152: Karlie is getting married?

Cara to Taylor: Taylor, Karlie is getting married next month.

Taylor: Good for her!

Cara: But, not with you.

Taylor: Then, who?

Cara: Joshua Krushner!

Taylor: What? Are you for real?

Cara: 113 percent.



Karlie: What did I do?

Taylor to Karlie: So, is it true, Kar, you are getting married.

Karlie: Yes? *panicked*

Taylor: So, it is true?

Karlie: Yes, baby.

Taylor: Dont call me baby!

Karlie: What's wrong? You don't like it.

Taylor: You expect me to like it? Are you insane? You just broke my heart, Kar. I heard from Cara, that you are getting married.

Karlie: Yes, we are getting married next month. Are you not happy?

Taylor: Next month? that soon? How could you do this to me? *tears running down Taylor's cheek*

Karlie: Why? are you not ready?

Taylor: ready for what? Ready to see you wearing your wedding dress?

Karlie: Yes,Ready to get married.

Karlie: You don't want to get married?

Taylor: Why are you asking me? Of course I want to get married. But, I want to marry you.

Karlie: So, what is the problem?

Taylor: Cara said you are getting married soon.

Karlie: She can't keep a secret. It's suppose to be secret actually. A surprise.

Taylor: Yes, it really surprise me, shock me. So, you keeping a secret from me now?

Karlie: No, what I try to say. I was going to propose you on your birthday. This week. It was a surprise.

Taylor: I dont understand, you are going to propose ME?

Karlie: Yes! I am going to propose you. There is no surprise anymore.

Taylor: But, Cara said, you are getting married with Josh? *CONFUSED*

Karlie: What? josh? Hell No.

Taylor: I am confused.

Karlie: I want to marry you. Will you marry me, Taylor Alison Swift?

Taylor: *confused*

Everyone come out from hiding.

Everyone cheering!!!!! Whoa.

Cara: So, is it a YES Taylor?

Martha: Our plan works!

Abigail: We wait for like an ages.

Derek: Show her the ring, Kar.

Camilla: This is so beautiful. I wish I could have dynamic romantic proposal like this.

Todrick: Me too! *wipe tears*

Lily: I was their mother cupid.

Cara and Martha high five. We did it!


I saved all the dirtiest jokes for you.

P/S: Just want to thanks my wattpad readers. You guys are amazing to bs able to read the longest episode of Kaylor jokes.

