Chapter 8

Sadie and I left her house and she drove us to Decan's house since I didn't drive. Mostly because my parents didn't trust me enough to drive a car so they refuse to take me to get my licence, or to ever let me get behind the wheel of their precious minivan.

Anyways we drove in silence there, but it wasn't uncomfortable silence. Sadie knew I wasn't mad at her and that I didn't hate her. Everything was cleared up, except for things with Decan.

Me and my foolishness. Remember when I said oh we drifted apart and all that. Well I lied. He tried to get me to go hang out with him and his friends and all that. And I don't know...I guess I panicked.

I just kept thinking about Blake and how well that turned out. But I was stupid to have ever thought Decan was somehow like Blake. And even if me and dean turned out to never date. I'd be ok with that. Like Blake said, things happen. What he didn't mention was that life goes on.

So yes I pushed Decan away. But now I planned to make it up to him. To get him back.

We arrived in front of his house. The wooden house was painted a dark blue and the colour reminded me of him. I felt nervous, pretty sure he would tell me to get lost. But when Sadie turned to me, and stared at me with her big green eyes, and asked if I thought dean would really help get revenge on Bryan; I nodded my head and smiled letting out a nervous "of course". With that I turned and got out of the car.

I was in front of his door in a couple of minutes. Sadie was right beside me following my lead.

I knocked on the door hesitantly. I took a few minutes and I began to worry no one was home. And then I heard heels clicking on wood from the other side of the door.

A woman in her forties opened the door. She wore a formal light pink button up dress and had her brown hair up in a tight bun. Her eyes were the same shade of green gold as Decan's.

"May I help you?" She asked politely.

This must be his aunt I thought to myself. "Yes I'm friend of decan's. Does he happen to be home?" I asked smiling. First impressions count for a lot.

She smiled at me, "you must be Hope! He's told me all about you! Please, come in."

We entered her house and I could just tell my face was bright red.

"I'll go tell him you are here. He's in his room on the phone with a friend. I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear you are here," she explained, as she turned to go up the wood paneled stair case.

As she disappeared upstairs Sadie turned to me, a smirk planted on her lips.

"Are you and Decan like a thing now?" She asked, which sounded more like an accusation.

"We're something..."

"What do you mean something?" She questioned, curious.

"She means she's been ignoring me for about a week now," Decan said, as he was half way down the stair case. Which he had climbed down very quietly.

"We aren't here to talk about this," I glared at them both, "Sadie and I are here to ask you to help get revenge on her ex Bryan, like we got revenge on Alex for posting those pictures," I explained.

He stared at me. I could tell he was thinking it over. Or thinking about how he should just kick me out and tell me to leave him alone.

"Ok," he agreed, a little too easily.

"Really?" I asked surprised. I was elbowed in the side by Sadie.

She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Don't question it! We need his help. The joke you pulled on Alex was epic!"

"Ok, ok. I'm not questioning it. Chill," I grumbled rubbing my side. Geez she had pointy elbows.

"Alright," I said to Decan, "follow me."

We were in the car again. Decan insisted we pick up Brent who was surprisingly *note the sarcasm* hanging out with Sandra at her house. Like I said before, they really hit it off.

We had to plot so we plotted in Sandra's peach and pink bedroom.

I petted Sandra's stuffed fluffy unicorn like it was a pet cat, as i thought deeply about how we should get back at Bryan.

The thing is, it was hard to focus with Sandra leaning in close every few minutes, and trying to get the details of me and Decan's relationship. I kept telling her to quit it and that we don't have a relationship. She would pull back and mutter to herself that I was stubborn.

Sadie was very intrigued in whatever Brent and dean were saying. They spouted crazy ideas about gluing him to a chair, switching his shampoo to make him have pink hair, that kind of stuff.

I started to think about the girl he left Sadie for. I'd seen them walking together around the halls, practically attached to the hip. I wondered what if for some reason that girl didn't want to be with him anymore. How he would feel to be rejected.

"Hey guys! I got it! I know how to get back at dirt bag Bryan!" Sadie exclaimed jumping up from her seat.


I didn't like it. And it wasn't because Decan agreed to trick Bryan's new girlfriend, Bunny. This was not her actual name, but what everybody called her after she requested being called that but mostly because she hopped from guy to guy. Yeah she was a floozy. This fact also made sure the plan was to work.

