I will always love you

Band rolls:
Bakugou -main drummer, lead singer, backup singer
Denki - Guitarist, lead singer, backup singer
Jiro - Guitarist, lead singer, pianist, backup singer
Sero - Guitarist, drums, backup singer
Mina and Kirishima - Sound, lights

It was a Friday afternoon and the band was setting up for the concert later that day. Bakugou was sitting at the back of the stage setting up and tuning his drums for the concert, when a bright flash of white light shot across his face. He grimaced as his vision was dotted with black.
"SORRY!" A voice said from somewhere in the concert hall. The blonde looked around at everyone else who was there with him. Denki and sero who were tuning the guitars. Jiro who was setting up the mic. And Mina who was doing sound tests. Finally he lifted his head up to see his boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima standing on the catwalk, a spotlight in hand, glancing over the rail at his irritated boyfriend. His vision still clouded with black dots, bakugou yelled up to the red head, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!"
"SORRY I LOST MY BALANCE" Kirishima yelled back.
The blonde rubbed his eyes, is vision finally going back to normal, "Its fi-" was as far as he could get before a loud energetic voice interrupted.
"HEY LOVEBIRDS!!! Were pretty much done with everything, so we're gonna grab some food before the show if you wanna come!!" Mina said, the rest of the group heading to meet her by the exit.
The ash blonde rolled his eyes, "OH SHUT IT ALIEN BITCH, WE'RE COMING!" He said while standing. Kirishima ran across the catwalk, climbed down the metal stairs. He poked out from behind the curtain, meeting his boyfriend by his side. The two locked pinkies as they walked with the rest of the group out to the parking lot.
Before they all got in their cars mina spoke up again, "ok, so we have about 3 hours before the show, so we can go get food then chill at my place for a bit, or we can get food then we all go our separate ways."
Hiro rolled her eyes, "I'm okay with either, as long as we get food soon. I'm starving."
"Same here!" Sero said as he turned around to walk out the door to his car.
"Okay, meet you at the restaurant" Denki said before running to catch up with his boyfriend.
"I'll text you the address of the restaurant I wanted to try!!" Mina said as both her and her girlfriend exited the building.
Kirishima flashed a bright smile, "Okay, meet you there!!" The two that were left walked out of the concert hall to Bakugou's car. Mina screamed one last goodbye from the car window, the other band members along with her. The red head waved excitedly before getting in the car. Bakugou did the same and got in the driver's seat, starting the car. The engines roared as the two made their way to the restaurant, quietly humming the melody to the song that was playing. As soon as they got there the rest of the group waved at them from there spot outside. Both Bakugou and Kirishima exited the car, and walked to the restaurant entrance hand in hand.
The ash blonde rolled at his eyes toward the group, "let's just go fucking inside already" he said. As the group entered the building the loud chattering of people filled their ears, as well as the smell of food in their noses.

//Time skip to after there done eating//

As the group exited the restaurant they all went their separate ways.
Kirishima yawned, " uuuuh, I'm so fuuull"
"Maybe you should'a thought about that before you ate a whole fucking steak, green beans, fries, and a whole as drink!" The blond scoffed.
The red head smiled, "whateveeeer, can we just go home and take a naaaap" he said grabbing onto Bakugou's arm.
"Tch... yeah whatever" Bakugou said softly, guiding Kirishima to the car. The two walked across the parking lot, the moon lighting their way. They got into the car and drove home. After about a twenty minute drive, Kirishima was asleep in the passenger seat. Bakugou admired his boyfriend's face before getting out of the car. He walked around, and carried the red head bridal style into the house and layed him on the bed. He removed both of their shoes before setting a 1 hour alarm. The blonde climbed into the bed and placed himself next to Kirishima. The blonde snuggled up against Kirishima, feeling his body heat, as be wrapped his arms around his waist.

//1 hour later//

Bakugou woke up, the red head was laying on his chest. He started playing with Kirishima's hair after turning the alarm off. He watched as Kirishima's back moved up and down with every breath he took. He continued to play with the red strands when Kirishima eyes fluttered open slowly.
"Hmmm" Kirishima yawned, "how much time do we have till the show" he said sleepily.
"About an hour, but we should get there early" the blonde responded, getting up, and kissing Kiri's forehead.
The red head slowly got up and stretched his back, "m'kay" They then continued to get changed a d head off to the concert hall.

