Chapter 6: Rules

Once upon a time...In a wild...wild world...there were two wolf brothers, living in their home lair with their papa wolf... They all lived happily together, day...hunters took their Dad away...Forever. So now the brothers were alone... and they had to find a new home...They started a journey...through the great big forest.

The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own...for the first time...there they met a friendly fox, who was also alone...just like the wolf brothers. She joined them on their journey as she, too, was looking for a new her old home didn't want her around.

They slept in the backwoods among creepy creatures, and barely ate anything. They eventually found a peaceful orchard, and were able to eat in peace...But they didn't know...Hunters tried to tie them up...but the wolf brothers and the fox managed to escape, with the help of a friendly bear. He showed them how to survive, and helped them find a warm camp for the night.

That's when the fox and the big brother discovered...that the little one...was not an ordinary wolf...but a superwolf!
That's how they found themselves even further, headed to the faraway land of the wolf brothers papa, where they and their new friend find peace.

"Try with this one." Sean said to Daniel as we stand in the snowy ground and starting at a couple of large rocks. "That one's too easy! Look!" Daniel said. "Don't brag! It was too heavy for you a few days ago!" I said to him. Daniel has his arm extended, and he lifts the rock in front of us. It hovers in the air for a few moments before plummeting to the ground. "Let's try to lift something else. Not too heavy though. I'm a little tired." He said and Sean and I nod then we look around for a target.

"You could...try and lift Mushroom!" I suggested to him. "Are you kidding?! I don't want to hurt her!" Daniel exclaimed and I chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, you're probably right. Let's leave the puppy out of this." I said as Sean looks across the creek and points at the rock on the other side. "How about trying out that rock over there. Just one more time." He said. "We already tried yesterday, and the day before! It's too far! I can't reach it!" Daniel whined. " more time." Sean said to him.

Daniel tries for a moment before giving up. "I'm so close! I can feel it!" He said and I walk over to the shooting range and look at the cans on top of a tree stump. "How about those cans? Can you fly them all together without dropping any?" I asked him. "Sure! Look!" Daniel said and he stares and concentrates on the cans until they started flying. "That's awesome, dude! You're getting way better at this." Sean said as I pat Daniel's shoulder.

Sean walks over to the large rock in the middle of the path the points at it. "How about that one?" Sean asked Daniel. "I can do it with the small rocks but not the big ones..." Daniel said with worry. "You can do this...Trust me...Just relax. Focus..." Sean said as he places his hands on Daniel's shoulders and stands behind him. "I'll try..." Daniel said and he focuses and successfully lifts the rock.

"Whoa..." he said in awe.

"Holy shit!" Sean and I shout.

"I did it!" Daniel said once he lands the rock safely in the snow. "Like a boss!" I said as he and I high-five each other. "You're getting good at this!" Sean said as he high-fives Daniel. Then Daniel walks over to Mushroom and bends down while she jumps up and down. "You see that, Mushroom? That was the biggest rock ever!" He said to his dog.

"Come on dude, that's just the start...Let's try something else..." Sean said then he bends down and makes a snowball. "Cool! You're like Coach Aaron! You're my power coach!" He said then he notices the snowball in Sean's hand.

"A snowball fight...?" He asked. "Not yet...This is a new exercise, young apprentice...See if you can stop this in the air...Cool?" Sean asked. "Okay, but you better not hit me...Like that time you gave me a bruise! Serious!" Daniel said. "You won't let me...Right?" Sean asked him. "Try it..." Daniel said and I look between the two brothers. "This won't end well." I muttered.
Sean throws the snowball but Daniel didn't stop it. "Aw, that sucked...How about one more?" Daniel asked and Sean throws another snowball and, this time, Daniel successfully stops it in mid-air. "Yes! Look! Look what I can do, guys!" Daniel said and I clap at this. "I knew that you could...(y/n) and I have taught you well...But you...You're a master student..." Sean said when Daniel starts coughing.

