Actual chapter 6~cuddle time!

A/N: No one understood my Cinnamon thing. Thought you guys watched tiktok 👀👀👀
Author pov~

02:22 am
Sleep. Someone tell me what the hell that is. Someone explain it to Hawks and me. Because we sure as hell ain't getting that tonight.
Hawks felt..
Just like... Something wasnt right... Hawks groans, rolling out of his bed,getting tired of staring at the plain ceiling above his head. Bird boy decided to go get some water because, that'll help. Totally. So he walks down the dark and quiet hallway down to the Bar. He flicks on the light and sees our loving burnt toast sleeping at the bar. (woah this looks familiar?-)

Birdies pov~

This motha cluckin burnt toast, burning flesh, smelling like he never showered in weeks, kinda attractive and charming, dude, for real sleeping at the bar. That's besides the point. Ehhh should I leave him here...?
Yes?- wait no. That's rude. But hes a villain. Who cares if hes a villain. Wait. Care. No I dont. A H what the heck emotions, pick one! Im not twice for crying out loud! Bring him to his room or not?
Bring him to his room.
Got it.
I go and pick up his burnt self and carry him to his room, before I could change my mind. Hes oddly light but, that's just me being strong hehe.
Once I got to his room I slightly kicked the door open and sat him down on his bed. He looks like he hasnt gotten that much sleep. Being a villain must be tiring huh...
I turn on my heels and decided it was time for me to peace out girl scout. All of a sudden i feel a arm and grab my wrist. I turn to see Dabi, still asleep holding onto it. I try to get out of it, but he just holds me there. Sighing, with no other option, I crawl into bed next to him, and he instantly cuddles me right away. This is... actually pretty nice.. I snuggle up against Dabis chest and keep my wings tucked in as close as possible. Slowly but surely, I close my eyes and fall asleep. Cuddling a villain, I'm supposed to betray...

"Good night birdie..."
A/N: FINALLY. I GOT A CHAPTER DONEEEEE! WOOO! CANDY FOR EVERYONE! I just wanna say a quick thanks to everyone who's reading this book. I love reading your comments and seeing how you all interact with eachother so nicely!
If you're reading this, I'm now your Father with Pink hair. Ur other parent has Blue hair and goes my anything you wanna call em.
Anyways! Cya in the next chapter.
Pasta, luego.
( Word count: 457 words)
