Breaking the Rules 🌹

Third Person POV

To be fair, Bakugou knew very well that he was breaking the rules. The problem, however, was in the fact that he didn't give a shit.

It started one day when Bakugou went out for a hike. He'd finally convinced the teachers at UA to let him go off school property on his own. He had a curfew, but he didn't mind that, as long as he got to go ok his hike. They'd been locked in the classroom for nearly a week and he needed to stretch his legs.

After finishing his hike, he started walking back to UA, slightly exhausted from the demanding climb. He decided to stop on the way to get a snack. He settled on a bag of chips, which he started eating on the way as he walked.

It was then that he heard a small noise from the alley near him. It was hard to tell what it was because it was so quiet, but Bakugou went to check it out. He approached cautiously, ready to use his quirk if needed. As he got closer and heard the sound again, he lowered his hand, knowing he wouldn't need it. The little noise that he heard? It was a little meow.

Bakugou POV

I couldn't see the thing, but I knew it was in the alley so I started looking. I checked behind a dumpster and saw nothing, but when I moved the dumpster, I heard it meow a little louder.

That thing better not be in the fuckin dumpster.

Unfortunately, I knew that it was. I only looked at first, not wanting to put my hand into a fucking dumpster, but I didn't see it, only heard the meowing coming from the pile of garbage. I thought about walking away, but the meows were so small, it had to be a little kitten and I couldn't bring myself to abandon it.

I moved the garbage off the top and put it on the side, listening for the meows  and trying to follow them. I dug for a little while, with no luck. I moved a large stack of newspapers from the dumpster out of the way. Then I realized those newspapers were heavier than they should be.

I poked the pile gently and I heard a little meow from it. I started to unwrap the papers, later by layer, until one tiny ear poked out from underneath. I took off the rest of the paper until it was gone, revealing a tiny black cat. Well, black kitten was more like it. The thing was very young, judging by the size of it.

However, the size of it wasn't what I focused on. The thing was in horrible shape. It's fur was gross, covered in dirt and grime everywhere. Plus, it was skinny. Way too skinny, like it hadn't been fed before.

Just looking at it made me furious. This little kitten didn't accidentally end up in the garbage. The way it was wrapped up in those newspapers, that was on purpose. Someone left that tiny little kitten to die in a garbage dump.

I wanted to find whoever did it and knock their fucking teeth in, but I knew that there was no way to find them, so I did the next best thing that I could: I took the cat.

I knew that it was against school rules to have a pet in the dorms, but there was no way I was leaving it out on the street, so I picked it up and started walking home.

It started shivering in my arms. Made sense, since it'd been covered by the newspapers and the pile of garbage, which would've provided some heat. Speaking of garbage, the cat really smelled like it, which I did my best to ignore.

First thing we're re doing is giving this thing a bath. Then maybe we can pick a name.

My phone went off, the alarm I'd set alerting me that I was out past my allotted curfew.

Shit. Aizawa sensei is gonna be pissed.

Knowing that he'd be there to make sure I got back, I put the cat in my bag and started to walk faster, thinking of an excuse for being late.

Kirishima POV

Why is Bakugou late? He was supposed to be back by now. I'm sure he's fine, stop worrying. He probably just lost track of time, that's all. He's okay.

I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't help but think that the league of villains went after him again. I focused on the conversation that the bakusquad was having, trying not to worry too much. He was tough, I knew that, but I just couldn't stop thinking that my boyfriend could need me right now.

Aizawa sensei was here, waiting for Bakugou. He said he would be before Bakugou left, saying that he wanted to make sure Bakugou got back. Seeing him there, tapping his foot, waiting at the door for Bakugou to return only made me more anxious.

Then, miraculously, Bakugou walked through the door, unharmed. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He returned the hug awkwardly, shifting my arms off of his back.

Did I do something?

After I'd let go, Aizawa sensei looked at Bakugou sternly. "Why are you late? We had a deal."

"I know asshole, but a big car accident happened while I was hiking and they blocked off my entire route home. I had to go another way."

Aizawa sensei looked skeptical, but just nodded. "Fine. Next time, a heads up that you'll be late would be appreciated. Well, anyways, I'll be on my way now."

We all said goodbye to Aizawa sensei as Bakugou rushed him out the door. I went up to Bakugou, still curious about why he shrugged me off. "Babe, is something wrong? Why didn't you want be hugging you?"

"It's not like that shitty hair, I'm not mad or anything, I just couldn't have you squeezing my bag too tight, that's all."

I gave him a puzzled look. "What's so important about your bag?"

Bakugou POV

The bakusquad started to gather around as I set my bag down on the table gently. I opened it up and the little kitten walked out, sitting down on the center of the table, curled up in a ball.

