Chapter 15: I Did It All For You, Don't Say I Never Tried

"This is so messed up...I told Daniel...Fucking Finn..." Sean grumbles as we head towards Big Joe's house. "Hey, get mad later. We got shit to do now..." I said as we run along the trail. "If something happens...fuck me!" Sean said, despairingly. I frown at him then take his hand in mine as we stop running.

"It's okay. We're gonna get them. And we'll bring them back." I said, softly, to him as he looks at me then nods slightly at me. I give him a small smile then lean up and kiss him, softly, on the lips. "I promise, Sean." I whispered, my lips ghosting over his.
"Thanks for coming with me, (y/n)..." He said and I smile at him. "Hey, I care about Daniel as well, I don't want anything to happen to him...or you." I said and he smiles. "Besides...I'm gonna kill Finn myself." I said and we continue down the trail l.

We reach the yard and saw that the gate was wide open. "Somebody blew the lock...of course." Sean grumbles. "We probably gotta jack a car..." I said as we pull out a flashlight and I looked down and saw some tracks. "One truck is missing...See? Those tracks are headed out." I said to Sean as I point out the tracks. "Fuck." Sean mutters. "At least they didn't wake Big Joe up...But if we do...he'll kill us, Sean. So let's not lights, no noise...I'll check the car... you do the truck." I said and he nods as we split and I checked the car doors. But of course they were locked.

"Sean, I checked the car, all doors locked." I said and he sighs at this. "Truck is, too...So all the doors are locked... but we just gotta get into one car. And I think I can get that truck started..." Sean said. "You shitting me?" I asked him. "My dad was a mechanic...he once showed me how to hotwire his tow truck...just in case..." he replied and I smiled. "You're full of surprises, wolf boy." I said as I wink at him.
"Plus we could, uh, mess with all the other Big Joe can't follow us..." Sean said and I nod at him. "Love the way you think...we can find some things here to bust shit up...But we can't make a sound!" I said and we began to look around the yard.

Sometime later, I found a screwdriver and went to puncture holes in the tires of Big Joe's truck. "Try to follow us Joe, asshole." I whispered as I pocket the screwdriver then head over to the other car where Sean has a metal pipe. "Are you sure? That's gonna make a loud noise." I said. "We don't have a choice. I can't find the keys." He said. "Okay...alright....I'm ready when you are." I said. Sean nods, holds up the pipe then smashes it against the driver's side window.

"Hey! Hey, dickheads! You're on my fucking property!" We hear Big Joe shout from his home. I looked over at it in a panice while Sean unlocks the door. "Shit, he's fucking coming! LET'S GO!" I said as he gets in a the driver's side and unlocks the passenger side. I run over to it as Sean said. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..."

I get inside as Sean begins to hot wire the car until it roared to life. "Fuck, Sean, you did it!" I said as I pat his shoulder. "Let's get outta here!" He said and he begins to drive off. "We did it!" I said as we pull out of the yard and down the road, towards the farm.

"I don't like this all..." I said as Sean and I pull up to the workhouse. "Yep. I just want to get this over with...if we make it..." Sean mutters and I give a concern look towards him. "Don't say that...Things can't go wrong after the night we've had. This is basic karma." I said as I place my hands on his shoulder and lean my chin on his shoulder. "Shit right...I want this to continue, (y/n)." He said as he looks at me then he leans in and kisses me.

"We should go...they might not even be inside yet..." I said after we kissed. He nods then we climb out the truck and begin walking towards the shack, through the greenhouse. Then Sean looks up at the CCTV once we come upon the building. "Destroyed. Daniel's been here." He grumbles. I look over at him and see his angry look.

I frown and take his hand in mine. "Sean...we'll be fine...together, promise..." I said. "How? What's Merrill gonna do if he catches them?" Sean asked me. "Finn's a smart bullshitter, he'll find a way out of this." I said and Sean sighs. "I know." He replied. "I just don't know if we can ever trust Finn after this shit..." I said. "I wouldn't." Sean said and he goes and opens the cabin door.

We walk in on Finn and Daniel, just about to open the door to Merrill's living room. "Ahh, shit! You scared the shit out of me!" Finn exclaims. "Good! What the fuck are you doing? Didn't we settle this, man?" I asked him, angrily. "Sssshhhhh, you're gonna wake Merrill..." Finn said as he raises a finger to his lips. "Finn, no fucking way." Sean said.

"Come on, guys..." Finn said, exasperated. "Are you kidding me? How could you do that, Finn?! And use a fucking kid?!" Sean asked, angrily, as he gestures over to Daniel. "He's nine years old!" I growled at Finn. "He asked me for it! I didn't force him, man!" Finn informed us.

"Are you an idiot? He's too young to make that kind of decision!" Sean exclaims. "Fuck's sake, Finn..." I grumbled. "He's an old soul. He knows what's up...Hold on -- please? You're standing near a boatload of cash...We can do this in five 'n' out! And then you're off to Mexico...You won't hear about me ever again. We got this, man. Trust me." Finn said to us. "I want to help, guys. We can get out of here...go to Mexico." Daniel speaks up and I sigh and turn around at this.

