
Two hunters, dressed in all black. One of them held Stiles a gun to his head. The other one had Scott captured. The alpha looked dead, but I heard his heart beating slowly.

"Take one wrong step and your friend Stiles is dead", one of them threatened. I swallowed hard. Liam immediately was back on his feet, standing next to me.

I didn't know what to do. Fight and risk Stiles dying? Or just stay here and wait for help? Or hand myself in, so at least Stiles would be free?

Liam was waiting for me to tell him what we were going to do. But I had to think of something, fast. I could smell that the hunters weren't supernatural, they just wanted the money of the hit list. Scott and me were the jackpot, and they had both of us right now.

I whispered so quiet, that the hunters wouldn't hear:"Liam? After I attacked the one, who has Stiles, you free Scott. But wait until I have the weapon of this idiot".

"Got it", he whispered just as quiet. Then it was showtime. I had to be faster than ever. I ran with vampire speed to the hunter, who had Stiles and broke his arm. The bones cracked loudly and the weapon fell on the ground.

That was Liam sign to attack the other one, before he would hurt me or Stiles. I bit the hunter within seconds in his neck, drinking all of his blood, that was slightly mixed with vervain. But since I've been drinking it daily, it didn't hurt me. I was immune.

The dead hunter dropped to the floor and I looked for Stiles, who grabbed the weapon, the dead hunter once pointed to his head and aimed it at the other hunter, who Liam was fighting with. I quickly checked on Scott, who was laying on the floor. He was okay.

I decided to help Liam and attacked the hunter from behind, ripping his heart out. The corpse fell on the floor and Liam looked at me shocked. I laughed and dropped the heart on the floor. Suddenly Liam had to chuckle too. We made it without anyone getting hurt.

Then Scott spoke up:"Jolene! Stiles is hurt". I quickly faced the two. Scott had crawled to his friend and was now sitting next to him.

"What? What happened?!", I quickly breathed and went down on my knees next to Stiles. Scott and I rolled Stiles on his side, that's when I saw it. A knife was in his back.

"How?! How did this happen?", I asked with a shaking voice and stared at the stabwound from which blood dripped on the floor.

"Just when Liam attack the hunter, who held me captive, the man stabbed Stiles", Scott explained catching his breath.

"No no no", I shouted and ruffled through my hair. Stiles couldn't die.

"Do something!", Liam screamed, when he approached us. Stiles was already unconscious. I had a blackout. Not a thought was on my mind. The only thing I thought was, that Stiles is already dead. Even though I could hear his heart beating slower and slower.

"Jolene!", Scott shouted straight to my face and grabbed my shoulders, to wake me up:"Do something!".

I held my hands over Stiles body. They were shaking like hell. The smell of the blood everywhere made me go crazy already, but Stiles being hurt, made me numb and weak. Even though I spoke a healing spell, nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?!", Liam asked unsure if he was allowed to speak. I wasn't able to look at Scott or Liam. I only focused on Stiles. It's not working. I let my hands sink.

"It's the vervain the hunter had in his blood, which I drank", I whispered,"I can't practice any magic". It was over. There was one option we still had, but I didn't know if Stiles would've wanted that.

"Give him your blood!", Scott spoke up after he was quiet for a moment. He was right. It was the only solution.

"It'll heal him", Scott added and grabbed my hand in case he had to give Stiles my blood himself. Everyone knew that Stiles was important to me and Scott wasn't even surprised, that I was so awkwardly quiet and shocked right know with Stiles being wounded.

"Or it'll turn him into a vampire", I looked into Scott's eyes and pulled my hand back. I was awake again and ready to do something.

"I don't know if he would've wanted that", I added. Scott didn't know what to do. I had a point for sure, but he couldn't let Stiles die. His death would destroy him, Noah, everyone, even me and Scott didn't want to loose me again. Everyone knew how strong I was. And somehow I hoped that Scott and his pack didn't want to loose me as a friend too.

"Klaus saved your life too, even though he didn't know if you wanted it. Do it for Stiles and everyone else. Save him", Scott answered calm now.

I nodded and bit into my wrist. My blood wet Stiles lips and thanks to his swallowing reflex, Stiles swallowed my blood. I pulled the knife carefully out and watched the wound heal.

Then I found myself being hugged by Scott and Liam, while we were waiting for Stiles to wake up.

"What are we going to do with the corpses?", Liam asked after some time. I didn't answer, I only focused on the sound of Stiles heart beat.

"I have no idea", Scott answered. Then it was quiet for a while, until we heard Isaac, Lydia and Allison searching for us.

"There you are", Lydia said relieved, but then the three saw the blood and the dead bodies on the floor and us in the middle of it.

"What happened?", Isaac asked and moved towards us. Scott explained everything and Allison called her dad to clean up this mess. We couldn't call Stiles dad, after everything that happened to his son.

"Did you won?", Liam asked with hope in his eyes, but Isaac shook his head. It didn't make Liam angry, because it wasn't his loss. He wasn't even playing, he saved his friends life, he thought.

"Dad is on his way", Allison said,"You have to go now. Isaac and I are going to make sure no one will come in here".

"Okay", Scott said and looked over to Liam,"We have to get Stiles out of here".

"We'll meet at my loft", I spoke up,"If Stiles will turn into a vampire, he has to stay away from his dad until he can control it".

Everyone agreed. Liam and Scott drove Stiles to my loft in the blue jeep. Lydia drove in her own car just like me.

Before I was able to get into my red dodge, someone spoke up behind me, making me turn around:"Hey beautiful. Looks like you have to go to my party now. My team won". It was Brett Talbot.

"I don't have time for your bullshit", I hissed, but he grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. Thank god it was dark, because I still had blood all over me.

"Yes you have", he said with a determined voice,"We will party now". Brett grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, making me fall against his chest.

"See. I know that you want me", he laughed. Lord this boy really though that he was like a god or something. Someone needed to put him in his place. Looks like that's my job.

"No one wants you, you idiot!", I shouted and pushed him with my supernatural force against a car behind him. Leaving a dent in the door of the car.

I quickly stood in front of him again and before he could do something about it, I grabbed his face and banged it against the car window a few times, until the glass shattered, leaving cuts in Brett's face.

Meanwhile he shouted for help and screamed up in pain, but I ignored it. When I was done, I looked straight into his eyes and compelled him to forget that I did this to him and that he even was trying to go after me after the game. Then I finally left.

"Where is he?!", I asked, when I looked into shocked faces as I entered my loft,"Is Stiles alive?".
