
"Have you seen her yet?", Stiles asked while biting his fingernails just like he usually does whenever he's nervous.

"Nope", Scott answered confidently as he searched something in his locker,"I don't even think she goes to school anymore".

"We'll just hope that she is never coming back again. She was scary and intimidating", a shiver came over him as Stiles thought about Lydia's party last night,"But Scott tell me again what did you exactly smell?".

"It was a mixed scent. God where is my math book?", he answered still rummaging in his locker.

Stiles snapped his finger directly in front of Scott's nose:"Focus Scott".

"But I need it. I don't want to have detention again!", the werewolf answered.

Stiles exhaled annoyed:"You have it already in your hands Scott. Now go on".

"Oh sorry", Scott giggled and closed his locker turning to Stiles,"She smelled like -I don't know how to describe it- forest or earth".

His friend was relieved:"Oh thank god. That must mean something good".

"No", Scott shook his head, he's sorry to disappoint Stiles,"It was a mixture. The second smell was death".

"Death?!", Stiles screamed but Scott immediately made him shout his mouth.

"Hey guys", I smiled interrupting the two friend from behind,"What are you talking about? Seems exciting". Of course I knew what they were talking about.

They both turned around facing me completely confused. Stiles looked extremely shocked and he just wanted to leave this situation. He padded his friend on the back just like he wanted so say 'she's your problem now bye' and left.

"That was awkward", I whispered.

"I'm sorry it's just Stiles. He's always like that", he said but before he was able to continue I interrupted him.

"Wait a sec. His name really is stiles?", I giggled making Scott smile.

"Yes it is", he laughed but then he put on a straight face again,"Do you also have economics now?". I nodded and we both started to slowly walk to class together.

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have kissed you. I mean the kiss was great but I don't even know your name", he scratched the back of his head again. It's cute the way he's getting nervous even though he's a wolf.

"Jolene Diaz", I smiled and we shook hands,"But it's fine really. Just make sure to not get a drink poured over you again".

He laughed:"Yeah that would be the best. Sorry about that too. We broke up but uhm".

"She still has feelings for you Scotty boy", I finished his sentence. But before I was able to continue the teacher shouted at us from inside the classroom:"McCall and Diaz get your asses inside my classroom right now".

"Sorry Coach", Scott said and immediately did like he was told. He sat next to Stiles.

I slowly entered the classroom and eyed the Coach while he greeted and introduced me:"So this is our new student. Her name is Jolene Diaz and she made a bad first impression".

"I was socializing. Seems like you don't know what that is Coach", I spat and walked past him taking the last free seat next to a guy with a scarf around his neck.

"What did you just say?", Coach asked shocked,"Get your ass back here. Don't you dare sit down now".

I kept sitting on the chair and answered confidently:"Stop talking about my ass. Sounds like you're sexually harassing me". Coach Finstock slowly walked up to me and stared me directly in the eyes.

Meanwhile everyone was looking at us and I could see Stiles and Scott discussing about me but I couldn't concentrate on what they were exactly talking about because of the teacher.

"Detention!", the Coach screamed directly in my face hurting my sensitive eardrums. I rolled my eyes at him. He really wanted to cause a scene.

"See Coach. It's my first day so I won't get detention", I compelled him,"You should rather apologize".

"Okay Jolene, you're right. I'm sorry", he said just like I told him to,"Lets start with the lesson".

While he started teaching all I could think about was blood. The smell of scarf boys red liquid was making me weak. I wasn't even able to listen to Stiles and Scott. The only thing on my mind was blood and the fact that he was staring at me too made me hungrier than ever.

"Are you all right?", I briefly asked him. He nodded.

"Then why are you staring at me?", I started to get grumpy. More hangry actually.

"You're extremely confident. I admire that", he said quiet.

"What's your name shy boy?", I asked with a smirk. It was the first time I faced him and his eyes were breathtaking. And it was rare that something like this impressed me the way he did.