Sean walks over to me and asked. "What should we do?" I sigh and shrug. "I don't know...Daniel said he wants to help and we're just a few feet away from the money..." I said then I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fuck it! Let's do it!" I said and Sean looks at me. "You sure?" He asked as Finn said. "Atta, girl! See?! She gets it!"

"In and out? Just like that? You promise?" I asked him. "I swear on my life, (y/n)." Finn said as he raises his right hand. I look over at Sean and he nods. "Yeah...okay." he mutters. "Yes!" Finn said as Daniel smiles at us. "Go ahead and do your thing, munchkin." I said to Daniel as he turns around and used his power to open the door.

We walked into the dark living room and saw the safe. We start to walk towards it until the lights came on and there stood Merrill, who was holding a shotgun. "Don't move!" He orders as he aims his gun at us. "Don't shoot!" Sean screams as we all raise our arms up. "What the fuck?! How many are you?!" Merrill asked. "Just us!" Sean replied as I said. "It's just us!"

"All right, move you asses over there. Now!" Merrill orders us and we go over to the spot he points out. "Um, Merrill...Boss...I know this looks bad, but..." Finn started to explain but Merrill shakes his head. "Stop. I don't want to hear any more of your shit." He said then he looks between us. "So...what was your big fucking plan, exactly? Work here for a time, and then break into my safe? Pathetic...Who was the moron mastermind?" He asked and we all look around at each other.

"Like I didn't know..." Merrill said as he walks over to Finn, who looks down. "I gave you punks work when nobody would...a place to crash for free...This is how you repay me? Stealing from me?" He asked, angrily. "No, no...It's not about you..." Finn said as he looks up but saw the angry look Merrill had then cowers back. Merrill silently examines Daniel then at me then he looks to Sean.

"I thought you were But you're a real dumbass for getting the kid involved...And you're teaching him how to steal. Thief and brother of the year. Nice! Whew, what now...You all really fucked up." He said then he walks away and turns around to face all of us. "I can't just let this slide. I can't...You're young but you can learn from mistakes...That doesn't mean your lesson's gonna be easy...or painless. Okay, on your knees, hands on your heads." He orders.

"Shit..." I muttered, tearfully. "Don't do this...don't. Come on, sir, we...we can talk --" Sean begs. "I'm serious. On your knees. NOW." Merrill yells and Sean and I exchange a look before I look over at Daniel. "Do what he says..." I said and Daniel, who had tears in his eyes, gets down on his knees just as Sean and I do that. "Don't worry..We're on our knees, okay?" Sean said to Merrill as Finn said. "Merrill, no..."

"Finn... just do it!" I yelled at him. "Don't break my balls now, kid." Merrill said to Finn as he walk over to him. "Daniel, you got this!" Finn whispers as he taps Daniel's shoulder. "Don't move." Sean ordered Daniel. "Just get on your damn knees!" I yelled at Finn. "Yeah, now." Merrill said and he uses the butt of his gun and hits Finn in his stomach.

Finn groans and falls to the ground and curls up into a ball. "He can't do this." Sean cries as Merril steps back and aims his gun at us. "Don't fucking move! It's not like I wanna do this...The people I deal with are worse. But if you rip me off, you rip them off. Then I pay...I have a family to look after, too. I gotta protect them first. Can't let you play me anymore either." He said as Daniel looks over at us. "Sean...(y/n)..."

Sean and I look at each other and I nod with determination and he nods back at me. "Daniel! Do it!" Sean yells and Daniel makes the shotgun fly out of Merrill's hand, into the hallway. "Get out! Run!" Sean yells as he tackles Merrill, a handgun falls out of his hand. "Oh! Ah! Son of a bitch!" Merrill exclaims.

"Sean!" I shouted in fear and he looks over at me. Merrill takes the opportunity while Sean is distracted to headbutt him. Sean falls back. "Wait! Stop!" I shouted as Merrill picks up the gun, and points at Daniel. Daniel tries to use his power but was too slow, as Merrill fires his gun and shoots Daniel in the shoulder. "Oh my God..." I cried as Daniel stumbles back. "Uh..." he groans and looks at his bleeding shoulder.

"Fuck!" Sean screams as he looks over at his baby brother. Then Daniel flings everything away from him, knocking Sean, Merrill, Finn and I away from him. The last thin I knew was my head hit something solid and I fall to the floor. I saw objects starting to fly around the room and Daniel groaning and screaming. I look over to my right to see Sean but I blackout before could get a good look at him as my vision got blurry.

*3rd Person POV*

The sun was rising at the weed farm, the money from the safe blows around in the wind. Inside of the cabin, you would've thought that a tornado came through the inside of the building as everything was pulled off of the wall and thrown about. In the living room area, Finn laid on the ground unconscious but unharmed mostly. Merrill also unconcious but with a few scratches. 

But the worst ones, who got the worst of the injury, was the two young teens that were laying near each other. Sean Diaz had a piece of glass in his left eye while (y/n) (l/n)'s left hand was crushed under a flat-screen TV and chunk of glass was stuck on her cheek.
