Chapter Eleven: Joyful Awakenings

    Ethan took another small sip from his coffee as he stared calmly, but alertly out through one of the manor's arched windows into the open lawn of the estate grounds which stretched out to a distant line of trees. The soft light of a rising dawn was slowly removing the shadows of night from around the manor, allowing the line of trees at the lawn's boundaries to come into view. His eyes scanned the tree line with a slow, sweeping glance as he sipped the warm brew, then suddenly he snatched his gaze back to a large hulking image that emerged from the trees just as his eyes passed that spot.

    Ethan instantly recognized the towering figure of Corbin's alternate form, noticing also that cradled in one of his mighty arms was a small body, presumably Lydia. He squinted through his glasses though at the comparatively diminutive person walking along side him, whose long hair which  swayed about in the early morning breeze was the only clue from such a far distance of the person being female. As he turned in a rush to find Gale and announce to her their arrival, he could only guess that Dr. Walsh's Sara was the unfamiliar person making her way toward the manor beside Corbin.

    Gale and Ethan opened the front door of the manor, waiting eagerly as Corbin neared to know that everyone was alright. Gale looked toward the driveway to see if Gideon and the others were returning as well, but she was somewhat perplexed when she saw only an empty driveway, expecting everyone to return together after a successful venture. Resolving within herself to simply attend to matters as they unfolded, she looked back to Corbin with a deep, steadying breath.

    The concerned couple stepped aside when Corbin reached the front stoop with a still unconscious Lydia resting safely against his broad chest. He leaned down, carefully squeezing together his brawny form so he could fit through the already generous entrance allowed by the manor's  front door. Sara followed behind him, then Gale. Ethan took another watchful look around the front lawn before stepping inside and closing the door.

    Corbin and Sara stood opposite Gale and Ethan inside the spacious front hallway of the manor, which afforded Corbin the room his imposing form needed to be at ease. Gale's concern went immediately to Lydia as she stepped up to Corbin so she could examine her lifeless little sister. He knelt down to grant her a better view, then looked over at Ethan with a summoning nod of his large head. Ethan came without hesitation, and understood by Corbin's following gesture that he was to take Lydia from him.

    Ethan nodded, then offered out his arms to accept the delicate and precious charge as Corbin ever so gently transferred Lydia over to him. Ethan pressed her securely to himself and started for someplace restful to lay her down. Thinking on his feet, he didn't dare attempt to climb the stairs to her bedroom, but instead he took a direct path through the manor to Corbin's ground floor bedroom and placed her carefully on the bed there.

    Sara, who had been ignored so far as she simply stood by calmly watching, gave Gale a cordial smile when Corbin stood and motioned to the unknown young woman with his huge claw. He gave an approving nod so that Gale would know she was a friend, and should be treated as such. Gale offered the warmest smile she could under the circumstances, then she noticed that Sara's clothes were hopelessly soiled and torn from their journey, so she led Sara upstairs with the intent of finding her something better to wear from her own wardrobe.

    Knowing what to do next, Ethan returned to Corbin with an arm full of clothes. He placed them in Corbin's outstretched claw, receiving a grateful nod for his thoughtfulness. Corbin then sought out a private place within the manor to revert back to his normal, human form. Once he did so, he headed back to the heart of the manor at the grand staircase which led to the upper chambers of his sisters. There he joined Ethan as they awaited an anxious Gale and cleanly attired Sara who were coming down the stairs.

    Gale hurried down the last few steps to give Corbin a cherishing hug. "What's wrong with Lydia?" she asked when they separated. 

    "She over exerted herself, using her gift to help free us," he rapidly explained. "Will she be alright?"

    Corbin's question sent all eyes expectantly to Gale, as everyone hoped she had some privileged insight that would provide a soothing answer.

    "I'm not sure. Each gift is different, and the effects of pushing their limits varies from person to person. At least that's what Gideon has told me before," Gale answered, a little unsure.

    "Where's Shade? And Amanda and Gideon?" Corbin asked.

    "They went with the shapeshifter to find you and Lydia," Ethan informed.

    Corbin seemed confused, then replied,"Shapeshifter? What are you talking about?" 

    "What's a shapeshifter?" Sara interjected enthusiastically, garnering a round of odd stares from everyone before they dismissed her question in order to keep piecing the details of recent events together.

