Chapter 24: Last Miles

Karen lead the boys and I back into the canyons as the sun was setting. "We should've camped near that little creek. It was so perfect." Sean said to his mom as we started to walk up. "Nah, you'll need a good night's sleep after all this...and the car is just half a mile down the path." Karen said. "This place makes for a pretty cool bedroom, though." I said. "Yeah....I'm beat." Daniel said, tired. "Aww, sorry. Just got one last thing to show you guys." She said as we continued on.

"I can't get enough of this place..." Sean said as we looked at the beautiful scenery. "Yeah, me either." I said and I take his hand in mine, he smiles then he kissed the side of my head as Karen gets up on this tall ledge.
"Come on, Daniel, give me your hand." She said as she leans down and holds her hand out. Daniel jumps and grabs her hand and she pulls him up. Then I get up on the ledge and then Sean comes up after me as Karen started to walk ahead of us.

"Slow down, Mom! You walk too fast!" Daniel said as he goes to catch up. "More walk...less talk! Then you'll pass me up!" She said and we walk up to this incline before she turns to us. "Guys, check this out! Now this is nature's art..." Karen said and wr looked out at the canyons as the skyline was of pink and blue.

"It's so big and pretty!" Daniel said. "And so quiet....except for the birds of prey...shh, listen..." Karen said. "Serious?" Daniel asked. "If we're lucky, yeah." Karen said as we heard bugs buzzing and the birds in the background before Daniel goes to howl into the sky.

"Uh oh! I hear a wolf!" Karen said, pretending to be scared. "Better be careful of hunters out here..." she said. "The Wolf brothers and their friend, the Fox, can't be trapped. You'll help us!" Daniel exclaims as Sean and I share a look and smile.

"You must hike all the time, Mom..." Daniel said. "There's not a lot to do, but that's enough for me...good thing Joan likes to come with me." Karen said. "Oh, I bet she would be fun to go hiking with!" Daniel said. "Well, not when I go too fast. She's all about the journey. But we usually find a good pace....usually." said Karen. "Joan is like Sean, they make art so they stop to look at stuff. You're way more like me, fast!" said Daniel. "Yeah.. I am like you, Daniel. So let's hurry up!" She said and we continued on until we got to this cliffside.

"I love to come here to get away from...Away." Karen laughs. "I bet." said Sean. "It's the best spot." Daniel said. "Yeah, so calm, beautiful and peaceful." I said and Karen smiles. "Let's sit down." She said and the four of us go and sit down to look out at the canyons.

"So, hey...I do appreciate that you guys stuck around this long...thank you." She said to us. " that you know us you kinda regret leaving and everything?" Sean asked her and she looks between her sons. "I made a decision to never have regrets. Although you two and (y/n) would be the best reason. Just know I love you guys so much and I'm proud of who you are. And...where you're going. Even you (y/n), I don't care if your not my child, I love you as well." She said and I smiled. "I appreciate that, Karen." I said 

"By the way, um...if you wanted could come with Mexico." Sean offers to her. "That would be cool..." Daniel said and I nodded. "Yeah, it would." I said and Karen smiles. "I would love to come see you settled into a new're almost there...but...I have to be upfront with you guys. What happened in Haven Point is catching up on us." She said and we stared at her in shock.

"Huh?" Daniel said, confused. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "When we were in town, we saw some stories in the papers...the feds are definitely tracking us down in the region." Karen explains and I look down as I realized what was gonna happen. "Shit." Sean mutters. "And they'll find us." She said and I let out a heavy sighs. "Well, figures...this couldn't last forever. " I grumbled as Sean looks down in disappointment. "So...this is it?" Daniel asked. "Sí, enano." Sean replied. "We'll leave tomorrow."

Karen looks between the three of us and our sad faces then looks at me. "Can you hand me that bag, (y/n)?" She said and I turn and grab the bag and hand it to her. She digs into her bag and said. "And that's why I brought you back here..." she said and she pulls out some paper lanterns from her bag. "I made these for the 4th of July...but this is better." She said as Daniel smiles. "Oh! I love those things!" He said and we stand up as Sean starts to light the candle in the lanterns and starts to hand one of each to us.