"Hey, that still sounds nasty...You're not getting better..." I said as Sean and I go over to him. "I told you guys, I'm fine...just...a little beat..." Daniel said as Sean puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Well...You need to rest now. Superhero..." Sean said to him.

"Can we go back now?" Daniel asked us. "Yeah. Let's just fill up the canteens before we head back." Sean said and we began to make our way to the dock, while Daniel continues to cough. "That cough has been going on for days, Daniel...I really don't like that." Sean said. "Yeah, neither do I." I said.

"I told you guys. I'm fine. We've just...been outside for a while." Daniel said. "You did awesome today Daniel." I said to him. "She's right! I'm really proud of you. We've been practicing for just a few weeks, but...your progress is...crazy." Sean said to him. "Yeah, I'm proud of you, too." I said. "Thank you guys. I couldn't have done it without your help." Daniel said as Sean and I grab the canteens at the edge of the dock.

"Here we go..." Sean said as I grab my canteen and Daniel takes his canteen from Sean. "The helitanker is over the wildfire zone. Get ready for water extraction, Ranger Diaz!" Daniel said as he uses his power to fill his canteen, meanwhile Sean and I were filling ours by putting ours into the cold water.

"Nice work, Daniel...Glad to see our training sessions are paying off..." I said to him and he smiles. "Thanks to you two! Sooo glad I don't have to touch that water...It's too fucking cold..." he said and Sean and I look at him. "Uh...Oops? Sorry. I said fucking..." He said, embarrassed. "Yeah, dude. Watch it. Seriously." Sean tells him. "Okay..." Daniel said.

After we fill our canteens, we start make our way towards our little cabin in the woods. Suddenly, Mushroom runs over to a burrow and wags her tail, barking. "What--What did you find, Shroom?" Daniel asked as he runs over Mushroom. "Awww, come on! Not again! We've gotta leave these poor bunnies alone!" He said to the dog. "Hey! It's been a while since we last saw that rabbit who lives in there." I said as I look at the burrow. "Yeah...I hope it wasn't eaten by a bear or...worse..." said Daniel.

"What's worse than a bear, enano?" Sean asked him. "I don't know...Wolves?" Daniel said. "Don't worry. We're the only wolves around." Sean assures him and Daniel smiles. "Owoooooo!" Daniel howls and I chuckle at this.

"Guys...the family that lived here...what do you think happened to them?" Daniel asked us as we make our way to the cabin. "They...must have moved out. Maybe to another state..." Sean replied as he shrugs but I know that was a lie. Sean and I found a letter, after we found this place a little more than two weeks ago, that said the man that used to live here had cancer. So we hid the letter and decided not to tell Daniel, as it would upset him. 

"But...they left all their stuff behind?" Daniel asked. "I don't know, man." Sean said, slightly annoyed. "Maybe they live in Florida and only come here every ten years. Maybe they got tired of these woods." I said, calmly. "I kinda like it here...It's way cooler than that crappy town, where the shelter was..." Daniel said then he looks down at the snowy ground in sadness. "I just...I miss my friends...and my room...Sometimes." he said in a sad tone. "Yeah...Me too..." Sean mutters and I give them a sad smile.

"It's so silent out here...No neighbors, no roads...It's like we're on another planet!" Daniel said and I laugh. "A new planet...that's exactly what we need..." Sean said as we get up to the door of the cabin. guys getting hungry?" Daniel asked us. "Not really..." Sean replied. "Kinda sorta." I said, shrugging. "Really? I'm getting hungry..." Daniel said. "Again? You eat like a bear but you don't gain any weight..." Sean said, shocked. "That's because I work it off!" Daniel said and I shake my head as Sean opens the door and let's Daniel, Mushroom and I inside.

As we enter, Mushroom goes and sits down on the mattress. "Brrr...Cold!" Daniel said as he rubs his hands together. "Don't worry. We'll make a fire. We're pros now." I said just as Daniel starts coughing. "Dude...That cough doesn't sound too good..." Sean said, worriedly. "Nah...I'm okay...Just cold." Daniel said as I go over to the chalkboard, which was lying against the wall and had Daniel's progress, then I start to write on it.

