
I entered the Beacon hills Highschool with long confident steps. Someone has my car and I need to get it back. I was searching for Scott or Stiles. They would probably know. And then I would kill the dumbass that stole my car.

On my way in the hallways I saw two teenagers blocking the corridor. I rolled my eyes and pushed them out of my way, so both were slammed against a locker.

But the boy grabbed my wirst and pulled me back, so I wasn't able to get away. I rolled my eyes and faced him. He had to be about 16 years old. So aggressive at such a Young age?

"Who do you think you are?!", he hissed and the girl I slammed away too, approached us.

I shrugged his hand away, while rolling my eyes. But then I smelled it. They had to be supernaturals. So I spoke up:"I'm Jolene Diaz. Who the fuck are you two?!".

"Liam Dunbar", he spat and pointed to the girl,"That's Malia Tate. You should watch were you're going".

"Oh shut up you little kid", I laughed and pushed him against the lockers again, while leaning in and whispered in his ear:"You don't know who you're talking to. I advise you to stay out of my way".

"You're Jolene?", the girl said, making me face her while letting Liam go,"Like Jolene and Derek?".

I looked up and down her body. I've never seen her in Beacon hills for. She had to be new.

"You certainly know Scott and Stiles", I ignored what she just said,"Where are they?".

"Why should I tell you?", Malia questioned, making me roll my eyes again.

"The kids these days", I muttered and left. I'll find them on my own.

I walked into the cafeteria and thats where I found them. All of them, not only Stiles and Scott.

"Jolene?", Lydia whispered, when she saw me from far away, making everyone turn around.

"Jolene!", Stiles said with a big smile on his face,"You're back!".

"Look who we found!", Liam screamed as he ran up behind me with Malia at his side.

"Really Scott? You have kids in your pack?", I said coldly, while stepping away from Malia and Liam, who were literally behaving like kids. Both were out of breath after following me and they were fighting, who really found me first.

"You're not really back", Scott answered Stiles,"You didn't turn your humanity on".

"Indeed", I snapped back,"Now answer me".

"Yes I have. It's a long story actually", Scott said and added unsure,"Wanna catch up?".

"Would be better, than talking in school", I nodded,"5 at Lydia's. I guess she still throws the best party's in town. Oh and bring your whole pack. I wanna get to know them". I winked and then left within seconds.

I decided to show up a little bit later. The best always arrives last I guess. With my vampire speed I entered Lydia's house and stood within seconds in her living room, where everyone else was sitting. I saw some familiar faces: Isaac, Allison (who was pretty alive), Lydia, Scott and Stiles.

But awkwardly Allison wasn't sitting with Scott. She was with Isaac. I tiled my head and said with a smirk on my face:"Scott isn't your boyfriend anymore huh?".

Allison nodded and answered with a cold voice:"Yes. Is that a problem?".

"Nope", I shrugged and leaned against the wall.

I scanned everyone in front of me and they watched me too. Everyone I already knew, looked just like the last time I saw them.

"Sit down", Scott said and pointed to a chair, which I pulled closer with one flick of my finger. I sat down, staring at two confused faces. Malia and Liam.

"Does she always make an entrance like that?", Liam questioned and nodded in my direction.

"Yeah. You should get used to it", Stiles said with a brief smile.

"Anyways", I continued and turned to Scott,"Scotty boy, tell me about your two new pack members. Oh and how does it feel to be an alpha?".

"Good I guess", he said a bit confused, but went on,"We found Malia in the woods. She killed her family when she first turned and since then she was bound in her werecoyote form to the accident place".

"Well I didn't know I was supernatural. I was adopted, so I had no parents to tell me I'm going to turn on a full moon", Malia added with a nervous voice. She didn't have to be nervous because of me.

I nodded and Scott continued explaining:"I bit Liam a while after that, because he was almost dying. Then he was my beta".

"Where's Erica?", I asked curious. I never expected her to leave Beacon hills. I mean she was 'Beacon hills bitch'.

"She left after seeing Derek dying", Isaac spoke up and I faced him,"Erica couldn't take it, with Boyd's death too".

"Such a crybaby", I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips,"Good thing you had dear Allison to help you get over it".

"Shut up!", Allison said loudly and stood up from her couch,"You almost killed me!".

"And I saved your life multiple times", I winked,"You're lucky I didn't bite you with my humanity turned off". Her eyes widened, but Isaac and Lydia pulled her back and she sat down. Good girl.

"Back to Liam", I said like nothing happened and turned to Scott and His new beta,"He's still a kid".

"He's doing pretty well", Scott just answered, but Liam didn't seem to be happy about me calling him kid.

"You're not more than a year older than me!", Liam hissed and stood in front of me, making me smirk.

"A kid with anger issues", I added,"Nice combination". I saw that Stiles had to hide a smile as if he would have said the same exact thing, when he met Liam. Stiles was a little to quiet too.

"Don't ignore me!", Liam snapped back and jumped at me in his wolf form. With my vampire speed I was able to get out of his way, so he would land on the wooden chair I used to sit on. It broke into pieces.

"Oh yeah I can see that he's doing well, Scotty boy", I laughed and watched the beta get up again.

He tried to attack me again, but I quickly grabbed his throat and pushed him against a wall:"I warned you once. Don't make me repeat myself". My red eyes were staring at him, making Liam turn back to his human form.

"Better listen to her", Stiles said quickly.

"Okay okay", Liam spoke up,"But please answer my question, Mrs. Diaz".

We all burst out laughing, but I caught myself and answered him normally:"I've been seventeen for almost five years".

His eyes widened and I could hear Malia gasping, making me add:"I guess I'm the first vampire you two meet. Well Hybrid actually. Part witch too".

"Oh my god", Liam whispered to himself, then he said louder,"I am sorry".

"Good manners though", I smiled and looked at Scott, who had a smile on his lips too. I gave Liam a pat on his back and we both sat down again. Because me chair was broken, I took a seat opposite of Malia and Stiles. They seemed to be close somehow. But it didn't have an effect on me. I mean why would it?

I was sitting next to Scott and Liam was on the other side of Scott. Lydia was next to Malia and Isaac and Allison almost sat on top of each other in the armchair.

"What are we gonna do now?", Lydia asked with a smirk on her face. I remembered why I used to call her friend. She liked to have some fun, just like me.

"Seven minutes in heaven?", we both said at the same time, with the same look on our faces.

"How exactly does that work?", Malia said with a confused look on her face.

"It's easy. We just spin a bottle and the two people it first lands on, they have to go in a room together for seven minutes. They can do whatever they want", Lydia explained.

Malia was still confused:"What am I supposed to then when I'm in the room with someone?".

Oh you could tell she was living in the woods and didn't have a teenager life. Lydia continued to explain:"I don't know. Kiss them or talk. No one will know". Malia nodded.

I quickly drank the content of a bottle of beer and put in on the floor. We spun the bottle two times. It first landed on Liam and then on Isaac. They both left but you could tell it would be boring.

While we were waiting for the seven minutes to pass, Allison spoke up:"While we're waiting, why don't you tell us why you're back, Jolene?".