"Let's light up the sky." Karen said as the four of us had a paper lantern each. Then we let them go and they float up into the sky, Daniel holds his hand out and madd the lanterns float close to us then spin around the four of us. I place my arm around Sean's waist and lean my head against his shoulder and he wraps an arm around my shoulder then kissed the top of my head before he leans his head on top of mine. We stood there and as Daniel let's the lanterns go and we watch them fly far, far away from us.

The next morning, the boys and I packed up our stuff and loaded it in the truck. Karen went and made us breakfast so we sat down and ate it for awhile, the air felt heavy as everyone was not ready to leave. But, unfortunately, we didn't have a choice. 

"Um.. are you guys all set up to leave?" Karen asked us as Sean and I drink our coffee. " we have to leave again." Daniel grumbles. "I think...I'm kinda scared..." he said, his voice shaking, as he looks at Karen. "Oh, honey..." she said as she goes to hug him then leans her forehead against his. 

"What are you gonna do now? Take off and hide?" I asked her. "Not this time. I can't just run from this I'll do what I have to help you. It won't be easy crossing that border... so I'm gonna give you guys a head start from the police..." She replied. "Wait, how?" Daniel asked her. "What's your plan?" Sean asked, curiously.

"The cops are after me too for what happened in they can catch me instead of you. Fair trade." She replied. "Mom, you'll go to jail for helping us." Daniel said. "It's not about me right now. We need to get your asses to Puerto Lobos." She said. "You don't have to do this, Karen..." Sean said to her as he places a hand over hers. "I let you guys down before...not this time." She said as she places her other hand over his.

"I knew what I was doing when I came to Haven Point looking for your brother...I felt it was the right thing to do and I feel the same today. I tried to live by my own matter what." She said then she looks between her sons. "I don't expect you boys to be like me, but try to stay true to yourselves. This is your life. Don't let anybody get in the way." She said.

"I don't know...Dad didn't raise us this way...he was a rebel but...he wasn't a criminal. He didn't teach us to say fuck it." Sean said, sadly. "Esteban had a lot more faith in the system than me...I had to do shit my own way. Look, I only want you, Daniel and (y/n) to get what you deserve." She said as Sean looks up at her.

"Okay, this is the last round-up..." she said as she gets up from her chair. "Wait. Let me say bye to Joan!" Daniel said as he gets up and goes over to Joan's house. "Alright. I'm gonna go do one last check-up before you head out." She said as Sean and I get up. "And don't forget what we talked's your life, kids. Sean, you should go see David. He has something for you. (Y/n), can you come with me?" She said us. "Okay." I said and I go and kiss Sean's cheek then follow Karen to the truck.

"What's up?" I asked, nervously, Karen as we go over to the truck and she opens the hood. "It's nothing bad, if that's what you were afraid of." She said, smiling, and I let out a sigh. "Okay, good." I said, relieved, and she laughs. "I just want to say that I'm glad I met you and I'm glad you and Sean are dating. It seems that he cares for you and I can tell that you care about him as well." She said and I smiled.

"I do. I really do care about him and Daniel, Karen. And I love Sean very much. I would do anything for them...and to make sure they make it to the border." I said and she smiles at me as she looks over the engine. "I'm glad to hear that, (y/n). You're a sweet girl. And you're pretty smart." She said and I nod at her just as Sean comes over to us. 

"Hey, need any help?" He asked Karen. "Just checking out the levels and cleaning out the filters. And having a talk with (y/n)." Karen said as she smiles and winks over at me. "I didn't realized you were such a gearhead." Sean said. "Sean, this is basic car maintenance and I may not be a pro like your father was, but I--I got some solid skills. I have to, our here." She said. "Yeah, sorry. I'm the newbie. I never really got into cars and stuff." Sean said and we chuckle.

"Esteban was obsessed with his engines. That doesn't mean you had to be too." Karen said to him. "Yeah...he only wanted me to find my own way. Whatever that was." Sean said then he looks down at the ground in sadness. "Wish I had more time..." he said and I give a small frown to him and take his hand in mine.

"Esteban loved you and Daniel for exactly who you are. He would be proud...that you're going back to his homeland today." Karen said. "Wish he was here with us. It's bullshit that we get to see Puerto Lobos but he doesn't." Sean grumbles. "I know. But Esteban is still with you and he always wanted you and Daniel to see where he came from." She said. "I don't know anything about Mexico. It's scary." Sean said. "I'm right there with ya." I said and Karen smiles.

