Chapter 10: On The Road Again

*Sean's POV*

Charles drives up to the Reynolds house and pulls over. Chris and Daniel jump out the back and start playing in the snow, (Y/N) follows as she climbs out. "Looks like Daniel found a new brother..." Charles said as we watch them run around. "No kidding...He dumped me like a rock..." I said as I watch them then I look over and see (y/n) leaning against the truck for a moment before she joins the boys as she starts to act like a zombie. "Argh...I'm a zombie! I'm here to eat your brains." She said and the boys squeal as they run from her then start throwing snowballs at her.

"I'm glad you three came along...It's great that Chris found a new friend out here..." Charles said and I nod at him. "So...what's the story between you and the girl?" He asked me. "Oh...uh....we're just...just friends...." I said. "Oh...well....I've just noticed how close you two are. I just didn't know if there was something going on." He said and I give a small smile to this.

"Anyway...It's good for me to get out too...We've had a rough time over the past couple of years...My wife, Emily...She died two years ago. Obviously, it was tough on Chris..." he admits. "Shit...I'm sorry, man..." I said to him. "Thanks...It's been a struggle...Especially...trying to be a good dad..." he said. "You're...doing your best...Chris is awesome. And...he's got a wonderful imagination..." I informed him. "Thanks for saying that...Chris does have talent...he's a storyteller." Charles said.

"Yeah. He showed up when I was drawing at the market. He gave me some tips..." I said to him. "When I look at you and close you two are...I realize I'm far from being up to the task. Chris deserves a real family. Anyway...I shouldn't have brought this up. Okay...Forget it..." he said then he turns his head.

"Do you have some...kind of problems?" I asked him. "I'm just...not the man I was...I shouldn't even have brought this up, you know just forget it..." he said, embarrassed. "No worries...Didn't mean to make you feel bad..." I said.

"We all have our ups and downs, right? That's how life works. Your grandparents sure did have their share of downs, too...But they're always there for us. For Chris. They seem like good people." Charles said to me.

"Chris talked to me and (y/n)...He said sometimes lose it...When you're drunk." I said and his eyes widen at this. "Oh, fuck..." He mutters, distraught.
"Maybe...You should get some help...Don't handle this alone..." I said and he sighs.
"Shit. Maybe you're right. His wife's parents. They offered me their help and...They want Chris to go live with them. I haven't replied yet. Maybe I could...s-send him away for a little while. Give me time to get my shit together..." he said and I nodded. "Might do him good. Yeah..." I said.

"I know I gotta do better. I can't let pain define who I am. Everyone has to go through some shit...But they're always there for us. For Chris. They seem like good people." He said. "Yeah, mom left my dad a long time ago...she...never came back...She broke all ties with her parents, too..." I said as I look down. "Sorry for bringing that up." He said.

"It's okay. I hope they don't stress out because we haven't come back..." I said and he nods. "Yeah, we should get you three home...Don't keep them waiting." He said and I nod. "Yeah..." I said and I get out of Charles' truck then I turn around to look back at Charles.

"Oh and...Uh...Thanks...for your honesty. I'll try my best to be a Chris." He said and I nod at him then I turn around towards Daniel, Chris and (y/n). "Hey buddy, wanna set up that Christmas tree?" Charles asked Chris as he runs up to the truck.
"Yeah!" He said. "Well, I'll get there before you with my Dadmobile!" Charles said and Christ smiles. "No way you can beat Captain Spirit!" Chris said then he turns to Daniel and said. "See you later, Superwolf!" Then Chris flies off towards his house, Charles steadily behind him in the car.

*(y/n) POV*

"Hello! Hello? Claire? Stephen?" Sean calls out as we enter the house ans shut the door. "Looks like Grandma and Grandpa haven't come back from church yet." Daniel said. "Well. At least they won't yell at us for going out..." I said and Sean shrugs. "That was so cool to spend time with Chris at the market!" Daniel said with a smile.

"So...did you set things straight with him? Told him the truth?" Sean asked him. "Yeah, yeah, I did...He was disappointed..." Daniel said. "Of course he was. You lied to him." I said and Daniel looks down then back up at us.

"Did you know Chris's mom was an artist?" He said. "I...didn't...How so?" Sean asked. "She drew comics! You should see her drawings, they're so cool. Just like yours!" Daniel replied and Sean smiles. "Thanks, dude."