"Isaac Lahey", he smiled. I smiled back at him and tried to concentrate on the lesson again.

"What do you think she is now?", Stiles asked quickly. Scott shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe we should ask Allison", he continued.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean we broke up because of the supernatural", the wolf answered.

I listened to their talk while I was searching a place to sit in the cafeteria. I found an empty spot at Lydia's and Allison's table. At least I should try to play nice and apologize to Allison now that I still have the chance.

"Don't even try", Lydia sat pretty loud and warning as I walked up to their table,"You made out with my best friends ex at my party. We don't want you here". And just when I thought she could be a friend I was wrong.

"And I didn't want to talk to you Lydia", I rolled my eyes and turned to Allison. She eyed me in a weird way. I already forgot how annoying those teenage girls were. They make a big thing out of anything really. The look on her face made me dump the idea of me being nice to them.

"Look. I didn't even know he was your ex or whatever. Get over it and stop being this bitchy and sensitive. If you really love him that much, then get back together or shut the hell up", I spat getting more angry with every word. The hunger came back and made me wish I could just sink my fangs in her neck.

The girls mouthes were both open and they stared an me with shock in their eyes. Without wasting me time even more I decided to find a new place to sit.

"Hey Isaac", I smiled,"Can I sit here?". He looked up from his phone and nodded with a smile on his face. He seemed glad that he didn't have to sit alone. I would've preferred to sit alone but no table was empty.

The shy boy looked down at his phone again but I could hear his heartbeat rising. I looked around and found Scott and Stiles next to Lydia and Allison. Thanks to my great hearing I was able to unterstand them.

"What's wrong with that girl?", Lydia asked with a tone of disgust in her voice.

"I think she's supernatural too", Scott started making the girls stare at him,"She smells like death and forest. But not like human. It worries me".

"She's not a wolf?", Allison asked. Scott shook his head.

"In economy class it seemed like she demanded Coach to not give her detention. If I would've done that I would've got a whole week of detention", Stiles said but stopped when his phone binged. With disbelief he stared at the screen, then at the girls and Scott, then his gaze wandered to me.

"What is it Stiles?", Lydia asked snappish.

"Come closer", he whispered and the four leaned in so they could unterstand Stiles,"I don't know what she is but I bet she's the murderer of the people in the 2006 beacon hills high school swim team".

"OMG", Lydia gasped.

"Stop calm down", Scott said,"That's just a theory. And by the way: Since when are these people dead?".

"I just got a message from my dad, that they found the corpses", Stiles smirked embarrassed. Mostly because he was in front of Lydia.

That's when I realized that I just got into a lot of trouble. But I couldn't skip school for the rest of the day. That would make me even more guilty of killing these people even though I didn't.

After school when I was back in my apartment I decided to take a nap. But after the sun went down I heard a noice in my living room. I immediately got up and hid behind the door in case someone would walk through it, they wouldn't see me.

I heard voices but I wasn't able to unterstand them. But then someone pressed the door handle. When the door slowly opened I heard a voice.

"I would probably take a nap after school. Maybe her bedroom is here", it was Stiles.

Even though he was just human I attacked him from behind and threw him on the ground with me on top. My hunter side took the upper hand, my fangs grew and my eyes turned its color.

I wasn't hungry exactly but I missed the feeling of warm human blood. I forgot that it was Stiles, I only wanted the blood.

Right before I was able to sink my fangs into his skin, someone shot an arrow at me, which I caught without problems. I turned to its direction and saw Allison with a bow. Without hesitation I threw the arrow back. It flew right next to her head and made a little cut at her ear. It was tiny but the blood smell reached me immediately.

I forgot about Stiles and ran straight to Allison but Scott and an older wolf, that I didn't know, stopped me. They threw me on the ground. The blood scent drove me crazy and I couldn't concentrate on the two wolfs fighting against me. I would lose.