Sadie's plan was to get Decan to flirt with Bunny in second period during their science class that the three of them shared. He would tell Bunny to ditch, Bryan so they could go have "fun". She would say yes and, being her usual attention craving self, dump Bryan in front of his popular friends he usually hangs out with now a days.

To be honest thinking about it now, it should have been a little more obvious seeing that Sadie's and Bryan's relationship was coming to an end. I mean, he would never sit with us at lunch. And when he did eat with Sadie he would take her out. I always thought it was him treating his girl. But now I'm starting to wonder if it was so no one would see him with her. They had been close in middle school and Sadie had a crush on him for a while. And when he asked her out she was so happy. And then they got to high school and things changed. I was now realizing he kept her in the dark. And I don't mean he didn't tell her things, I mean he hid her away.

Maybe she realized it now because of how eager she was to get him back. Maybe it was for more reasons than that because he left her for Bunny. I don't know. It was just a theory.

Whatever her reasons were, I didn't like Decan being the bate. But obviously, he didn't mind very much.

On the following Monday he had no problem flirting it up with Bunny. And with Decan's dark brown hair and golden green eyes and height of six foot two he was quite a catch, Bunny practically took him right then and there. Ew.

But anyways it was lunch. Sadie, Sandra, Brent, and me waited and watched Bryan's table. We were out of their sight sitting behind them. We had gotten here early enough to actually get a table. The school cafeteria was small and loud. It was always crowded. Even when there were classes going on, people who would skip would come here and sit at the scratched up green lunch tables scattered unevenly around the room.

Anyways, we all sat at the table not including Decan or Della. Della was still fighting the cold but she'd be coming back tomorrow.

Under the table by Sadie's feet was large bucket of garbage. Why? We had a weird fascination with dumping stuff on people, I don't know. Every few seconds since we sat down, Sandra would spray some perfume in the air to try and cover the stink of it up. For the most part, she was just causing more people to stare and smell. Luckily Bryan's table was far enough so they did not notice.

Bunny came and sat beside Bryan. He immediately put his arm around her and tried to kiss her. I glanced nervously at Sadie, who was death glaring from where she sat. Fortunately Bunny pushed Bryan away. This must have been the first time this ever happened to him, because he looked quite shocked.

He tried to pull her close again and she pushed him away again. By this point he began to get frustrated. The people around them began to look at the bickering couple as Bryan tried to understand why she didn't want to make out. I'm guessing that's what the bickering was about; I could not hear them from where I sat.

Then Decan walked in. Bunny saw him and smiled she called out to him, standing and waving him over, "hey Decan over here!!"

When Decan got there, Bunny jumped and wrapped her arms around him kissing him on the lips. I watched stunned. My stomach churned and I felt slightly sick. 

comparing myself to bunny i did not have much going for me. unlike bunny i wasn't gifted in the chest compartment and the long legs, silky blond hair, and sultry mouth compartment either. she probably could be a model. 

"It's ok. He's just acting," Sandra whispered, clutching my hands. They were balled into fists that I didn't realize.

I almost missed the "oooo" that went over the crowd surrounding Bunny and Decan.

Bryan stood up angrily, "Bunny what the heck!?"

She pulled away from Decan and turned to the red faced Bryan.

"I'm going to be with Decan now," she giggled, "he seems to be a better kisser."

well thats what you think you.....

Bryan looked kind of stunned. His friends and others broke out into laughter. they were all big beefy football players or something... I dont even know if green village has foot ball. they played some kind of sports. 

He tried to say something to Bunny, but she turned around and with a sway of her hips dragged Decan out of the cafeteria by his plaid red and black shirt. 

Now it was are turn to jump in. We knew Bunny would make her breakup public so we knew this would happen. Or something close to it anyways. Next part of our plan was to sneak up on him while he was still in his shocked state.

We got to him without anyone paying attention to us. We were right behind him already lifting the garbage bin up before his friends noticed. It was too late for any of them to warn him though.

Down tumbled banana peels and plastic wrappers on to Bryan. The cafeteria went quiet for a minute. As they took it all in people began to giggle. But before the crowd could erupt into laughter, Sadie jumped out.