"Hey! Uh..." Daniel said then he looks down. "What? What is it?" I asked.  "Guys...I wanna go check on the room...upstairs. I know it's Mom's. Please..." he begs and Sean shakes his head. "Daniel, you heard Claire. They will freak out if they know we went inside." He said to him, firmly. "We won't tell them! We'll be in total stealth mode! They won't know anything if we make it quick...It's just... I really want to know what's inside. What kind of stuff she had. Chris had tons of things that belonged to his mom. And I have nothing! Come on, guys...You guys don't even have to come with me...if you don't want to..." Daniel said as he starts to head up the steps.

I sigh at this as I look over at Sean and he could tell it from my face that we have to go with Daniel. "Fuck it. We'll come with you...So you don't make a mess and get us caught." said Sean and we head upstairs and examine the locked door together.

"The door is still locked! I just...Don't get why they lock the room. What's the big deal?" Daniel asked as Sean and I check the door. "We'll find a way to open it." Sean said and Daniel looks up at him. "Sean, this is super easy! I can just break the lock with my power!" He said. "Yeah, I could do that with a hammer...But let's try and find the key instead, alright?" Sean said and Daniel nods. "And if we can't find the key...I still have an unbended paper clip we could use it." I said. "Yeah, we could....but like I said...let's find it first." Sean said and we start searching for the key.

"I'm just gonna clean up real quick." Daniel said as he heads to the bathroom and cleans up, then heads to the staircase to act as lookout. "Guys, hurry...I'll stay here in case they come back." He said as Sean and I look around in his grandparent's room. 

"Didn't you say you saw her lock that door the other day?" I called out to Daniel as I look through the nightstand and Sean looks through the cabinets. "Yeah." Daniel replied. "Do you remember what she was wearing?" I asked him. "Uh...she was wearing this weird cardigan." He replied and Sean and I exchange a look then Sean runs out of the room and head towards the bathroom. 

I follow him and see him digging in the hamper until he pulled out the key. "I found one key, so it better fit." He said as we head over to the door. "Just try it!" He said and Sean inserts the key into the door and pushes it open. He enters the room and Daniel and I follow as we looks around to see a few items strewn about but also boxes inside.

"Wow. There's not that much left. Where do you think they put the rest of her stuff?" Daniel asked us as we look around the small room. "It's her teenage room, I'm sure she...sorted through her things before leaving for Seattle. The rest is probably packed in these boxes." Sean replied. "Sean...What do you think happened to all the stuff in my room? When we left..." Daniel asked. "I don't know, enano...I wish I could answer that." Sean replied. "Okay..." Daniel said as he picks up a book and sits down to read it. 

"I miss not having any memories of her, Sean...Why would they remove all the pictures..." He said. "Because they made them sad..." Sean said and Daniel nods. "Yeah...Dad did the same thing too...I've never seen any picture of Mom in our home." Daniel said, sadly.

Eventually, I come up to a dresser and saw that there was a letter. I picked it up and realized that this was a recent letter and I look it over, while I frown at it. "Boys..." I said and they see the letter in my hand as I walk over to the bed and sot down. "What's it say? Read it!" Daniel exclaims, desperately, as he sits on my right side and Sean sits on my left.

"I've heard the news about Seattle. Please help my boys if they come to you..." I read and Daniel looks up at me. "What? Why did they hide this from us?!" He asked. "I don't know..." Sean said and I continue to read. "You can reach me at this address, it's a PO Box I use sometimes." I read. "What's a PO box?" Daniel asked. "Well, a cop this case..." Sean grumbles and I give him a small frown before I continue reading. "I beg you please help my sons." I finished and Sean scoffs.

"Oh yeah, right...Total bullshit." He growls. "What do you mean? She cares about us!" Daniel exclaims. "Well...I don't..." Sean said. "Maybe she...changed her mind! We could try and contact her!" Daniel said. "You don't even know her, okay?! Don't get any wrong ideas. We should just...stick to our plan. For now..." Sean said, firmly, and Daniel looks down in sadness.

"Can I read it...?" Daniel asked me and I nod. "Yeah...Then we gotta go..." I said when suddenly Claire and Stephen enter the room. "My Goodness. What happened...?" She said to us and we jumped up in shock and fear. "Shit!" Sean and I exclaim.
"Excuse me, what are you three doing in here?! Except, visibly...ransacking our house while we're at church?" Claire asked us, angrily. "Claire...We're sorry...But we just wanted to --" Sean started to say but Claire talks over her. "No one ever told you that everything you say before a but has no value? You know you shouldn't be in here!" She yells.

"Claire, please. Calm down..." Stephen said to her. "No, Stephen! They went way out of line here! We specifically told you to stay out of this room!" She shouts. "Uh...I just wanted to see my Mom's stuff!" Daniel said. "This isn't her room anymore! There is nothing to see in here! It's time you learn to respect some rules!" She said to us.

