A New Page, Opens [Part 5]

He was back at his bookstore writing a new novel; The Life as a Swordsman.

With Emma organizing the books in the store.

Touma: I started to continue writing the story I left midway.

While he was writing his book. Rai was at home preparing for his instructor exam.

Blinky rubs his shoulders and wipes the sweat on his head, AAARRRGGHH!!! holds a bucket of water next to Blinky, Laura brings a mug of coffee for Rai, with Sora and Ari with her.

Icchi continues on his ninja journey. He and Shinobu meditate in the hills of India.

Tommy had returned to his family from his travels. They went to a graveyard to visit Takeshi's family grave, praying that he would rest in peace. As Takeshi was watching them from behind in his bird form.

Touma: "The story will various brave warriors, gallantly marching towards the future."

Suhara and Kagami continue planning their wedding with Hiro and Vulko helping them.

Kaito made a new sword for the next element.

Sophia and Yuuri were planting his Bonsai tree with Allen and Nari getting ready to leave.

Touma: "Swordsmen who fight to protect the realms."

Scene Change

Everyone gathered in the throne room of Northern Base for a meeting.

Sophia, Yuri, Leon, Tommy, and Hiro stand in front of the throne with Merlin in a holographic projection behind them.

Sophia: Sword of Logos has abolished the position of Master, to be led by a council of five.

Tommy: From now on, we shall all work together to uphold the peace. Isn't that right, partner?

[Jaaku: Yes.]

Leon: So please get along with us.

He bows to everyone.

Everyone else bowed back at him.

Leon then felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Sebastian next to him.

Sebastian: Your mother and father will be proud of you, Young Master.

Leon then brought out a warm smile.

Yuuri: I hope you're watching! Viktor, Bacht! Today is truly a splendid day!

As he looks up to the sky.

Rai: Now I can just lay back and focus on taking my teacher exam in becoming an instructor of Class VII.

Kaito: I swear I shall give life to a new Holy Sword.

Tommy then walks down to his mother and little brother.

Tommy: I'm gonna do my best, Mother. I'll make you proud and hope that I can make Father proud.

Lillian then placed her hand on her son's shoulder with a smile on her face.

Lillian: I know you will.

Tommy stares at his mother with much pride in his eyes and Kento comes into the conversation.

Lillian: And I know your father will be proud of both of you, for protecting all the realms.

She says placing her hand on Kento's shoulder.

The two brothers look at their mother, seeing she was glad to give birth to them.

Lillian: And... We can finally become a big family again!

She says as she brings both her sons into a group hug. The two brothers started laughing like they were ten-year-old boys getting a big hug from their mother.

Hiro looks to his right to see his little sister happy with the new life that is coming to her. Suhara holds her closer to him with a smile and she smiles with him.

He says while holding Nari's hand. Then all of a sudden butterflies started appearing on her.

Touma: I'm going to return to a normal life and become a true novelist. I have a lot I want to write down.

He then turns around and looks a everyone.

Touma: Because I met everyone, now I have a new story to tell.

He then looks at Brave.

Touma: And it was all thanks to you, Brave.

[Brave: Touma.]

Touma: I'm glad that you have chosen me to become your partner. If it wasn't for you when you and Kamijo-san saved me back then, I would never have become a better novelist. It's because of this adventure, that gave me new stories to write.

The red dragon smiles at his partner that he was also glad that they were destined for each other.

Touma then climbs up the stair to Sophia and hands her Rekka.

Sophia: Is that so?

Brave then flew up to Sophia.

[Brave: I going to stay with the guild, Touma.]

Touma: Brave.

[Brave: Don't worry. I will continue to support you, Touma.]

Touma: Thank you, Brave.

She accepts to take the sword in their care until he's ready to return.

Brave's holographic body then fades away and the red Wonder Ride Book in Touma's hand started to glow as a sign that Brave continues to stay by his side. Forever. He imagines that Brave nodded his head. 

Touma nods back.

Sophia: We will miss you both.

Icchi: Well then! I'll be going on another training journey! But this time...! I'm going to travel to America!

He announced. Kento approaches Icchi with a smile.

Kento: Icchi! Break a leg!

He says messing with his hair.

Icchi: Thanks!

With a bigger smile on his face.

Icchi: You too, Kento-Senpai!

They fistbump.

Touma: "Everyone is moving forward."

Leon then walks downstairs to Touma and Kento, with Senki behind him.

The three then brought weapons in the middle and their partners placed their hands/claws on their partners' weapons. (Without Brave)

Touma: "They will all decide the ending of their own stories."