After about an hour the band was finally ready for the concert. People were starting to fill the seats, waiting eagerly for the show to start. Bakugou was making some final adjustments to his hair, when Kirishima walked by.
"Good luck, love you!!" He said kissing the blonde on the cheek. Bakugou's cheeks turned a bright red. He ignored it and walked out into the stage and sat behind his drums. He glanced at all the other band members and nodded. Kaminari was standing by the mic, with Jiro and Sero on either side of him holding their guitars. Mina backstage helping Kirishima with the lighting, and Bakugou on the back of the stage with his drums. The blonde gave a quick thumbs up to the red head who signaled to Mina to raise the lights.
"HELLO EVERYONE!!" Denki yelled into the mic, as the crowd roared, "To start off we're playing one of my personal favorites, My songs know what you did in the dark!!" With that the crowd cheered, and the band started playing.

The lights flashing in since to the music. The crowd screaming and singing along as it continues. Denki's voice slowly faded, the crowd roared as Denki gave a thumbs up and switched spaces with Jiro.
"WHO'S UP FOR SOME BRING ME TO LIFE!!" She yelled into the microphone. The crowd cheered in response. "Then let's get this started!!!"

The crowd sang along and cheered as Jiro hit the high notes, and her voice faded. The stage went dark as Bakugou moved to the front and Sero took over his drums.
He chuckled softly, "I'm gonna blow these damn extras away" he whispered softly.
"WHO'S READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY!!!" The blonde said as he reached the microphone. The crowd exploded, loud screams and claps could be heard from a mile away. Kirishima cut the lights, and Bakugou started singing.

The lights beamed all across the concert hall, as the drums and guitars were combined with Bakugou's voice. The crowd was going nuts. They were jumping and screaming, singing along. As he finished he threw up both horned hands🤘 (the rock on hand symbol) He caught a girl looking at him funny from just in front of the stage, but brushed it off and went back to his drums. The band played a few more songs before they said a quick goodbye to the crowd and met backstage. Bakugou was going to grab a water but was grabbed by an unfamiliar hand into a corner. He whipped his head around and was met with the girl that he saw earlier. He glare at her in absolute discussed, "I don't who the Fuck you think you are but you need to back the Fuck off!" He said angrily.
The girl giggled softly, pushing her dark brown hair out of her face, "I'm going to be your girlfriend" she said grabbing the blondes hand again.
"I already have a fucking boyfriend so get the hell of if me!!" He yelled getting annoyed.
The girl chuckled, "playing hard to get are we pretty boy" Slowly she moved her hand up his chest, making him squirm.
"GET THE FUCK OFF M-!" Was all be could say before the girl pressed her lips against his. She continued to rub his chest and kiss him, as he tried to get her off of him. His blood.was.boiling with anger, but just then he saw a tuft of red spiky hair. Bakugou shoved the girl off, making her fall to the ground. The blond saw the sadness and disbelief in his boyfriend's eyes. He looked so hurt, like his entire world just shattered into a million pieces.
"H-how could y-you" Kirishima said, his voice shaking, trying to keep his composure.
Bakugou took a step forward, "Kiri please lis-"
"HOW COULD YOU!!" The red head held is emotion changing in a blink if an eye.
Fear shit through Bakugou's body when he heard Kirishima yell. He didn't get mad often so it was kinda scary, "E-ei please lis-"
The red head let the tears fall as he yelled, "NO YOU LISTEN, I-i trusted you, AND YOU WENT AND BROKE THAT TRUST AS SOON AS I WASN'T AROUND. I-i LOVED YOU BAKUGOU, But obviously you don't love me anymore..." With that Kirishima ran out of the room sobbing. By now the girl had ran out avoiding angering the already furious blonde anymore. A few seconds often Kirishima ran out everyone else ran in.
"What the hell was all that yelling about bro?" Denki asked, just then his phone went off, "and why am I getting texts from Kirishima asking if he could stay with me for a while!?!"
The blonde stood up tears threatening to fall, "I-i don't really wanna fucking talk about it right now"
Mina rolled her eyes toward the blonde, "Well your gonna fucking have to because I'm not letting you leave otherwise!"

After Bakugou explained what happened all their faces looked suprised and angry at the same time. "WHERE IS THAT BITCH!!" Mina yelled, getting held back by Jiro and Sero.
"Woah, chill out mina you can't go murder someone" Sero said trying to calm the mink hated girl down.
Jiro sighed and let go of mina, "Hey you didn't do anything wrong, is there anyway that he would accept your apology?" She asked the blonde.
"Pfft, no. He was super fucking pissed off, and I do t think he wants anything to do with me now"
Denki shrugged, "Is there absolutely ANYTHING that you could do so you could apologize."
The blonde looked at him, "I mean, I could send him a damn text but he probable blocked me already..."
Mina jumped up, "That's soooo boring, how about you do something bigger like..." She thought for a few minutes as everyone stared at her, "YOU COULD RIGHT HIM A SONG!!!"
"That's... Actually not a terrible idea pinky, but even if I can get a song written before our next show how will I get him to fucking come?" Bakugou responded standing up.
Jiro punched him gently in the arm, "Don't worry about that part, you just worry about writing the song"
"Tch...Thanks I guess" The blonde whispered as he exited the building and drove home.