"You kicked ass today...Level up!" I said to Daniel. "I did! That was so cool...It's getting easier every day." Daniel said then he uses his powers to lift up a plate. "Oh no, guys...This is a haunted house..." Daniel said. "More like, uh oh, it's time to go over the rules. We told you about showing off." Sean said as Daniel sets the plate down.

"I was just..." Daniel said, defeated, as Sean motions for Daniel to sit down. "Whatever, dude. I know the rules..." he said as he sits down on the mattress. "Let's find out...What's the first one?" Sean asked him.

"Mmmm...ah..." Daniel mutters as he thinks.

"Hide your power." I said as Sean and I sit down across from Daniel. "If you spin one plate in a diner, what happens?"

"People will freak out..." Daniel grumbles to me.

"And when people freak...What do they do?" Sean asked. 

"They call the cops." Daniel replied.

"Exactly. The second rule is..." Sean said.

"Don't - uh...Never talk about it!" Daniel replied.

"Wow. Nice, Daniel. 'Cause that's usually the hardest rule for you..." Sean said. "Shut up." Daniel mutters. "And the final rule?" I asked him. "I know..." he said. "Come on...You can do it..." Sean said, encouragingly. "Okay...Hmmm...Avoid danger?" Daniel said, questionable.

"Run...from danger. This is the most important one." I corrected. "You know why?" Sean asked. "Uh...I don't know. I mean...With my power, I can help us." Daniel said. "Only as last resort..." Sean said to him. "How will I know that?" Daniel asked us. "If there's any other way of helping, do that first." I replied.

"Maybe if I...Had used it before...Dad might here..." Daniel said in a sad tone. "Daniel, you didn't even know. That shit...was out of your control..." Sean said to him. "But! Look what happened to the policeman! Maybe this power is a curse! Or...Something!" Daniel exclaimed, frightened.

"Hey...We have no clue what happened...And it's not your fault..." Sean assured when Daniel starts coughing again. Sean and I go and sit next to him and Mushroom puts her head on Daniel's leg.
"Don't worry, Mushroom, I'm okay...Good puppy!" Daniel said as he pets her head.
"She must be hungry...What about you?" Sean asked him. "I'm always hungry..." Daniel replied and Sean and I laugh. "Then let's grub out...I'll make us some dinner." I said as we stand up. "Yeah...Before she eats us!" Daniel laughs. 

I go and prepare the wood stove while Sean goes to the bathroom. I go and reach for a lighter, but couldn't find it. "Hey, Sean! Where's your lighter?" I asked him. "Should be with my stuff in the bedroom." Sean called out from the bathroom. "Alright." I said as I go over to the room and find the lighter on the dresser, while Daniel was in his little tent, playing with these toys that we found.

"Hey! I put some clean water in the bathroom so you can wash a little, Daniel." Sean calls out while I walk over to the stove. "Mmmmm...okay!" Daniel said as he comes back into the room and sits on the mattress.

"Hold on, Mushroom, we're gonna build a fire! Dang, I am starving..." Daniel said to the dog as I start a fire in the stove. "Too bad I can't make a pizza fly to us...I could start Daniel's Delivery Service..." Daniel said. "Ugh...I would kill for at least one slice of pepperoni pizza." I groaned Sean comes back into the room and goes over to Mushroom's water bowl. "Hey, Shroom! You thirsty?" Sean asked as he pours some of the water from his canteen into Mushroom's bowl, she walks over and drinks it. "Good girl..." Sean said as I go over to the cupboard.