"Kids, you're carrying the weight of three people on your shoulders now. It's okay to be nervous." Karen said. "I'm just tired of running. Of causing trouble everywhere we go." Sean said and I nod in agreement. "Daniel's powers is overwhelming and we don't know where it comes from. But, Sean, you do know your brother. You'll be there for each other. And (y/n) will be there for you two." said Karen.

"Yeah...Daniel's powers freaks me out. I only hope he'll never have use it again after we cross that border." Sean said. "Your brother sure isn't a little kid anymore. He had to grow up too fast...he wants to be equals and you guys are gonna have to work together. He may even help you guys make it." She said. "Maybe, you're right." Sean said. "You guys will figure it out, like you always do." She said and we look up at her and smile. 
"Okay, better get back to my tune-up." Karen said. "All right." Sean said. "We better make our last rounds before leaving." I said then Sean and I start to go and say our goodbyes.

After saying our goodbyes to Arthur, Stanley, Joan and David, we headed back to the truck as Sean pulls out his walkie-talkie. "Daniel, do you copy? It's time to wrap it up." Sean said. "Be right there. Over." He said and Sean puts the radio away. "So...did you guys get to say goodbye to Away?" Karen asked us. "Yeah..." Sean said. "Kinda sad." I said. "I know." She said. 

"Are we leaving yet?" Daniel asked as he comes up to us. "We have to, enano." Sean said. "Come here." Karen said and Daniel goes and hugs her. "Mom...I...I'm gonna miss you." He said as they pull back from the hug. "I'll miss you too, Danny. It was amazing to spend time with you. I'm so damn proud of you guys...and what your gonna do with your life. And if you ever need me...I'm just around the corner." She said to Daniel, who nods at her. "Okay, mom...thank you." He said and they hug again.

Once they break Karen turns to me and I go and give her a hug. "Watch over my boys for me, okay?" She asked me and I smiled as we pull back. "Of course, Karen. I'll keep them in line." I said and she laughs as the boys smile.

"Well, Sean...this is it." Karen said as she turns to Sean. "Thanks Mom. For being there." He said as he goes to hug her. "Thanks for letting me, son." She said. Then they break the hug as Sean turns to me and Daniel. "Let's hit the road." He said and we nod at him then began to load up. Daniel gets in the backseat and I get in the passenger's seat and Sean gets in the driver's.

"Take care, kids!" Stanley calls out to us once Sean starts to truck. "Stay safe!" Karen calls out and we start to drive away and wave back at them. "Bye, everybody!" Daniel shouts as he sticks his head out the window and waves.

Hours later, we were driving down the deserted road when Sean looks up at the rearview mirror at Daniel. " something wrong?" He asked Daniel and I turn in my seat to see Daniel had that look of he was deep in thoughts. He doesn't say anything as he looks out the window at the passing cactuses and rock formation. "We're almost there, okay? That's the last time Sean and I will have to say that..." I said until Daniel talks over. "I don't care about that..."

"So...what's the problem?" Sean asked him. "What...what are we gonna do in Puerto Lobos? We don't know anybody....we're like long can we live there?" Daniel asked. "How do you think we can live here? No more running, enano." Sean replied.

"So, what are we gonna do for money and stuff?" Daniel asked. "(Y/n) and will get a job, man. It won't be can probably go to school." Sean said. "Dude, I can't even speak Spanish! And neither can (y/n)! How can I make friends or do anything if I can't talk?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, I only know basic Spanish from school but...that's it." I said to Sean. "I'll teach you guys." He replied.

"You think so?" Daniel asked and Sean nods. "That's cool." Daniel said, smiling. "You fit in everywhere we go and we'll get to hang out too..." Sean assures Daniel. "Hmmm...well, that sounds okay, I guess..." he said, unsure. 

"Daniel, I get scared too, you know? But we'll be...we'll be fine." Sean assures and Daniel looks over at me. "Aren't you scared, (y/n)?" He asked me. "Of course, munchkin. But I've got you two by my side and I have faith and trust in your brother when he says we'll be fine." I said and Daniel stares at me for a moment then said. "Okay, I trust you guys."

He leans back in his seat and we end up talking or messing around for the rest of the road trip, including when Daniel used his power to steer the steering wheel so that Sean could rest.