When Bakugou finally got home and was inside, all the memories if him and Eijiro in the apartment flooded his mind, he turned around and punched the door leaving a mark. Tears flooded his eyes and fell to the floor. He felt so bad, he made his only love run away from all because.be couldn't get some stupid bitch off him. He threw one last punch at the door, this one weaker than the last, feeling the wood splinter on his skin. Once Bakugou calmed himself down be got to work writing a song.

//Time skip cause I'm lazy//

Bakugou finished singing the song for the group a few days before the concert. "HOLY SHIT MAN, THAT AWESOME!" Denki yelled enthusiastically.
Jiro chuckled, "Yeah, I think he will definitely like it" Bother mina and Sero agreed.
"But when should we play it, it could be the very first song we play, or it could be the last?" Mina asked.
Denki smiled, "It should definitely be the first!"
Bakugou just nodded, thinking about all the possible outcomes.

What if... Kiri really didn't want him back. Just the thought of that made the blonde question wether it was good enough. "W-what if he doesn't fucking like it ... Shit" he said, now pacing around the room.
Mina smiled, "He will like it, I know he will" she said
"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT!!" The blonde yelled
Mina sighed, "I've known Kirishima ever since middle school, and trust me he will fucking love it."
The blonde just hummed in response as he was deep in thought.
"Well we should all go home and get some sleep, we gotta start setting up tomorrow" Jiro said grabbing her things.
"Yeah,see you tomorrow!!" Denki said grabbing Sero's arm and walking out.
Mina smiled,"Sero you tomorrow Bakugou!!" She said running up to Jiro grabbing her and.

Bakugou packed his things, drive home, made himself a quick dinner and went to bed.

//Time skip to the concert//

"Is he fucking here yet!!" Bay yelled at Denki.
"No not ye- WAIT HES HERE, HES HERE!!" Denki responded.
The blondes breath hitched, the possible outcomes of this again taking over his mind. He hadn't realized he spaces out until Jiro punched him in the arm gently.
"You ready for this?" She asked gently.
The blonde glared at her, "Fuck no, but I don't have any other fucking choice so..."
Just then mina walked in, "Okay quick run down of the plan, Jiro will be playing the piano at the back of the stage, Denki, you and Sero will be playing the guitar behind Bakugou who will in the front singing. And if you feel it's right, Bakugou you move into the audience next to Kiri and explain what happened. And if it doesn't it work, which I'm sure it will work, Bakugou feel free to walk away, you don't have to finish the show. Other than that we continue as normal. Got it?"
"Yeah" They all said in sync. Bakugou hesitated when everyone else started walking towards the stage. Jiro noticed and walked over to him, "Don't worry it will work" Bakugou nodded in response, meeting everyone else on the stage, while mina worked the lights.
The crowd cheered as they entered, and Bakugou immediately spotted a puff of red hair. Kirishima looked tired, his hair was down, bags under his eyes. He was wearing black hoodie, corgi pants, and some converse.
The blonde cleared his throat before speaking, "So something happened recently that I've felt fucking horrible about for the past couple of days and I haven't been able to explain it properly. This situation hurt someone that I love dearly and I don't know if he will ever forgive me but..." He looked at Kirishima who was staring back, "I had a run in with a fan. She came back stage after our last show and started fucking flirting with me, touching me, and kissing me." He paused, tears threatening to fall, " My boyfr- well ex now walked in and saw her and flipped out and I have felt like shit about it ever since. And I know you probably won't forgive me but I wrote this for you Eijiro." As he finished tears filled the red heads eyes as the music started.

As the end of the song neared, bother Bakugou and Kirishima had tears falling from their eyes. Bakugou slowly made his way toward the red head as his voice faded I to nothing.  As soon as he made it over Kirishima engulfed him in a huge hug. Bakugou was shocked, he didn't expect it to work, "I-i was trying to get her the fuck off me, b-but she would move" Bakugou said as be hugged Kirishima like his life depended on it.
The red head chuckled, "I love you Kat, and I'm sorry I didn't let you explain."
Bakugou grabbed the back of Kirishima's neck, "I fucking love you to Ei" He leaned in and touched his lips to Kirishima's. Cheers could be heard as the two kissed passionately. Kirishima broke the kiss for air, and touched his forehead to the blondes, both blushing the same shade as Kirishima's hair,  "I will always love you" he said softly.
"Me too" Bakugou responded.