"Mmmmm...Tough choice." I muttered as Sean walks up to me. "I know, right?" He whispers and I smirk as I pick a can of food.
"Hey? What are you cooking?" Daniel asked us. "Oh, we're's your menu choices: ravioli...or ravioli." Sean said and Daniel sighs at this. "Okay, okay...Never eating this again." He said. "You and me, both, munchkin." I said. "If I was younger, I would've killed to eat ravioli everyday. I'm sick of it." I said as Sean places the pan on the counter and I pour the ravioli in it and walk over to the stove and set it on top of it, stirring it occasionally.

"It's warming up! Feels so good...I wish we had a big fireplace! Like in Seattle. Remember?" Daniel asked Sean after a few moments of silence. "Course I remember...You always got sick on S'Mores...And ruined the toilet." Sean said and I chuckle a bit. "Yeah...I miss that time..." Daniel admits. "I know..." Sean said as Daniel walks over to the chalkboard and examines his progress. "Mushroom, did you see what I did out there? I'm getting better at controlling this thing. I'll never scare you again!" Daniel said as pets and hugs Mushroom. "Okay, dinner's ready!" I called out and we gathered the clean plates we had and began to chow down.


"Getting sick of ravioli..." Daniel grumbles as he, Sean and I sit on the edge of the bed, against this little table. "That was spaghetti a la (l/n)..." I said in a phony Italian accent.
"Yeah....Didn't you taste the famous truffle sauce?" Sean asked him. "Yep. Plus...I loved the garlic bread! And ice cream! Yum!" Daniel said as he rubs his stomach. Sean looks over at me and nods while I wink at him just as Mushroom whimpers. "Ooooh...You want some too? Huh, Mushroom?" Daniel said as he uses his power to move the plate over to the floor and Mushroom begins to eat.

"Bon appetit, Mushroom!" Sean said to the dog. "Yeah, enjoy, pupper." I said. "Man. She loves this stuff..." Daniel said before he starts coughing and Sean gives him some water. "Sorry...I'm cool." Daniel said, his voice cracking.

"Hold on...I need to show you something..." Sean said as he takes the candle and stands up. "Uh, okay..." Daniel said, questionable, while Sean goes to the other room and searches for the map. "Daniel! What did you do with the map?" Sean asked him.
"Hmmm...What do you mean?" Daniel asked, feigning ignorance. "You know what I mean. Where is the map that was with my stuff?" Sean asked, annoyed. "Ohhhh...this map? It's in my tent! Sorry, Sean..." Daniel said just as Mushroom gets up and goes into the room with Sean.

"Hey, man! Can you call your dog? I don't exist." Sean calls out a few seconds later. "Mushroom! Come here, girl!" Daniel calls out and Mushroom trots back into the room.

Daniel then has this mischievous look on his face then he turns to me. "Watch this." He whispers to me then in front of the sliding glass door, Daniel made a blanket float in front of the door. If I wasn't warned about this, I would've thought a person was standing there. I smirked over to Daniel then both of us started to put on our terrified faces as I quickly stand up and Daniel said, in a scared voice. "Sean? There's someone at the door..."

"What the - When did he show up?" Sean asked, fearfully, as he walks back into the room. "We don't know! We just saw him now!" I said, fearfully. "Sean! I'm scared..." Daniel cries. "Don't worry, enano, it''s probably just someone lost." Sean tries to assure then he walks up to the door. "CAN WE HELP YOU? HELLO?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He calls out as walks closer to the door. But then Daniel made the blanket fall to the ground, making Sean realize it's a prank.

"Motherfu-- Daniel!" Sean exclaims, frustrated, as Daniel and I started to laugh. "Got you!" Daniel said and Sean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, okay! Good job..." Sean said. "You almost shit your pants!" I said, as Daniel and I were still laughing. "Course I did, you jerks!" Sean exclaims as he walks back over to the bed and sits down next to Daniel, while I sit on Daniel's other side.

"Anyway..." Sean said as he places the map on the table. "Okay...I think...It's time for us to hit the road. You're not getting better. We're almost out of supplies..." 

