I HAVE WALKED THESE HALLS BEFORE. Only once, on the night of the school dance. I was dressed in a gigantic black skirt with a black shirt tucked in. It seems like a century ago, when I met Klaus again, when I learned that I had to die. Now it's dark, gloomy and somewhere far away I can hear the voices of people I know. Family I left behind. Caroline's sweet voice echoing through the halls. My side still hurts from where Klaus kicked it. I'm roaming the halls like a zombie, when I woke up in the back of the truck Klaus had taken the necklace Caroline gave me. He could compel me and I was and am still weak from my little fire trick back at Gloria's bar. I don't even remember what he forced me to do, all I know is that my neck is bleeding. Did he bite me, or was it someone else?

Why are there people in these halls, it's the evening, is it not? Someone comes running out of a classroom and sees me, then he laughs like I am not losing blood. When I turn my head I see a trail following me, like I am straight out of a horror.

"There you go, sweetheart." Klaus pets my neck with his left hand, gently. He's the one I love, Niklaus, he's the one I've always loved.

"Nik." I smile, I turn around to face him and see that he is holding onto Elena with his other hand.

"Hi there doppelgänger." I say. My eyes feel like they are glazed over, like I've smoked just a little too much pot. A large smile appears on my face as Klaus takes my hand. I lay a soft kiss on his lips.

"Look at that, at least one of my girls likes me." Elena looks at me for a while, her eyes confused as we make our way through the halls. Dizzy, I am so dizzy.

"Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home." Nik speaks in an American accent, I giggly.

"You sit down, love." He guides me to the stand and lets me sit down, pets my hand softly.

He talks to two people, but I don't really care what he's saying, my head so filled with love for this man. Or is it adoration? Or is it both?

Love. Stefan. Damon. Caroline. Elena. Bonnie. Liz.

Why can't I find him in my list, why isn't he in my list of names? Even Katherine is in there if I look very closely, even Rebekah's name can be found between the letters. But not him, Klaus isn't in there. Nik is, when I look at the big list, every single person I've ever loved in my lifetimes. But Klaus isn't and I've decided that just as much as Lorelei and I aren't the same, Nik and Klaus aren't the same either.

"Keep it up." Klaus speaks to the couple standing in front of him, he has seated Elena next to me on the bleachers. She smiles at me, I try to reach through the fog in my mind but I can only smile back.

"Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?" Elena asks.

"Stefan's on a time out."

A grin graces my face, "Stefan was bad. He tried to save you, he wasn't allowed to save you." I can already feel the fire starting to eat through the compulsion, Klaus knows it will just as well. The large doors open and my friends enter through it, Bonnie Bennet and Matt Donovan. My friends.

"Bonnie get out of here!" Elena screams and I can suddenly feel tears start to decorate my face, like a pretty veil laying on the tender skin. I want to scream too, I want to help. But Klaus told me I shouldn't, that I'd be a bad girl if I did. I don't want to be bad, I want to be good.

Klaus rushes over to Bonnie and holds onto her shoulder.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." He looks over at the girl in the couple, they are both standing on a single foot, balancing their weight.

"Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." A booming light goes through my head, I can feel beads of sweat collect on my forehead as the fire starts to burn through the compulsion. Everything is hot, the whole world is burning.

"I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" Klaus asks Bonnie. Relentless Bonnie Bennet, always ready for a fight.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me."

He laughs, "Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." Rebekah waltzes through the door with Tyler Lockwood on her arm, she is much stronger than he is when he doesn't have a full moon.

He yells something at her that I don't understand because my ears are rumbling it feels like there is a volcano inside of me, ready to burst.

"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." He bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his life force. I try to stand up on my feet but fall back down again, the world spins.

"You keep yourself under control, love." He yells at me from his place, Bonnie only sees me now, sees how I'm burning up.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... you better." He twists Tyler's head with ease, he immediately falls to the ground. Dead. So dead. Everyone is dead.

"He killed him," Matt speaks still in shock, he doesn't understand how these things work yet.

"He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena explains, trying to stay as calm as possible for her friends. I have always admired that about her.

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping." He grabs Elena's arm roughly, Elena signs to Bonnie that she should go. Bonnie and Matt leave together. Rebekah looks over Elena with a judgmental look on her face.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The Original one was much prettier."

"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you." Rebekah drags Tyler behind her by his arm and leaves the gymnasium. Elena lays a careful hand on my arm but recoils immediately, the skin burns her hand.

"She's burning up!" she exclaims through her shock. I smile at her, I am so close to getting out of whatever Klaus told me to do, I am almost through this maze.

"She'll be fine," Klaus answers and holds onto Elena's hand even tighter.

"How do you know that?"

"She always is."
