82: Practice make perfect

Tribecca, living room. NYC.

Karlie: Taylor could you help me..

Taylor: What is it?

Karlie: Hear me out, okay?

Taylor: okay.

Karlie: I'm breaking up with you! I don't love you anymore. I love someone else. I'm leaving you. *serious face*

Taylor: What???? karlie??? Why?? *terrified*

Karlie: What, what???

Taylor: are you breaking with me? You ask for break up? NO!!!! You cannot do this to me?

Karlie: do what? no, I did not. What wrong with you?

Taylor: You just did! Just now. You wanna breaking up with me. You leaving me.

Karlie: Taylor, that was my line for new drama. I am cameo on that show for next week. That's my line for that show. I'm practice the line with you.  *explain*

Taylor: I thought you want break up with me. *terrified*

Karlie: No, of course not. We are practicing the line. Acting. Just acting. Okay?

Taylor: ohhh....i see..you should tell me at the first place. It's make me trauma. Don't do that.

Taylor: so, what I'm suppose to react? What is my line?

Karlie: You just stand there. Begging for me from not leaving you...begging my name..okay? *show the line that Taylor suppose to say*

Karlie: okay, are you ready? You think you can do this?

Taylor: I'm ready. It's easy.

Karlie: Action!

Karlie: I'm breaking up with you! I don't love you anymore. I love someone else. I'm leaving you. *serious face*

Taylor: No, please don't go. Please stay. Don't leave me Karlie. Don't leave me. I love you so much. Please don't leave me, Karlie. Please...

*sobbing* *kneel at karlie's leg*

Karlie: Cut!! Taylor!

Taylor: What???

Karlie: My character's name on that drama is Sara. Not Karlie. You suppose to say my character's name.

Taylor: How do I know? This is look like REAL to me. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *sobbing* I don't want to play this anymore. *get up from kneeling*

Karlie: We aren't playing. This is practicing.


Karlie: this is not-