"No. I'm okay." Daniel said before he starts coughing. "It's just a cough..." he mutters. "Yeah, a bad cough that won't go away...Trust me, Daniel. You need some medicine." I told him. "She's right, Daniel. Look...Here..." Sean said and he points to a place on the map. "Beaver Creek? What's that?" Daniel asked him.

"That's where...Karen's parents...our grandparents live..." Sean replied. "Okay...So what?" Daniel asked. "So we can go there and...They'll probably help us..." Sean replied. "Do you think they'll be okay with me?" I asked him. "I think so. At least....I hope." He said to me as he gives me a small smile.

"Why do you always force us to run, Sean? What if they...don't like me...?" Daniel asked. "They're family, right? Plus they owe us for what Karen...For what Mom did..." Sean replied. "Hmmm...You sure? It would be cool to spend Christmas with our grandparents." Daniel said, with a slight worry in his voice.
"Man, they're gonna love you. Grandpa is super cool and...I'm sure you guys will be best buds!" Sean said. "Well...Okay. But...Mushroom has to agree too. She's part of the team! What do you say, girl?" Daniel asked Mushroom, who barks in agreement.

"Okay, when?" Daniel asked Sean.
"Tomorrow...The sooner, the better...We have a long road ahead." Sean informed him. "Mmmm...We should do something fun for our last night here...How about a game of dice? If I win...I get to draw on yours and (y/n)'s backpacks!" Daniel said. "Wait, what?" I asked as Sean said. "You know I'm gonna win and draw a dick on yours and (y/n)'s bag, right?"

"Not if I win first!" I said.

"I don't think so. Losers!" Daniel said and he pulls out the board and dice and the three of us began to play this new game that we made up.


"Look at these scores. Told you I'd win!" Sean said after we played a few rounds. "You know what it means?" Sean said as he looks over at me and Daniel with a smile. "Yeah, okay..." Daniel said in a defeated tone. "Damn it." I muttered as Daniel and I get up and bring our backpack over to Sean.

"You can draw...a dick...on my bag." Daniel said as Sean takes his bag. "Mmmmm, let me think..." Sean said then he begins to draw on the backpack. Daniel stands there, fidgeting, as he watches his brother, fearing on what he was drawing. "Hold on...It's not an easy one. Needs concentration..." Sean said after a few moments then he spins the backpack around, revealing a drawing of a Wolf. "Ta-daaaaah!" He said. "Whoaaah, it's so cool! Thanks, Sean!" Daniel said, excitedly.

"You're turn." Sean said to me and I sigh. "I'm alittle scared." I said as I hand my backpack to him. "I'm not gonna draw a dick, so don't worry." Sean assured me as he starts to draw. " my fear meter is still high cause now I don't know what you're going to draw." I said and he chuckles as he continues to draw. 

"Alright, here you go." He said, a few minutes later, and he turns the bag to me and I gasped as I see that he drew a fox and a little flower near the fox. "Awww, Sean." I said as a smile forms on my face. "It looks great! Thank you." I said as I look over at him and the two of us stare at each other, my heart beating very quickly, until Daniel asked. "So, let's do another one?"

Sean and I jump a bit at this then look over at Daniel. Sean and I share a glance before Sean looks back at his brother and said. "It's bedtime...Gotta get up early." He said. "I'm gonna finish my comic book." Daniel said as he digs in his bag and pulls out a comic book while Mushroom goes and scratches at the door.

"She has to pee!" Daniel said. "Okay, okay. I'll take her out for a walk..." Sean said. "You're going to smoke! Gross!" Daniel said and I giggle while Sean puts the game of dice on the coffee table. "You're right. Don't smoke. But...It's our last night so...We can do anything!" Sean said to Daniel as he stands up and Mushroom continues to scratch the door.

"All right, all right." Sean said and he opens the door for Mushroom and he follows her outside. Daniel lays on his stomach and reads his comic and I lay down on my back on his left side. I let out a sigh and my eye lids started to become heavy, the heat from the stove enveloped me in warmth, then I close my eyes and fall asleep.