    "Corbin, where have you and Lydia been?" Gale inquired.

    He shrugged as he searched his memory. "I...I don't know. One minute I'm walking out of the mall with Lydia, and the next I'm escaping from some strange place with Lydia and this girl," he answered, motioning toward Sara.

    "My name is Sara," she casually revealed to everyone with a cheerful smile.

    Once again Sara received odd looks from those around her as they wondered if she grasped the seriousness of what was going on. Gale put them back on course.

    "We were attacked here at the manor by a young shapeshifter who calls herself Vivian. Shade was able to stop her, learning afterward that she had captured you and Lydia for Jarell."

    "Jarell!" Corbin gasped.

    Ethan sighed disparagingly. "Yes, it appears that somehow, he's back."

    Corbin's posture weakened a bit as he recalled Lydia's claim when she pushed herself into his subconscious, that Jarell was behind their entrapment. Was he really back from the dead?The very thought was enough to fill Corbin with dread, and anger. Gale continued.

    "Vivian agreed to help free you both in exchange for help in rescuing her brother from Jarell," she disclosed. "They left here several hours ago, and we haven't heard a word from them since," she added, returning to her worried state.

    "All we can do now is wait," Ethan advised, frustrated.

    "Yeah...I guess so," Corbin moaned.

    Gale suddenly remembered Vincent, and she turned to Sara. "There's someone here who I believe really wants to see you," she hinted.

    Sara's sunny disposition brightened even more. "Vincent?" she guessed, hoping with a waiting smile that threatened to beam.

    Gale nodded, then said,"Come with me, I'll take you to him."

    Vincent was still asleep on the couch when he stirred upon hearing the sound of footsteps coming across the wood floor of the livingroom. He shifted on the large couch with an eye-cracking yawn, seeing with groggy vision the shape of someone he loved dearly engulfed in the glow of morning sunlight which was filtered softly into the livingroom by draped windows. It only took a fraction of a second for his waking mind to realize he wasn't dreaming, but Sara really was coming toward him with the affectionate gaze he prized above all else.

    He scrambled himself off the couch, almost tripping over his own feet as he rushed over to Sara with a speechless expression. Relieved and overcome with joy at her presence, he didn't even attempt to hold back tears when he embraced her, perhaps tighter than he ever had before. Much to his delight she hugged him back equally. They held the embrace for a long, long moment before finally parting, though Sara would not let go of Vincent's hands, wanting to keep him near. The two doted over each other silently, exchanging smiles and happy glances until Vincent tugged her close and gave her a gentle, loving kiss. For the next few minutes, nothing around them mattered.

    Across the manor, in Corbin's room, Lydia continued to remain in a deep sleep on Corbin's bed as he sat in a chair next to her. Watching her with a heart weighed down with concern for her wellbeing, he repeatedly refused food and drink from Gale as she checked in every few minutes, hoping for some sign of improvement. He sunk his face into his hands, wishing desperately that he could do something, give something, anything to make her okay. A light tap on the open door roused him from his grief. Looking toward the door he found Sara sharing a concerned look for Lydia with him. He rose from the chair and walked over to her. "Thank you, Sara, for what you did back there," he offered sincerely.

    Sara smiled warmly, modestly accepting his thanks, then she glanced over at Lydia. "Will she be alright?"

    Corbin looked back at his little sister with a heavy sigh, staring at her peaceful form for a moment before responding. "I guess only time will tell," he conceded, looking back at Sara.

    She began to study him with a curious expression, examining his stature from head to toe. "How do you fit the other you in there? I mean, it's so much larger," she asked with genuine wonder.

    Corbin's face fidgeted with an awkward expression, being unsure of how to answer such a question, especially from someone who at times didn't seem quite right. "You're...different, aren't you?" he asked carefully, hoping not to offend her.

    Before she could answer, the sheets on Corbin's bed rustled after a delicate moan drew his attention hopefully to Lydia. Seeing her shift under the covers he left Sara immediately to kneel beside the bed so that he could be eye level with his little sister if she woke. Holding his breath, he waited anxiously through her waking movements. Finally, she opened her eyes weakly, acknowledging him with a tired smile. Corbin breathed out a relieved breath that was followed with emotional tears falling down his smiling cheeks.

    "Hey kiddo," he greeted happily.

    "Hey," Lydia returned sweetly in her sleepy voice.

