
Allison wanted to say something, but she got cut off by someone entering Stiles house. The Hale pack.

"The four musketeers. The fucking Hale pack", I grinned,"You're not welcome".

"Shut up Diaz", Derek hissed back and walked towards me. I stood up and reduced the distance between us.

"Make me, Hale", I spat, making him smirk.

He leaned in and whispered with his raspy voice in my ear:"Oh I would love to". It sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't let it show.

"Everyone would", I answered smirking and sat back down. Then I realized that everyone was staring at us.

"What do you want?", Scott spoke up. Derek turned around and faced the omega.

"Oh we just wanted to give Diaz a little visit. Then Isaac smelled her at Stiles so now we're here", the alpha laughed and leaned against Stiles armchair.

Erica quickly sat down next to Scott. I could feel Allison's blood boiling because of her, but Lydia and I gave her a sign to calm down. Scott would never start something with Erica. Boyd leaned against a wall and I saw Isaac moving towards me. Then he sat down next to me, so I was between Lydia and him.

"What is it with Derek and you? What just happened between you was fucking hot", Lydia whispered in my ear and I rolled my eyes, because I could tell by Derek's smirk, that he heard her.

"How where you able to smell Jolene from so far?", Stiles asked innocently.

"Well", Isaac grinned and put his arm on the backrest from the sofa,"When you're really close with someone, a werewolf is able to do that".

Stiles eyes widened confused, which made Erica giggle:"God they had sex you idiot".

"If you wanna talk about my sex life, Hale", I turned to him and winked,"Then you'd have to be apart of it".

Derek bit his lip and smiled:"I wanted to continue our dispute". I watched Boyd walk towards me, who cracked his knuckles.

"Really?", I laughed,"I don't have time for that. I have a kanima to fight. It's more important. But maybe I have some time next week, you'll have to ask my assistant". Derek laughed shortly and Stiles giggled at my joke.

"We actually need you Derek", Scott spoke up,"And your pack. We wanna fight the kanima".

Isaac smiled:"I mean, who doesn't need us".

"I don't", I said unbothered.

The beta turned towards me and leaned in, so I was able to feel his breath on my skin. He put his hand on my thigh and whispered in my ear:"That sounded different last night". In my head I replayed all of our memories from last night. I have to admit, it was good, but I would never say that out loud. And I definitely do not need a man.

"Take your hands of off her", Stiles said grinding his teeth.

Isaac laughed at the human:"Or what? You can't do a thing, skinny defenseless Stiles".

I put my hybrid face on and faced Isaac, his heart jumped a little:"Or you won't have hands". Then I used a spell on him, which made his hands feel like they would rott. He quickly got up and looked down his body. Everyone except his pack members laughed at him.

"She's just not into you Lahey", Lydia laughed.

"Stop it", Derek demanded and stood in front of me with his eyes glowing red.

I rolled my eyes and stopped the spell:"Is he always so fucking boring?".

"I told you he's a sourwolf", Stiles laughed and now I understood.

"Oh Derek don't be such a sourwolf", I made fun of him. He growled shortly and then sat back down.

"Can we now continue with making a plan?", Scott asked still giggling. We all agreed.

"Tomorrow night is a party", Allison explained,"It's best if we do it there. The Kanima would never turn in a public space".

"What do you plan to do on that party?", Boyd asked.

"We have to find out, who the kanimas master is", Scott explained,"And save Jackson and the master after we trapped them".

"Kill them", Derek growled.

"No", Scott answered,"Jolene, do you have an idea to trap them?".

"There's something called mountain ash dust. If you believe it works, than shapeshifters can't cross the line", I explained,"Stiles has to do that. It has to be a human. You just have to put a circle around the whole party location".

"I can do that", he reassured it to himself.

"I can help", Lydia said and I nodded.

"Then we can trap Jackson and find out who his master is", Allison said.

"What do we do then huh?", Derek scoffed.

"I can help Jackson transform to a real werewolf", I explained and everyone stared at me in confusion so I added,"It's called magic". Derek and his pack agreed with our plan.

"So I'll go with Allison. Isaac, Erica and Boyd you three enter the party together. Lydia and Stiles work on the barrier and uhm", Scott turned to me and Derek,"I guess Jolene you have to enter with Derek".

I looked at him with disgust while he growled annoyed:"Oh great".

"You can't look at him like that tomorrow". Lydia reminded me.

"Oh trust me I can play", I smirked and my gaze wandered between Derek and Isaac. I was already excited about tomorrow.

„I'd rather go alone", Derek hissed and eyed me with disgust.

Scott rolled his eyes:"Guys. You two have to stop that".

„Why can't I just go alone?!", the alpha asked with an anger.

„Because", Allison spoke up with a determined voice, probably because she was annoyed by Erica,"No one goes alone to a party, that seems totally off and the kanima master would notice".

"And you two would make a hot couple", Lydia added, making Derek and me stare at her as if she was crazy.

"I can also go with Jolene", Isaac growled jealous.

"You have to stop it Lahey", Stiles chuckled,"You're embarrassing yourself". Then Isaac looked around and realized, that everyone, his pack too, was laughing at him. Maybe he really does like me, but he fucked up, sadly.

"Then I'll go with Diaz", Derek finally gave in and looked up and down my body. Even though he had his poker face on, I could tell that he was a little bit excited. And I was too.

After Derek and his pack and Lydia with Allison left, Scott, Stiles and I somehow managed to fall asleep in the living room. I woke up and looked around. Stiles was laying in a weird position on his armchair and Scott was all over the other couch.

I giggled and went to the bathroom. After that I decided to make some pancakes. Stiles woke up after I made some noise in the kitchen:"Good morning. What are you doing?".

"I try to make breakfast", I smiled with all of the ingredients in my hands,"Pancakes!".

Stiles laughed:"Okay I'll help you. Do you even eat normal food?".

"Sometimes", I smiled,"I'm still part witch so I do eat human food".

"Oh great", he had a big smile on his face,"That means I can take you to get some food with me. Since Scott keeps an eye on his diet I can't eat fast food with him anyone. Now I can show you all the best dinners in Beacon hills".

"I'd love to", I laughed at his big smile.

It was 5pm and I was perfectly on time. I got out of my car and walked towards Stiles house, where we all planned to meet before the party would start.

"Wow", Allison gasped. They stood in front of the house already, waiting for me. The Hale pack was still missing.

I smiled:"You look great too".

"Jolene", Lydia screamed as her gaze met my body,"That dress is perfect". We hugged each other and I told her how great she also looked. The pink dress she was wearing was perfect for her body. Allison wore a green and loose dress.

"Oh", Stiles exhaled as he saw me,"You look..".

"Good?", I finished his sentence,"Yeah I know". He laughed ashamed, while Scott was trying not to stare.

We talked a few minutes and went over our plan again, still waiting for the Hale pack to arrive. I gave Stiles the mountain ash dust and explained everything. Then the black Camaro pulled over and Isaac, Erica and Boyd got out. I could feel all of them stare at me, especially Isaac. I could tell by the look on his face that he was wishing, he'd be the one to take the dress off of me tonight.

Then Derek got out last. He walked towards us with his gaze on me. The alpha was staring at every inch of my body. I wore a red satin dress, that hugged my curves perfectly. It was backless and pretty short, so I was showing a lot of skin.

Then Derek approached me and leaned in. I could feel his breath on my skin and he spoke up with a deep voice.
