
Once Fezco finally found a spot, two blocks down from the actual house, he had put the car in park. Rue had already took it amongst herself to pass out on Priscilla shoulder, drooling down her exposed skin.

Fezco placed his arm around the headrest of the passengers seat, turning around to face Priscilla, "Aight, we're dipping at exactly midnight, so please don't be wandering around and shit. Keep your phone on you."

Priscilla scooted over in her seat, making sure Rue's head fell gently as she rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me what to fucking do."

The girl slammed the door, storming off as she notified the groupchat where she was and to meet her outside.

Fezco inhaled, taking a deep breath as he looked over to his younger brother. Ashtray shruggled, staring back at him, nodding to the passed out teenager, "What are we gonna do with her?"

"Put some jackets over her and lock the door, I guess." Fezco glanced across the street, immediately catching sight of the grey RAM parked. His hands reached for the gun, tucked safely in his waistband. Fez opened the clip, checking it before pushing it back into place. "Make sure you have the car ready when I tell you."

Priscilla's weak ankles made her stumble as her heels clicked obnoxiously against the concrete pavement. She squinted as she could see the group of girls approaching her. They shared squeals and fits of laughter as they embraced Priscilla, throwing their arms around the blonde and placing their lips against her cheek.

Maddy gasped, her fingers trailing down the girls ripped dress, "Bitch, what the fuck happened to you?"

"Long fucking night, I need help," Priscilla ran a hand through her hair, trying not to get too overwhelmed to point of bursting into tears.

Kat leaned over, beginning to pull the blonde's dress down, exposing the black bra underneath. She began to roll it up at the hem as Priscilla's arms immediately went to cover her torso, "What are you doing?"

"I'm fixing!"

Maddy began to focus on Priscilla's hair, snapping her fingers at Lexi for extra hair ties and bobby pins.

"Well, you're not hopeless," she shook her head, using her acrylics to rake through Priscilla's knotted hair. Priscilla flinched as she was being tugged and pulled in different places. Kat pulled the dress all the way down, making it into a skirt and tightening the straps of Priscilla's lace bra, exposing her cleavage more than it already had been.

"Where's Rue?" Lexi questioned, pulling out the powder compact from her small purse, covering the black trail of mascara that ran down Priscilla's cheek.


"And Fez?" Maddy giggled, finishing up the braid she was working on.

"Who gives a fuck?"

It came out harsher than she had wanted, but it was genuinely how Priscilla felt in the moment.

Her night was completely different than what she had expected.

All she had hoped from tonight was a normal, high school party experience. Not spending two hours in a dirty trap house with four unknown men, a retired schoolteacher turned drug pusher, a heroine junkie and Rue passed out or manically not shutting the fuck up.

Especially after everything Fezco had exposed her to in the past couple of months, Priscilla was owed one night and she was not going to let him ruin it.

"Okay," Maddy gave the blonde one last glance over before smiling.

She clapped her hands together, "Good to me. Now, If I don't find a bathroom, I'm gonna spend New Year's with a fucking UTI."

The four entered the house together, music blaring so loud you could barely hear yourself think. The house was definitely nicer than other parties Priscilla had been to, even though she didn't know exactly who was throwing it. There were people everywhere, on the streets, the lawn, the roof, the pool. Priscilla noticed Maddy clenched tightly to her hand as they guided their way through the bodies.

"Where's the bathroom?"

A stranger gestured towards a long hallway, "That way."

"Thank you," the brunette waved, the girls following behind.

As they made their way through the huge property, Kat nudged Priscilla in the rib softly, leaning closely to her ear, so she could hear, "So, I'm guessing it's going to be a carnival type of vibe tonight."

Priscilla giggling, memories of that night coming back to her.

She leaned back over to her friend as Maddy began banging on the bathroom door.

"Well, you're in a relationship now and Brettman's blocked so we'll see."

Lexi looked down at her phone, frantically typing on the screen, "Guys, I'm really worried about Cassie."

"I thought she was with you," Priscilla said.

Lexi just shook her head, trying to reach her sister again, "No, we like got in a screaming fight and she got out the car in the middle of the road and she's not answering. She always answers. I'm actually worried. She was, like, very drunk."

"I'm sure she's fine," Maddie rolled her eyes, placing a hand on Lexi's shoulder, attempting to reassure her, "There's no way Cassie's gonna miss a New Year's Eve party."

"You're right," Lexi chuckled dryly, trying to convince herself, "I'm going to go get a drink, maybe I'll catch up with her."

"I'll go with you," Kat fixed her bag that hung on her shoulder, as Lexi walked away, Kat turned to Priscilla.

"You coming?" She questioned.

The blonde shook her head, raising an eyebrow, "I kind of get the feeling she doesn't like my company very much, so I'm good."

"Who? Lexi?"