"Actually, we did find something..." I said as I hold up the letter. "Yeah! We found a new letter from my Mom! She said she wants to see us! But...You didn't even tell us!!!" Daniel screams at her. "She's not my daughter anymore! Or your mother! She burned all those bridges!" Claire yells as she grabs the letter from my hand. "One letter doesn't change what she did to me...all of us! She is not welcome back." She said.

"It's been eight years...maybe it's time to move on." Sean said to her. "Don't you dare lecture me, Sean. You don't know anything about how I feel!" She said to him. "Don't blame them for being curious about her, Claire." I said, defensively. "But I know her better than anybody! She hasn't changed! She just feels guilty!" Claire yells. "I can't hear that." Stephen said and he leaves the room. Claire starts to go after him, then walks back up to us.

"Listen, kids...I know life has been tough on you the past month...Bless your souls. And...and we put up with a lot of things...But... that...Going through our stuff, our personal belongings...That shows you don't respect us. Then you act like I'm the bad guy! After what we've done for you! I knew something like this might happen...maybe you three staying here wasn't such a good idea..." she said and Sean scoffs. "Man! I think I see why Mom left now...She couldn't put up with your stupid rules anymore!" He shouts at her. "Oh...So that's what you think? Then let me tell you something --" She starts to argue when suddenly, Stephen screams from downstairs, and then a clatter of furniture.

"STEPHEN!" She shouts and we run to Stephen's room to find him trapped beneath the cupboard. "Oh, shit!" Sean a d exclaims in fear. "Get...this...damn thing off me!" Stephen exclaims and Sean, Daniel and I run over to the cupboard and try to lift it as Claire exclaims. "Stephen! No! Hold on, honey! We'll get it off..."

"NO...stop! My legs!" Stephen screams and Daniel steps back, looks at Sean and I then gesture towards the cupboard. "Do it, Daniel! Now!" Sean screams and Claire looks over at us. "Do what? What's going on? Oh, Lord! What...What are you doing, Daniel?" She kept asking, frantically, as Daniel holds his hand out, concentrating on lifting the cupboard. Sean and I pull Stephen out then Daniel falls to the floor in exhaustion.

"Oh, my baby...Stephen, are you okay?" She said as she falls to her knees and cradles his head in her lap. "Now I am...Thanks to Daniel...You were right, Claire. I should have fixed that cupboard months ago. I guess my laziness will get me someday..." Stephen said.

"What in the name of God was that all about? That's impossible...What are you, Daniel?" She asked and I hold my hands out to him. "Claire...Listen..." I started to explain before Stephen places his hand on her arm. "They saved me, Claire. That's all that matters..." he said. "Maybe...It was a miracle...Thank you, Lord..." she said then the door bell rings. Claire looks out the window and gasps..

"It's the sheriff..." she said, fearfully, just as we hear a voice calls out. "Stephen? Claire?" Claire looks over at us in fear. "Sean...I didn't..." she said as the Sheriff said. "It's about your grandsons."

"We didn't call them..." she said. "I know, Grandma..." Sean said as we hear the Sheriff said. "Someone called us...We know they've been here. They were spotted at the Christmas market, earlier today..."

"Guys...What are we gonna do?!" Daniel asked us. "Go hide in the garage!" Stephen orders and Sean and I shake our heads. "No...No! No way! if the police searches the house, that makes the two of you accomplices." Sean said and Claire looks towards the door and back at us. "Get your bags and go out the backdoor...I will distract him..." she said. "Really?" Sean and I asked. "Yes. Now..." Stephen said.

"Stephen?" The sheriff calls out as Stephen looks over at us. "Get the hell out of here!" He orders as the Sheriff continues. "I know you're in here, your car is in the driveway..."

"I'm so sorry...For everything...I wish we could have helped you more...I wish you could stay here with us... Watch out for your brother, Sean..." she said as she hugs Daniel and Sean. "Yes. Be careful...We'll see you as soon as we can, okay?" Stephen said then Claire goes to hug me. "I'm so glad I got to know you, (y/n). Promise me you'll watch over my grandsons." She said and I nod at her. "I promise." I said. "Thanks for helping us...Both of you..." Sean said. "Yeah, and thanks for keeping me here as well." I said and Claire nods.

"Oh, we love you. Now hurry up!" She said and she goes over to the door. Sean turns to Daniel and said. "Daniel, wait for me while (y/n) and I go upstairs and grab our bags!" Daniel nods at us and we run upstairs and Daniel crouches as he runs to the back. Sean and I grab all of our clothes and stuff them in our bags, quickly, and we head creep down the stairs and sneak around to the back towards Daniel.