"Looks like it was your turn to be dumped like garbage!" She shouted, black curls a stray smirking.

Crowd broke out into laughter. Poor Bryan just looked shocked. He slowly looked down and took in his spoiled polo t-shirt and levi jeans. his blond hair sticking to his forehead. Then his gaze returned to Sadie.

Sadie turned and strutted out of the cafeteria. Guess that was our cue to leave.

Brent slapped Bryan's back in some macho guy way and commented, "don't worry I think lots of girls are digging the garbage look." Brent chuckled evilly then walked away with Sandra under his arm. I followed close behind, Decan on my mind.

The rest of the school day was uneventful. I got glared at by some of Bryan's friends, but none of them tried starting anything with me or Sadie. Actually a lot of people were supporting Sadie's joke. A lot of guys wanted to date her, even some of Bryan's friends.

People kept smiling and waving at me. In the halls some of the grade twelves even stopped me in the hall to ask questions about the prank. They also knew my name. This came as a big surprise since I was only a grade ten and had no classes with any of them. Some kids even started calling Sadie, Sandra, Brent, Decan, and me the pranksters. People were really eager to know what we would do next.

I tried explaining it wasn't a prank really, it was more of revenge. But someone must have known about the prank we pulled on Alex. Because people were also relating it to that, saying we were master pranksters. I don't know, anyway it was all very weird. Especially since before this no one knew me except for Della, Sadie and Sandra. I guess it was all thanks to Decan. and it's not like I was more happy now that people knew who I was. I mean none of them really knew me, knew me. It was just an interesting experience to have. 

After school I went by the grocery store and picked up some chicken noodle soup for Della. I also picked up a couple of cheesy horror movies that she loved. We used to watch them together but gradually stopped last year. She still watched them but not with me. I also picked her up some chocolates because she has a chocolate fetish.

She was happy to see me, and I was happy to see her too. Even though she looked sort of green.

"I can't believe you came here. I could get you sick," she warned, cuddling under three big fluffy blankets. We were now sitting on the couch in her living room. Her mother was cleaning in the kitchen and her dad was still at work.

I lifted the grocery bag, "I know but I brought you a survival pack," I explained. "Plus we have some MAJOR catching up to do."

After I caught her up with the new brilliant revenge prank we pulled on Bryan, and everything going on with Sadie. She looked at me wide eyed. Her green eyes shocked.

"No way!!" She shouted, and then sneezed from the outburst. After blowing her nose she continued.

"I mean poor Sadie. What Bryan did was such a crappy thing to do. But still her going for Blake? I would have never seen that coming. How are you doing about everything?" Della asked concerned.

"I'm doing ok. I'm totally fine with it. But if he hurts her, he will not be ok."

She laughed, and then stopped suddenly.

"What about you and Decan?"

I looked at her blankly, trying to pretend I had know idea what she was talking about.

"What do you mean "what about me and Decan?" He's Decan and I'm me."

"You know what I mean. You guys were hitting it off really well. Why aren't you with him right now?"

I looked away and thought about the way he flirted with Bunny.

"Cuz he's probably making out with Bunny right now."

She looked at me, and shook her head.

"You need to talk to him. Tell him you like him. He only flirted with Bunny to help your friend. And maybe even to make you jealous. I don't know if you've noticed but you tend to push people away," she accused.

"I don't push people away," I lied through my teeth.

She gave me an are you serious? Look cocking a blond eyebrow at me.

"I know Blake hurt you, and it's mainly his fault for pushing away Decan. But Decan is not Blake. I have a good feeling about this. And you should trust me because I'm practically psychic."

"Fine! I'll go tell Decan I like him. Next week......or maybe next month."

Della let out a frustrated noise and smacked me with a pillow. I glared at her.

"That better have not been one of your snot pillows," I stated, death glaring her.

"Maybe it was, and maybe it wasn't. But to be on the safe side you should go talk to Decan now, just in case you get sick tomorrow," she said smiling evilly.

I smiled at her, "well I guess I have no choice but to go to his house right now then."


Hope you all like the chapter. I'll update soon I promise. I'll try to make sure there is lots of Hope and Dean moments in the next chapter. Anyways thank you all for reading :) 
