65: Cupcake

Tribecca Kitchen.

Karlie: Babe, what are you doing?

Taylor: Make your favourite cupcake? Are you hungry?

Karlie: No thanks. I don't eat cupcake anymore. I'm on diet now. I have show next week. I can't gain weight this time around.

Taylor: Why you telling me now? What I'm gonna do with 100 cupcakes?

Karlie: why don't you ask me first before you bake all these cupcake?

Taylor: it's suppose to be surprise...

Karlie: I thought you want to throw some party..

Taylor: No, all of these is for you. I made it handmade just for you..

Karlie: I'm calling Martha and our friends to finish all this. Okay?

Taylor: *shit* *continue put the cupcake on the oven*

Karlie: Hello, Martha. Can you come for dinner tonight.

Karlie: Oh. You out of town. It's okay.

*look at Taylor*

*Taylor sad* πŸ˜”

Taylor: What I'm gonna do with these cupcake. *stare at cupcakes* πŸ˜“

Karlie: No!! Wait I'll call others. I handle it. * panicked*

Karlie: hey lily, could you come for dinner tonight?

Karlie: No you can't?? It's okay bye.

*look at Taylor*

*Taylor sad* *stare at cupcakes* πŸ˜”

Karlie call everyone. No one can show up.

*karlie give up*

Karlie: It's okay. I will eat all of this for you. *screw my one months of diet* *my runways show* 😭

Taylor: You don't have to...you are on diet anyway. I could give anyone on the street.

Karlie: Great ideas. Free cupcake for everybody. Right?

Taylor: Seriously Karl??? I made it for you. Just for you.

Karlie: Okay!! I eat all of this 100 cupcakes. All of it.

Taylor: Good. Start eat now.
*excited* *happy*

Karlie: *fuck my diet* 😭 *first cupcake finish eat* * I wanna make my wife happy*

Taylor: Tonight we will eat spaghetti bolognese. I found new recipe.

Karlie: what? 100 cupcake and spaghetti too? * chocked* *mouth full of cupcake* 😨😳

Taylor: Why? You don't want to eat it?

Karlie: No, I means.. I eat everything you cook or bake for me. *dying inside* 😱

Taylor: Good! And I made chocolate cake too on the fridge. For you. it's for dessert. ☺

Karlie: *I am not trash food, babe.* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Taylor: 😊*I am really good wife.* *proud of myself*


