138: Who the Fuck is Betty?

Folklore album coming out.

Karlie to Taylor: Who is Betty? Are you dating someone else?

Taylor: No, thats-

Karlie: Are you cheating on me with Betty? Who the FUCK is Betty???

Taylor: That was just a song I wrote based on my imagination.

Karlie: Who is James btw?

Taylor: That song is about love triangle between three teenager.

Karlie: I don't believe you.

Taylor: Karlie, that was just a song. Nothing much. Believe me.

Karlie: So, in this album, which song is about me?

Taylor: hmm..i can't tell you that Karl..

Karlie: Why? You don't even wrote one song about me?

Taylor: Yes, I have.

Karlie: Which one?

Taylor: I can't tell you.

Karlie: So, I guess no song about me.

Taylor: Okay.. Folklore is all about you. Are you happy?

Karlie: But, who the FUCK is Betty, Rebekah, James, Inez, August??

Taylor: I..I... *sweating* *stumble in words*


I saved all the dirtiest jokes for you.

