Friday Night

Martha: Okay, we will play BEST best friend game. I will ask you guys, but you must answer as quickly as possible.

Taylor: Easy!

Karlie: Yup! I'm ready. Bring it on!

Martha to Taylor: What is Karlie's favorite color?

Taylor: Green!

Karlie: Wrong. It's orange.

Cara: Taylor 0, Karlie 1.

Martha to Karlie: Next question, when Taylor can't sleep at night what she is doing?

Karlie: Haha. I know. She always writes a song...

Taylor: Haha. Wrong! I will eat chips and watching the Marathon of FRIENDS.

Cara: Taylor 1, Karlie 1

Martha to Taylor: What Karlie most fear? What are the most she is terrified?

Taylor: Hurmm...snake? Karlie hates snake.

Karlie: Nahh..that's not the most scaring thing.

Martha: Don't know?

Taylor: I know she afraid of skydiving. she afraid of falling from the high place. She terrified of high.

Karlie: No! I was afraid of losing you, Tay. I don't like you jumping out of the plane just to do some stupid sport...

Taylor: Aww...Babe...

Cara: Karlie 2, Taylor 1

Martha to Karlie: The same question. What is the most Taylor terrified?

Karlie: Sea Urchin, Spider?

Taylor: Nope...Nope!!!

Martha: Don't know?

Taylor: Babe, you know it...

Karlie: Hurm...Most terrified?  Losing a Grammy?

Taylor: No! That you leaving me forever! I am scared of you leaving me.

Karlie: Babe...No, I will never do that to you...

Cara: Taylor 2, Karlie 2. It's tight! But, you guys call yourself best friend but all your answer are wrong.

Taylor and Karlie: Shut Up!

Martha: Okay, the last question, if someone can answer this, will win the best best friend. Ready?

Taylor and Karlie: Yes!

Martha to Taylor: Taylor Alison Swift, will you take Karlie Elizabeth Kloss, to cheer, to care, to be happy, to promised to spend rest of life together, and to be her lawfully best friend for worst and better?

Taylor: Yes, I do! Forever and Always. *smile at Karlie*

Martha: Karlie Elizabeth Kloss, will you take Taylor Alison Swift, to cheer, to caring, to be happy, to promised to spend rest of life together, and to be her lawfully best friend for worst and better?

Karlie: I do, millions of times. *smile at Taylor*

Martha: With all authority and power that held upon me, I will pronounce both of you are BEST bestfriends.

Cara: You may kiss your bestfriend.

Taylor and Karlie kiss.

Camilla and Lauren: Okay we are next, Martha. We want to play too.

Joe and Joshua: Hey, watch the line. We are next.


I saved all the silliest jokes for you.