After we put on our coats, Sean peaks his head out of the door to the backyard then turns to us. "Move your ass, bro..." he said and we run out to the yard just as we see another cop car pulling up to the house. "Shit!" Sean and I exclaim and head towards Chris's backyard. "This way!" Sean said and we climb the fence.

Chris looks up in surprise and gets up from his tree house's swing. "Daniel! What's going on?" He asked and we stop in our tracks. "Hey! Chris..." Daniel said and Chris looks at us. "You okay?" He asked. " have to leave right now." Daniel replied and Chris sighs, in sadness. "I knew you wouldn't stay..." he whispers.

"Sorry...Wish we could." Daniel said and Chris looks up at us. "You better come back...Hold on a second." He said then takes off his cape and hands it to Daniel. "Here, this is your cape...You're the real superhero." Chris said and Daniel smiles. "Thanks, Chris...That's super cool...Like you." Daniel said and I place my hand on his shoulder. "Daniel, let's go!" I said and we start to go before Chris stops us.

"Take the Troll Forest shortcut...It's right through there...Nobody will find you!" He said as he points towards the forest behind his treehouse. "Chris, you rock..." Sean said and we head towards the shortcut.
"Goodbye, Captain Spirit..." Daniel said. "See you around, Superwolf! The Spirit squad will stay united forever!" Chris said then he watches us run off, then heads back up to his tree house. While he runs, Daniel turns to see Chris standing in his tree house, making the Spirit squad pose. "Whoa!" Daniel said then he does the pose in return, and runs off with Sean and I.

"I feel like a fake superhero...Chris was so sad when he found out...That..." Daniel said, sadly. "He had to find out anyway...Before he did something...Dangerous..." Sean said. "I know...I just feel sorry for him..." Daniel replied. "Don't be. No matter what happened...I think you guys will always be friends." I said.

"Guys...I'm tired of running away...I don't want to be a superhero anymore..." Daniel said as we sit on the log, taking a break from running. "You don't have to use your power, if you don't want to." Sean said to him. "I know but... Sometimes I can help and -- How do I know when to use it?" Daniel asked. "You don't. You can only trust your guts. And...Listen to your brother. And me." I replied as I place a hand on his shoulder. 

"You'll think we'll see Grandma and Grandpa again?" Daniel asked. "I don't know...We'll see." Sean said. "Where are we gonna go now? See...See Mom?" Daniel asked. "No way, man. We don't need her, okay?" Sean replied. "But...She said she wanted to find us!" He said to his brother. "We stick to the plan: we go to Puerto Lobos. That's where we belong. No one will tell us what to do. We can be whoever we want!" Sean said.

"You think? I don't know..." Daniel said in sadness. "Trust me, man. From now on...We make our own rules!" Sean said and I dig into my backpack. "Look...I got you a present." I said and Sean smiles. "Same here. Merry Christmas, enano." Sean said as he holds out a snowman craft and I hold out a yo-yo, which I secretly took from this box.

"For real?!'s in two weeks!" Daniel said. "Who cares? Dates are boring! Here..." Sean said and he hands his present to Daniel. "It's...Weird. But...I like it!" He said to Sean then I hand him my present. "Gee...A yoyo? Awesome!" He exclaims in excitement. Then Daniel hugs Sean then me. "Early Christmas is the best! Hey, I got something for you too!" He said as he searches his backpack.

"I wanted to finish it, but we're doing it now, so..." Daniel said and he gives Sean and I a couple of drawings, which were of us in superhero getup. "Awww, man...That's so cool." Sean said and I smile at Daniel. "Yeah, this is great!" I said but then Sean digs in his backpack and pulls something out.

"Hey, (y/n)...I got you something." He said and he holds out his hand and shows me that it was a bracelet with a wolf charm dangling off of it and I smiled as I take it. "Oh, Sean...this is really pretty. Thank you." I said as we stand up and I kiss his cheek. His face turns red at this then into to my backpack.

"Here....this is what I was working on back at that market." I said as I hand him the drawing I did, which was of two wolves, a bigger one and a smaller one, and a fox, which was standing between them, and they stood proudly on a cliff. "Wow, your drawing skills are coming a long way." Sean said. "Thanks to you." I said just as we hear a horn of a train.

"Hey. Listen..." I said as we hear the horn go off again. "There's our ride...Come on. All aboard!" Sean said as the freight train travels along the tracks. The brothers and I head down and hop aboard. We look out as the snow covered trees passes us, quickly, and we go to sit down. 

I look down and see the boys looked alittle sad and I frown at them and I sigh and I began to sing a song, to hopefully make them feel better. Which it did as they listen to me and smile.

Carry on my wayward son

For there'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more
