m. akchoté



Mateo Enzo Akchoté

(matt-ee-oh  enzo  ack-shot)

mateo meaning "gift of god"

enzo meaning "winner"

akchote meaning "worthy, fit, suitable"

Doesn't like to be called anything but Mateo, only his uncle was allowed to call him Enzo.

takes on the form of a rather small wolf with dark brown fur and his blue eyes.


feb 12




french and jewish

Mateo has a rather small figure, he stands at 5'6" and was often teased as a kid for his stutter and having a feminine build. But Mateo doesn't mind at all, he likes to be smaller and keeps his build best he can. He doesn't care about his stutter, and he loves his eyes. Blue eyes have successfully been passed through his family for generations and generations. His curly hair often gets in Mateo's way, and he would prefer to just shave it all off if he wasn't always told it was his best feature.

Mateo has one tattoo. He had a friend tattoo the lines around his wrists, and they were for his uncle after he passed away. Mateo isn't one to rebel against his parents, he's never felt the need to, but the tattoos were a decision he made in a fit of rage and sadness when he was 16. He still doesn't regret them, though.

face claim - heir of atticus

positive traits

charismatic and romantic, appreciates the little things, takes good care of himself and others.

neutral traits

has a stutter, is soft spoken yet talkative, tends to automatically abide by whatever rules he's given. 

negative traits

bad at confrontation and understanding others emotions, sometimes impulsive, often lets his emotions overrun his reasoning. 


fruits - dancing - summer - family - friends - parties - music


guitar - medical advice and information - charisma 


blood - being away from company  - water - serious conversations


leadership - swimming - confrontation


water - death - illness 


cracks his knuckles often, started as a fidgety thing but now he does it almost constantly without thinking about it. Sometimes he'll randomly say something in french, he uses it as a way to get past a word he's having trouble with when he's stuttering.

family and backstory

Mateo is very close with his family, always has been. He didn't have a lot of friends, just a few select close ones. And he never had any reason to make enemies, Mateo was kind to everyone and in return received kindness. He grew up in a nice house in italy, where family would visit more often than not. Mateo grew up with his uncle in the house with them half the time, and his uncle was his biggest role model when Mateo was a kid. 

Eventually Mateo grew old enough to understand why his uncle came to randomly live with them, why his parents always seemed so unhappy to have him around. 

His uncle was involved in a lot of gang and drug related things, and he only got worse as Mateo grew older. The two always did their best to keep a family relationship, but when Mateo was 16, his uncle had disappeared. A few months later his body was found, and it was obvious that he had been killed, likely by someone he owed money or hurt. Mateo's uncle suffered a rather upsetting punishment before his death, hence Mateo's tattoos. Today he often he has trouble letting people do risky things, Mateo is terrified of anyone else he loves dying.

Both Mateo's parents work in the medical feild, and since before he could speak Mateo was learning all about medicine. Often his father's patients came to Mateo's home, and Mateo would sometimes be allowed to participate in a surgery, if it was simple enough, like a broken bone or stitching up a bad cut. Through this he grew skilled in medical practices, and was well on his way to college after he graduated from high school.

password - 



let me know if I need to change anything :)
