myself. I don't have to explain anything to him. He has made his choice and this choice does not include me. So I instead walk to the kitchen to boil some water.

"What do you think you're doing?" Stefan is behind me in an instant, I can feel him warm breath on my neck , making a few baby hairs stand up. He is so close yet so far away, like the clichés that romance novels like to talk about.

The void in between is my life. In between the so close and so far away there is me in all my glory. There is my life with Stefan, how I remember his skin on mine so vividly, how I remember that there was no one I wanted to marry more than him. But now that he is standing here, so close to me, I don't know how to feel. How am I supposed to feel about him?

"What do you mean?" is what I decide on, while passively pouring myself a cup of tea.

"Sleeping with Damon of all people-" he smashes his hand into the marble countertops and breaks off a corner "-have you really sunken so low?" I am in his face within a second and I swear if you didn't know I was human I could have been a vampire.

I put my face an inch away from his and I breath in his cologne, if this situation was a little different I could kiss him right now.

"You have made your choice Stefan. You chose her over me. Just like you chose Katherine over me and just like Damon will always choose her over me. Now please let me have sex with whoever I want including your brother-" I push past him bumping into his shoulder and climb back up the stairs, a steaming cup of tea slowly burning my hands before I turn around, "-we never did get married anyway."

The awkwardness between Stefan and I is palpable when the gang gathers in the Salvatore' house later, sitting in the parlor, discussing our new approach to the Katherine problem.

"I might be able to lower the tomb spell for long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine."

Jeremy looks concerned, "how? It took both you and your grams last time, and look what happened to her-" Bonnie looks confident, and I can't imagine her looking any different.

"-I'm well aware of what happened. I've learned a few new things."

Jeremy still looks worried so I walk over to him, run a hand through his hair.

"She'll be fine Jer, you can trust her." Jeremy shares a shy smile with me.

"How will you get it?" I can feel Stefan staring at me when I touch the Gilbert boy, the jealous bastard. He can find it in himself to answer her anyway.

"She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker, we're not."

Damon raises a bourbon glass filled with blood to Bonnie and smirks at her.

"You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?"

"It's a plan. Is it perfect?" he scoffs, "what plan is?"

Jeremy speaks up, "let me do it. I've got my ring. I can get in, get out, no spells necessary."

"Katherine knows you have the ring Jer, she'll kill you, rip it off and kill you again."

Damon grins at me, "finally someone who can think logically."

Stefan looks at his brother in disgust,     I roll my eyes at him and Damon seems to notice this time.

"What is up between you two?" Stefan looks away from him, fast.

"He knows we had sex, now he thinks that I for some reason can't do that, but he can do anything he wants with Elena." I shrug my shoulders while telling the story, Stefan looks annoyed but Damon only grins at me.

"Okay, okay TMI thank you," Bonnie says.

"Maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?"

He comes back into the parlor with a picture of Katherine, it's in an oval shape and in black and white. It's hard to ignore how old it is.

"This belonged to Katherine. Found it with her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers." He hands the picture to Bonnie and my heart stings when I see the year written on it, I hadn't even been dead for a year then and Stefan had already fallen for Katherine Pierce. He might not be the only jealous bastard around these parts.

The witches places the portrait in a small ceramic bowl, she dips her fingers into some water and lets the droplets fall onto Katherine's face. The droplets catch fire in the bowl, Bonnie closes her eyes and starts chanting something in Latin.

"What will this do?" Damon asks. Bonnie opens her eyes and watches the picture burn.

"I'll turn it into ash. Blow the ashes on her, and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out."

hi there! i'm rosie .  i hope this story is at least slightly enjoyable. if it is, would you mind leaving me a comment or a favorite?

have any theories? about where lola comes from or with who she will end up?  please leave them too, everything has been thought out already.                                                                                          have any tips? new titles, new covers or anything else? i'd love to hear them!

Love, rosie.