Priscilla didn't even have to confirm who she was speaking about by the way Maddy began to burst out laughing.

"She's hated me since elementary school."

Even though Priscilla was being a tad bit dramatic, she wasn't exactly wrong. Her and Lexi didn't exactly have the best history together.

It started in elementary school, when Priscilla's diorama of the solar system won the county science fair over Lexi's Newton's cradle. Then continued in middle school, when Priscilla and her team of Brazil beat Lexi and her team of Hungary in the Model UN final conference. And then in freshman year, when Priscilla was voted class president over Lexi's campaign that took up most of that summer. Carried into sophomore year, when Jake Higgins asked Priscilla to the winter formal, even though Lexi had a crush on him for years, and so on and so forth.

Lexi didn't hate Priscilla or feel any real jealousy towards her, or maybe she liked to think she didn't. She just didn't believe that Priscilla really deserved everything she was given and she definitely didn't have to work as hard as Lexi did.

Priscilla was always just her competition, no matter what the subject.

Me, included.

Now, I grew up with Lexi, spent most of my time with her or sleeping at her house, going on vacations with her family.

But then, after my dad died, and I, you know, started doing drugs, we kind of drifted. Don't get me wrong, Lexi is an extremely good person, an even better friend, and because of that, our friendship would never be able to last under the new circumstances.

She was just such a fucking good person, with morals and shit, so hanging around her was basically walking around with an angel on your shoulder, telling you how much you're fucking your life up by doing shit you can't stop doing.

Priscilla wasn't as strict as Lexi was. Even though she hated my behavior, the lifestyle I chose or the people I associated myself with, she always made sure to be there for and with me until I eventually get through whatever shit I have to deal with, even if it put her at risk.

I don't blame Lexi for our friendship ending, at all.

But it is what it is.

"Fine," Kat rolled her eyes, "I'll grab you something!" 

She walked away, disappearing into the crowd as Priscilla leaned against the wall, watching as Maddy continued to pound on the bathroom door. The wood began to shake, as if it were about to come off of the hinges.

"I'm using the fucking bathroom!" A voice yelled through the door, immediately recognizable to the teenagers.

"Nate?" Maddy questioned, her hand twisting and turning the knob, waiting for him to unlock the door.

Priscilla's breath hitched, her mind switching over to wondering where Fezco was.

A couple of weeks ago, when Fezco threatened Nate, sticking up for Jules, Rue and Priscilla, Nate retaliated by calling the cops on him, getting the apartment raided.

If the apartment hadn't been raided, Fezco never would've had to rob anyone, Mouse would've never came to the house looking for the rest of the money, Ashtray never would've killed him. Fezco would've never needed to cover Mouse's death by doing business with Laurie and this cycle wouldn't have to fucking repeat.

Feeling herself getting weak in the knees, Priscilla pushed herself off of the wall.

"Hold on! Yo, just a minute!" Nate yelled back as Maddy pressed her ear against the door, trying to hear what was going in inside. "Open the fucking door, Nate! I have to pee!"

"Maddy," Priscilla cut in, not wanting to see Nate or him even knowing that she was there, "I'm going to go find Kat."

"Go ahead, I'll catch up," Maddy nodded her head before going back to banging her fists against the door, demanding Nate to let her in.

Priscilla quickly pushed past anybody in her way, the sweaty bodies pushing into her as she started to feel lightheaded. As she began making her way down the stairs to a basement, the music from upstairs blurred into a muffle. Priscilla stopped when she reached a private room, placing her hands against the doorframe, regaining her balance.

Once Priscilla opened the door, a figure jumped back in shock. The boy lifted his head up from the washing machine, wiping his face as he stared back at the blonde.

"Why do I always fucking have to walk in on someone?" Priscilla groaned, the bottom of her feet aching in her four inch heels.

"Probably because," the boy's eyebrows raised, "you don't knock?"

Priscilla gave him a sarcastic laugh, rolling her eyes. As she leaned against the door, her hand on the doorknob, her eyes went from the attractive guy to the washing machine in front of him. Displayed was an empty plastic baggie and a rolled up dollar bill, making Priscilla's stomach turn even more.

"Uh," he chuckled, nervously, "that's not- that's not what it looks like."

Priscilla crossed her arms over her chest, the cleavage of her bra apparent, "Really? Cause it looks like coke."

The boy let out a deep breath, "Okay, it's coke."

Priscilla took a moment to think.

She had to the choice of going upstairs and spending an hour trying to search for Kat in a house of hundreds of people. Her feet blistering and burning. The risk of running into Nate Jacobs. Or dealing with a "talk" with Fezco about their relationship and what had happened earlier. Or, she could kick off her heels and hang out with this stranger who is doing coke in the basement.

Priscilla sighed, taking a step down into the room and shutting the door behind her.
