
"Why can't you want me like the other girls do? They stare at me while I stare at you", he spoke up and I turned back around.

"You bit me", I confronted him, we never talked about it,"You tried to kill me".

He looked up again and somehow he seemed to be different:"You tried to kill me too!".

I bursted out laughing:"Really? That whole 'I'm changing thing' didn't even last a few minutes?! See that's your fucking problem Isaac. You'll never change".

"No I will", he cut me off aggressively.

"Maybe one day but then I am gone", I said coldly and added quickly,"And Isaac, if I really wanted to kill you, you'd be dead within seconds".

Then I finally left Isaac alone and entered our room again, where the others went on playing.

"Where's Isaac?", the blonde beta spoke up.

"Looks like your plan didn't work out Erica", I hissed and sat back down.

"What?", she asked.

"Me and Isaac getting back together? You making Allison jealous", I spat, making her go silent. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Tell your beloved alpha that you fucked up", I smirked,"I bet he'll like you even more then he already does".

"You bitch", she hissed and stood up,"We'll search for Isaac". Then she and Boyd left.

I told Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison about Isaac. Then we went on chatting until we fell asleep and the next day arrived. We drove back to beacon hills in the bus.

"Isaac is staring at you", Lydia whispered.

"I know", I hissed,"It makes me wanna rip his heart out".

"You'll find someone else", Allison said to comfort me.

"Maybe Derek", Lydia mocked me, making me roll my eyes. Definitely no. Never.

Then Scott's phone rang and he accepted the call. I couldn't understand, who he was talking to and about what.

"What?! Peter is back?!", Scott said pretty loud, that everyone was able to hear it.

"Peter?!", Lydia, Stiles and Allison said in unison. I turned to them confused.

"Okay okay we'll stop at your loft when we're home", Scott hung up and explained,"That was Derek. Peter is back and he wants us to stop by".

"Oh no", Stiles frowned.

"Who the fuck is Peter?", I asked extremely curious.

"Peter is Derek's uncle. Little while back he tried to kill us all, then we sat him on fire and Derek slashed his throat", Scott explained.

"Oh great", I said shocked.

"Derek asked me to bring you with us to talk about Peter", Scott continued. Why does Derek want me there?, I thought but agreed anyways. I was curious to find out.

"Derek finally moved out of that gross house?", I asked after Scott knocked.

„It looks good I agree", Stiles nodded.

„Better than a burned house. Yes", I corrected Stiles.

„Jolene", Allison laughed,"You can complement his house even though you hate Derek".

„Nope", I shook my head,"It only looks okayish".

"Talking about my new apartment?", Derek smiled while he opened the door.

"You heard us Hale", I rolled my eyes and entered,"We don't have time for dumb questions. What is it with your uncle?".

"Oh you told her?", Derek asked and moved to his living room. Everyone sat down on the couch except me.

"Yes", Scott nodded,"What does he want and where is Peter?".

"He told me that an alpha pack will arrive in Beacon hills. Two alphas of them can even turn into one big creature", he explained,"We need to be ready. Peter wanted to help us but I don't trust him".

"Now you trust us?", I giggled, while everyone else seemed to be shocked.

"More than I trust an alpha pack", he spat.

"What do they want?", Scott asked.

"Us", Derek explained while he first looked at Scott and then to me,"Supernaturals talk. A Hale building a new pack, a potential true alpha and someone, who defeated a kanima without getting hurt".

"Really?", Allison said,"What would they do to get you to join?".

"Everything", an unknown voice said and I turned around.

"Peter", Stiles gasped.

"Peter Hale?", I asked and moved closer to him,"The wolf, who rose from the dead".

"You know me?", he smirked and walked towards me.

"I know a lot of things", I winked.

Before Peter was able to answer, Derek got between us and he stood protective in front of me:"You didn't understand me huh? I said go. We don't need you".

Peter opened his mouth as if he just realized something. He stepped to the side, so he would be able to look at Stiles, Scott and Allison on the sofa.

"Is something going on between the two?", Peter asked with a smirk on his face and pointed to me and Derek.

I rolled my eyes and the alpha grabbed his uncle at his shirt. He pushed Peter against a wall.

"Oh definitely", Peter answered his question himself and slapped Derek's hand of off him. Then he walked back to me.

"I mean I understand you, Derek. She's hot", Peter said and he stood in front of me.

"What's your problem, you Dog?", I smirked. Everyone in the room gasped.

„You're dead", Peter hissed and he wanted to turn, but Derek's betas entered the loft and interrupted us.

„No I'm immortal", I winked and leaned against the table.

„Would you two make your point already?", I asked and my gaze wandered between Derek and Peter.

„I know how to fight the alphas", Peter said.

„We don't need you", Derek answered,"Like I already said".

Scott and the others agreed. The betas watched us talk. They were waiting for their alpha.

„What do you think, beautiful?", Peter asked me. And I could feel Derek's anger increasing.

"We don't need you", I shrugged,"I'm sorry. Did that hurt your feelings?". Peter rolled his eyes and finally left.

"Thank you for warning us Derek", Scott thanked him and we all wanted to go home.

But Derek stopped me:"Diaz? Do you have five more minutes? I wanted to talk to you".

"It's okay you can go", I told Scott, Stiles and Allison, then I turned to Derek:"What do you want, Hale?".

"We need to talk in private", he whispered and then told his Betas to stay training. I followed him upstairs.

"Why did you do that do Isaac?", he asked me.

"What?", I was confused,"I did nothing".

"After you talked to Isaac he freaked out and attacked a few humans in the night of your school trip. Erica and Boyd had to stop him, before he'd have hurt someone seriously".

I bursted out laughing:"It was your plan. Erica told me to talk with Isaac". Derek didn't seem to have a clue of what I was talking about.

"At least it was the idea of your betas", I shrugged,"Erica wanted to play truth or dare, tried to make Allison jealous and then told me to talk to Isaac. Your betas planned it".

"I didn't tell them to do that", he growled,"These fucking idiots". Derek turned away. He was angry and seemed like he wanted to hit something.

Then he whispered something I couldn't fully understand:"I told him to keep his hands to himself".

"What?", I asked and moved closer to him. Why was he suddenly so angry?

"Look I'm sorry that Isaac and the others bothered you", Derek explained and he faced me again,"Do you believe me that I didn't tell them to do that?".

"Yes I believe you", I said in a soft voice after I realized that Derek seemed to be soft too. At least not so cold like he usually is. He smiled after he heard my answer.

We both stayed silent for a while. I didn't know what to say, Derek didn't seem to know either. So we just stood there and looked I each other's eyes.

"Then I'll head home", I said and lowered my gaze.

"Okay yeah", Derek answered,"Be careful, now that there's an alpha pack coming for us".

"I will", I answered and then went home.

Before I was able to get into my car, that was parked outside Derek's apartment, someone injected a burning substance in my body from behind. It was vervain, a lot of it. I fell on my knees and someone, that I didn't see, knocked me out.