There was a moment of silence, before Mina started squealing. The cat jumped up and came straight to me, so I held it in my arms. "Oi, raccoon eyes, can you shut the fuck up? You're scaring it."

Sero looked at me in shock. "Bakugou, you know that we can't have pets here!"

"Yeah I know that dumbass!"

Kiri hugged me from behind with one arm, the other reaching up to pet the small cat in my arms. Mina was freaking out. "That's what the two of you are gonna look like when you have a kid!"

I shot her a death glare as Kiri blushed bright red. Kaminari and Sero just laughed.

All the commotion caught the attention of the rest of class 1-A, who were now entering the room as well. They all walked over to see what was going on and were shocked to see the kitten in my arms.

"Woah, Kacchan, are you going to keep that cat?"

"No he's not, it goes against school dorm rules and as class rep, I will not have someone-"

"Yeah I'm keeping it."


They all started yelling at once, some wanting to keep the cat, some not wanting to break the rules. I was ignoring all of them, focusing on the cat who was shivering once again. "Oi, half and half bastard! Get over here!"

He walked over to me with a puzzled look as I grabbed his left hand and held it out. I put the cat in his hand. "It's cold. Warm it up."

The cat stopped shivering as he used his quirk slightly, trying not to hurt it. Eventually, the cat fell asleep there in his arms.

Everyone awwww'd as they looked at the sleeping kitten that icyhot cradled gently in his left hand.

"Bakugou, what are you going to name it?"

I wasn't sure. Since we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, it would be difficult, but I thought about it for a second. "Missy."

"Huh?!? Why such a cute name?"

"It's short for missile launcher."

Kiri facepalmed and shook his head. "We're not naming the cat missile launcher. How about something else? Let's just assume that it's a boy. Maybe we can go with..."


Deku looked startled by my name suggestion. "What? It's a black cat? It's seems appropriate to me. You gotta problem with that?!?"

He shook his head and backed up. Kaminari looked at me with a 'are we seriously naming this little kitty Lucifer?' look. I gave him a 'yeah we fuckin are' look. He gave Kiri a 'are you gonna let him do this?' look.

Kiri turned to me. "We can name the cat Lucifer on one condition: it's nickname is Luci. Deal?"

I huffed. "Fine. But I'm only calling it by it's full name." Kiri laughed and hugged me again. The rest of the class started laughing too.

Eventually, Lucifer (best name ever) woke up. He started to look around the room until he saw me and practically jumped out of icyhots's arms. He came over to me and started head butting by leg, so I picked him up.

"Alright, little Lucifer needs a bath. I take it I'm on my own with this one?" Everyone nodded except Kiri, who held my arm and dragged me towards the big kitchen sink.

I put Lucifer in the sink and Kiri grabbed the soap. Luckily, the dorm had the soap that was used to clean oil off of ducks or some shit, so we knew it'd be safe to use on Lucifer.

I turned on the water, testing it on my hand before it touched Lucifer. I made it warm, but not too warm. Then, when the water was at a good temperature, Kiri and I started to wash off his fur, using the soap to clean off the dirt and grime.

It took a while, but eventually, Lucifer was entirely cleaned off. Kiri got a dry towel and we wrapped Lucifer up it in, letting him curl into a ball. Then, we realized that we'd have to give Lucifer something to eat.

We were going to get cat food eventually, but for the moment, we didn't have any and Lucifer was too thin to go another day without food.

Kiri and I started to look up what foods would be safe for a cat to eat, just for today. After some extensive research, we knew what we could and couldn't make. Kiri and I decided to get foods that would give all the basic needs.

We had cooked eggs for protein, cucumber and steamed carrots as vegetables and some bread with cheddar cheese on it to give some grains and dairy. We didn't expect Lucifer to eat it all, but we wanted to give him a lot of food because we knew he'd be hungry.

To our surprise, he ate most of it. He had quite a bit of the hard boiled egg that we'd sliced up, ate a lot of the veggies and had quite a few pieces of the slice of bread. We made sure that he ate a bit of each so that he'd get some different nutrients from each. We knew we'd have to take him to a vet eventually, just to be sure, but for the time being, we were satisfied and knew that we didn't have to worry.

Towards the end of the day, Kiri and I had gone to my room and were lying down on the bed, cuddling, with Lucifer in between us. Kiri had one hand on my waist, the other gently petting Lucifer's back. Before we fell asleep, we made Lucifer a little bed of his own with a blanket and a pillow. We didn't want to leave him between us in case we moved during out sleep and crushed him. We placed his little bed on my desk and put him there to sleep, as Kiri closed the gap between us and drifted off, snugly against my body as I kissed his cheek.


World count: 2074
I know this didn't have as much Kiribaku, but I thought the idea was cute, soooo yeah.
