71: Gorgeous

(Texting 2 AM)

Karlie: You're gorgeous.

Taylor: Aww. Thank you. You too, Karlie.

Karlie: I'm so furious at you.

Taylor: Why??? *confused*

Karlie: You ruined my life.

Taylor: Why? What did I do to you, Karlie?

Karlie: You should think about the consequences..

Taylor: What did I DO to you?

Karlie: You're got a girlfriend and I'm jealous of her...

Taylor: I don't have a girlfriend? We already break up. You know it. It's like 2 years ago..it's over now. I'm single. Why you want to be jealous of my ex?

Karlie: I hate you so much!

Taylor: Karlie, why you hate me? We can talk about it.

Karlie: I am so furious!!!

Taylor: Karlie? Calm down.  *confused*

Karlie: You make me SO MAD..

Taylor: Karl, what did I do? Why you mad at me?

Karlie: it's actually hurt..

Taylor: Karl, I'm sorry. But, what did I do?

Karlie: I can't say anything to your face. What can I say?

Taylor: Karlie, if I ever hurt your feelings. I am truly sorry.

Karlie: You make me so happy BUT.. it's turns back to sad. 😢

Taylor: Why? What did I do you wrong? Talk to me.

Karlie: I feel like I might sinking, drown and die...

Taylor: NO, Karlie! Are you okay? Where are you right now? Don't do something stupid. We can talk about it. Dont EVER said something like that. Where are you right now? I will go to you.

Karlie: unless you wanna come along...

Taylor: Yes, text me your address. Where are you right now? I will go to you.

Karlie: Guess I just stumble at home with my cats. Alone.

Taylor: oh, you at West Village. Are you alone? I will go to you. Stay where you are. I'll come to you. Wait for me.

Karlie: What I can't have...

Taylor: What's it? What do you want? I can get it for you.

Karlie: You! I want you right now.



